Chapter 204

Chen Tianzhen had a strange smile on his face, but did not speak.

Wang Muxue obviously asked the question knowingly!
What are you taking her for?She has made it clear a long time ago, she should be very clear in her heart.

Wang Muxue saw that Chen Tianzhen didn't speak, but just led her to Xu Min's office quickly, a thought suddenly popped up in her mind.

"I heard from my classmates that the relationship between Chen Tianzhen and Teacher Xu Min is not clear, and they have been living together since the college entrance examination!"

"Now, Teacher Xu Min already knows that Chen Tian really wants to sleep with me! Just now, when Teacher Xu Min left, he looked very ugly."

"It stands to reason that with Chen Tianzhen's urgency, now he should take me to the hotel instead of looking for Xu Min. Why is that?" Wang Muxue's mind turned, full of doubts.

"Why did he dare to come to Xu Min? Could it be that he was scolding Xu Min?" Thinking of Xu Min's murderous eyes when he left, Wang Muxuezi had a flash of fear in his heart, "No, I have to ask clearly!"

"Chen Tianzhen, I see your direction is to find Teacher Xu Min? Why are you looking for her?" Wang Muxue said with a cold face.

"Soon, you'll know!" Chen Tianzhen saw Xu Min's office door was ajar, and he pushed the door open without any hesitation.

Seeing Xu Min sitting on the desk with a livid face, staring at the dim computer screen with dull eyes.

A smile appeared in the corner of Chen Tianzhen's eyes, then he turned around and locked the door from the inside!Then all the curtains in the office were drawn tightly to ensure that people outside could not see the scene in the office.

"Xu Min, what are you sad about? It makes me feel like I'm going to abandon you!" Chen Tianzhen walked up behind Xu Min, and hugged Xu Min with tenderness in his voice.

"Hehe! Chen Tianzhen, in the classroom, you are treated as everyone's face. What did you say? You are about to be married to others. Do you think you treat me like a mess?" Xu Min's voice was filled with Intense to the extreme sour.

Seeing this scene and hearing Xu Min's words, Wang Muxue's pupils suddenly shrank!
Originally, although she had heard the rumors, she always felt that it was impossible for Chen Tianzhen and Xu Min to get together. After all, it was the relationship between the teacher and the students!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true!
Seeing how intimate the two are, they must have been together a long time ago, "The adulterer ****!"

"Xu Min, you have misunderstood!"

"The reason why I say this is different from what you imagined."

"Wang Muxue's physique is very special. It is a dual-cultivation furnace physique! It is the ultimate auxiliary product for cultivation! It has the ability to purify true energy into Yin Yuan!"

"Anyone who absorbs the purified true energy from Wang Muxue's body can greatly improve their cultivation!" Chen Tianzhen explained to Xu Min with a smile on his lips.

"Besides, my skills are special, and the amount of spiritual energy required for cultivation is too great. If I practice step by step, I will not be able to break through to the third level in another ten years!"

"My cultivation is the upper limit of everyone. If I can't break through the third level, even if I'm the proud son of heaven, I can't break through the third level!" Everyone in the real world, they practice the exercises provided by Chen Tianzhen. The first level is the ten forms of fierce soldiers, and the second level is the battle of soldiers.

The upper limit of these two skills is only the second level!They are all from Hunyuan Tiantu!

If Chen Tianzhen can't break through to the third level, unless they change to other exercises, otherwise, they don't even want to break through to the third level!
Even if there is a talented person who breaks through to the third level by chance, Chen Tianzhen has not yet deduced the third level of cultivation skills. Even if he breaks through to the third level, he has reached the peak. If he wants to improve, basically there is no possibility sex.

Therefore, he did not say this to deceive Xu Min.

That's the truth!

"The future scene, I have already entered your mind! You should understand that if our strength does not improve greatly by then, facing the Tianshengmen, human beings will be kept in captivity and used as materials for cultivation, just like the future. There will never be a day of recovery!"

"Chen Tianzhen, liking the new and disliking the old means liking the new and disliking the old, why say it so grandiosely!" Xu Min sneered, although she already believed what Chen Tianzhen said in her heart, it was a bit difficult for her to accept it.

"If you want to sleep with Wang Muxue, just say so! Why bother to talk about it!"

"Don't worry, even if you want to sleep with her as my face, I will never stop it!" Xu Min's voice was filled with appalling resentment, and he stretched out his hands, wanting to wrap Chen Tianzhen around her chest. Pull away with only one hand.

Wang Muxue stood aside, listening to the conversation between Chen Tianzhen and Xu Min, she was extremely shocked.

Looking at the current situation, between Chen Tianzhen and Xu Min, Chen Tianzhen occupies an absolutely strong position.

"Chen Tianzhen has a problem with his head! Since you want to be with me... why don't you just go out and find a hotel and do things in a sneaky way, instead of running to Xu Min." Wang Muxue couldn't understand Chen Tianzhen's actions at all.

"Xu Min, come here, let you experience the benefits of Wang Muxue's furnace physique!" Chen Tianzhen exerted a little force with his hands, Xu Min was picked up by him, and brought Wang Muxue to his side.

Wang Muxue's eyes widened!

What does Chen Tianzhen mean?
Let Xu Min experience the benefits of her furnace physique?

how to feel
Wang Muxue looked at Chen Tianzhen's gaze, which instantly turned into a perverted gaze.

"Why are you so filthy! Shameless, pervert!" Xu Min's heart beat faster and his face was reddened by Chen Tianzhen's words.

Xu Min simply understood it according to the words, Chen Tianzhen is shameless and extremely perverted.

? !
"What the hell are you thinking!" Chen Tianzhen had question marks all over his face at first, and then he realized that he could not smile wryly. He could only sigh, if this woman gets crazy, she is much more powerful than a man.

Before Xu Min could speak, Chen Tianzhen raised his hand and waved at Wang Muxue, and a force so strong that he couldn't resist fell on Wang Muxue.

Wang Muxue shifted shape and appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen in an instant.

Xu Min coldly glanced at Chen Tianzhen's hand before he could take it back, "Do you still think that I think too much? It's not that you do too much?"

"Mistake!" Chen Tian was a little embarrassed, instantly changed the position of his hand, and lightly stroked and pulled on Wang Muxue's stomach, shattering the clothes around her lower abdomen into pieces.

Then the hot palm was pressed on Wang Muxue's flat and smooth belly.

"Chen Tianzhen, what exactly do you want to do?" Wang Muxue's voice trembled. At this moment, she no longer objected to having a negative distance relationship with Chen Tianzhen.

But in front of Xu Min, is it really okay to do this?
"Yin and Yang combined, dual cultivation!" Chen Tianzhen replied in a deep voice, and then waved his hand, the clothes around Xu Min's lower abdomen were instantly shattered like Wang Muxue, and Chen Tianzhen covered it with his palm without hesitation.

"No, it should be said to be the Three Cultivators!" Chen Tianzhen said with a smile on his lips, "Xu Min, run the Warrior Art! I will show you the benefits of the Furnace Cauldron!"

"Wang Muxue, you don't have to do anything! Even if you want to do something, it doesn't matter!" Chen Tianzhen opened his mouth, and a huge amount of bloody evil energy was sent from the palm of his hand to the black hole in Wang Muxue's body.

The powerful suction force in the black hole absorbed all the evil blood energy without hindrance!
While the vortex was turning, Xue Fiend underwent an incomparably mysterious change, turning into a ray of Yin Yuan that was pure to the extreme.

"It's really possible!" Chen Tian was overjoyed from the bottom of his heart, without any hesitation, a large amount of evil blood energy melted into Wang Muxue's body from his palm, and Wang Muxue's body, under the action of instinct, continuously absorbed the evil energy and transformed Yin Yuan.

When Chen Tianzhen sent the blood evil spirit into Wang Muxue's body, he did not forget that he carefully sent the pure extreme evil spirit into Xu Min's body, and guided this trace of evil spirit, in Xu Min's body, along the soldiers. The determined operation route runs.

"How can I take out the Yin Yuan accumulated in Wang Muxue's body? Could it be that her red pill must be taken?" Feeling that the Yin Yuan in Wang Muxue's body is getting more and more abundant, an uncontrollable hotness appears in his heart.

From Yin Yuan to Yin, it is fatally attractive to a man's innate yang energy.

Although Chen Tianzhen messed around with Xu Min these days, his innate yang energy was tightly locked up by him, and he didn't lose it. At this moment, after feeling the more and more intense yin essence in Wang Muxue's body, he became extremely agitated.

At this moment, not only Chen Tianzhen felt extremely uncomfortable, but Wang Muxue also felt extremely uncomfortable.

Yin Yuan has a fatal attraction to Yang Qi, and vice versa, the effect of Yang Qi on Yin Yuan is also the same.

Chen Tianzhen has a strong cultivation base and disposition to suppress the crazy desire in his heart, but Wang Muxue can't!
Wang Muxue is just a high school girl who has just practiced for a short time. This strong desire, like the instinct of life, emerges from the soul, and she can't suppress it at all. Under this extremely strong instinct, she lost sanity.

In addition, Wang Muxue didn't want to suppress it in the first place!
Wang Muxue's body heated up extremely quickly, her skin turned pink, and her breathing began to become rapid. Her eyes opened suddenly, like a pool of spring water, and she looked at Chen Tianzhen with incomparable heat.

Her white and tender little hand stretched out towards Chen Tianzhen involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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