I can work indefinitely

Chapter 205 The Happiness Maker

Chapter 205 The Happiness Maker
At this moment, Chen Tianzhen became a channel.

The evil spirit was absorbed from the Blood Sea Realm to the Lingshan Mountain, and after being purified and condensed, it passed through Chen Tianzhen's body and was rhythmically introduced into Wang Muxue's body.

Under Wang Muxue's special furnace physique, these evil spirits were absorbed in, and transformed into pure Yin Yuan under the action of the vortex.

Then the Yin Yuan rose and fell with Chen Tianzhen, and was transported back to Chen Tianzhen's body.

A very small amount of Yin Yuan was introduced into Xu Min's body, allowing the Zhanbingjue True Qi that had just been cultivated in her body to advance by leaps and bounds, instantly changing from the thickness of a hair to the thickness of a grain of rice.

Her true qi grows under the nourishment of pure yin essence, it is incomparably pure, without any impurities, its foundation is solid, and there are no flaws.

There was a hint of satisfaction on Xu Min's face. Chen Tianzhen was not the only one who favored only one person. She also gained huge benefits from being exposed to the rain and dew. In addition to the extreme relaxation of the body, the more important thing was that there was nothing in her body. True Qi without the slightest impurity.

More Yin Yuan fell on Chen Tianzhen.

Integrate into Chen Tianzhen's body, into the source of the five elements produced by practicing Hunyuan Tiantu!
After injecting Yin Yuan, a large amount of five-element zhenqi gurgled out from the source of the five elements, and it didn't take long to form five distinct single-attribute zhenqi.

Every qi is as thick as a finger!

"Great, the source of the five elements! After such a long time, I finally made it!" Sensing the changes in his body, Chen Tianzhen's voice was full of surprise.

The Five Elements Source Realm is only the first small realm on the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu. After adding points from the panel to fill up the five elements source of the Hunyuan Tiantu, during this period of time, his cultivation hardly increased at all.

"Continue!" Chen Tianzhen squinted his eyes, speeding up the amount of evil energy in Wang Muxue's body!
Looking at Wang Muxue who was flushed and confused, Chen Tianzhen input the five-element zhenqi that had just been cultivated into Wang Muxue's body through the connection between the two bodies.

Even the five-element zhenqi refined by Hunyuan Tiantu was crumbling in front of her furnace physique, and was almost disintegrated by the fierce vortex and turned into yin yuan.

"Fusion for me!" Chen Tianzhen cheered up. In the voice of Wang Muxue's shout, the five elements zhenqi rotated, resisting the incomparable attractive force in Wang Muxue's body, and turning in the same direction as the whirlpool.

At the moment when the frequency of the Five Elements True Qi turning was the same as that of Wang Muxue's vortex, the Five Elements True Qi suddenly merged into it.

Suddenly, the whirlpool seemed to have taken a great tonic, and the suction suddenly increased tenfold!
When the huge attraction came, Chen Tianzhen stood on his head, took a breath, and almost couldn't hold it back, "As expected of the furnace physique, even I almost couldn't bear it!"

At this time, strands of pure Zhanbingjue zhenqi cultivated by Xu Min were extracted by Chen Tianzhen and injected into Wang Muxue's body.

Wang Muxue herself practiced the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers, which is the basic technique of Zhan Bing Jue, and Zhan Bing Jue's true energy entered her body without any barrier at all.

The true energy quickly melted into Wang Muxue's bones, internal organs, and blood!
In the process of Wang Muxue's practice, the imperfect membranes, muscles, and bones quickly approached perfection with the incorporation of Zhanbingjue's true energy.

"After taking such a big advantage from you, I will give you another helping hand!" The Yin Yuan extracted from Wang Muxue's body, under the control of Chen Tianzhen, melted back and landed on the Zhanbingjue Zhenqi in Wang Muxue's body.

Originally, there was only a wisp of Zhanbingjue's true energy, but under the nourishment of Yin Yuan, it increased rapidly, and it was more than ten times stronger in an instant!
At this moment, Wang Muxue was also awakened from the state of Soul Traveling Immortal Realm by the extremely rapidly rising zhenqi. She first glanced at Chen Tianzhen shyly, and then sensed her own state.

"It's so strong! It's too powerful!" She was shocked to find that the time for double cultivation with Chen Tianzhen was only half an hour.

Her cultivation realm has already broken through the realm of bone refinement and entered the realm of viscera refinement!

Even the viscera refinement realm is improving rapidly. Calculated at this speed, if she continues to double practice for about three hours, her cultivation base will be able to break through to the highest realm of the ten fierce soldiers, the blood marrow realm!

"It would be great if I could continue to cultivate together!" In her heart, an extremely shy thought came up, which made her look at Chen Tianzhen, and her eyes changed.

At this moment, in her eyes, Chen Tianzhen is not a person at all, but a happiness maker, a cultivation booster...

Anyway, it’s an excellent thing!

Chen Tianzhen lowered his head, glanced at Wang Muxue who had water in his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then, the evil spirit rhythmically merged into Wang Muxue's body again.

"Infinite employment panel!" Chen Tianzhen directly opened the employment panel during the double cultivation process.

Now that the realm of the source of the five elements on the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu has been cultivated, you can use experience points to directly add points to the Hunyuan Tiantu to improve your cultivation!
Name: Chen Tianzhen
Practice Realm: Level 2

职业:梦境主宰lv21(0/100000),道士lv21 (0/2100),学生lv21 (0/2100),卦师lv21 (0/2100),武者lv21 (0/2100),教师lv21 (0/2100),佛徒lv21 (0/2100),灵药师lv21 (0/2100),建造师lv21 (0/2100),铸造师lv21 (0/2100)
Experience Points: 3.68 billion

Spirit root: 22
Luck: Seventh grade orange (23/23)

Tier [-] skill: slightly

Second-level skills: slightly

Level 1 skills: sacrifice lv1, out of body lv1, insight lv1, curse lv1, cultivation lv1, apprentice lv1, spiritual mountain lv1, rapid growth lv1, building strengthening lv1, magic weapon casting lv[-]
Cultivation method: Hunyuan Tiantu, the second layer of Tongmai Realm (0/10), the visualization map of the universe and stars (30/81)

Attribute Points: 120
"Add more!" Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Tianzhen added one hundred thousand experience points to the Hunyuan Tiantu, and immediately, the five elements in his body began to pour into the meridians of Chen Tianzhen's body according to the exercise route of the practice method. among.

The criss-crossing meridians in the body are like dry river channels, and the impurities blocking the meridians are like silt all over the bottom of the river channels.

At this moment, under the miraculous effect of the panel, the Five Elements True Qi in Chen Tianzhen's body rushed into the river like a flood.

The silt-like impurities in the meridians collapsed and melted away in front of the Five Elements True Qi.

What's even more miraculous is that not only did the violent five-element zhenqi not damage the barriers of the meridians, but under the nourishment of the five-element zhenqi, the dry meridians expanded slowly but firmly as if being moistened.

While the five-element zhenqi is dredging the meridians, the amount of the five-element zhenqi is also decreasing.

Chen Tianzhen didn't dare to be negligent, and increased his strength, continuously transforming evil energy into Yin Yuan through Wang Muxue's body, supplementing the consumption of true energy.

For two full hours, Chen Tianzhen was sweating profusely, with an extremely excited smile in his eyes.

Feeling the twelve regular meridians and eight extraordinary meridians in his body, as well as the Five Elements True Qi that circulated in the meridians and started to absorb spiritual energy from the outside world, he was extremely excited.

This is a sign of the completion of the second level of the Hunyuan Tiantu to open the meridians!

The second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu is divided into the five-element source realm, the Tongmai realm, the twelve gods and beasts rune realm, and the gossip universe realm...

Then, he turned his gaze to the infinite inauguration panel again.

Sure enough, on the panel, the description in the skill column changed again!

The second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu's second layer of Tongmai Realm has now become the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu's second layer of the Twelve Divine Beast Rune Realm (0/120 million)!


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(End of this chapter)

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