I can work indefinitely

Chapter 206 Killer Training Method

Chapter 206 Killer Training Method
The cultivation method of the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu, the twelve orthodox scriptures, corresponds to the twelve ancient gods and beasts!

After the realm of Tongmai, the direction of practice is to follow the visualization map provided by Hunyuan Tiantuan, starting from Zishu, to visualize the runes of the twelve divine beasts and integrate them into the scriptures.

In every scripture, a divine beast rune must be condensed!
All the runes are successfully condensed, which can make Chen Tianzhen's true energy more powerful!

Of course, if you don't have enough qualifications, you can just visualize the beast!
However, for Chen Tianzhen, this threshold does not exist at all!

"It's just 120 million experience points, add some!" Taking a look at the experience points needed to improve his cultivation, Chen Tianzhen didn't care, and directly filled up the value.

For him now, this bit of experience is simply a drizzle!Every moment, Dreamland Divine Kingdom is providing him with a large amount of experience points. Most of these experience points are used up, leaving less than a thousandth of them. Now they have accumulated more than [-] million!
In Chen Tianzhen's body, he had absorbed Yin Yuan, and had already started to fill up with thick zhenqi, which suddenly disappeared!
At the same time, the twelve somewhat illusory divine beast runes condensed and appeared in the corresponding twelve canons, and then fell into the meridians and merged into the meridians.

Rat, Chou Ox, Yin Tiger, Mao Rabbit, Chen Dragon, Si Snake, Wu Horse, Wei Sheep, Shen Monkey, You Rooster, Xu Dog, Hai Pig!
Each of the twelve kinds of divine beasts has an extremely powerful aura.

Twelve kinds of divine beasts, combined with each other, can evolve into endless power attributes!Evolved countless powerful supernatural powers!
If the powers of the twelve divine beasts were unified, then Chen Tian's true qi would have the supreme and invincible time attribute!After the true energy is equipped with the time attribute, the power is extremely terrifying!

Adding points through the panel, although there is no real practice, Chen Tianzhen seems to have experienced countless times of practice. Although the twelve divine beast runes were condensed under the power of the panel, they were condensed with his own visualization. any difference.

"Next, rely on water to grind kung fu and use a lot of true energy to purify the runes of the twelve beasts! Until the runes of the twelve beasts are fully formed, you can enter the next stage of practice!" This time, the twelve beasts The practice of runes has been completed in terms of realm.

However, his true energy is not enough to condense the complete runes of the twelve divine beasts at all. What is condensed now is only the core of the runes of the twelve divine beasts.

"It's time for this practice to end!" After experiencing Wang Muxue's state, Chen Tianzhen shook his head and withdrew from the state of practice.

Wang Muxue is the treasure of cultivation, through this double cultivation, her physique has been verified.

Therefore, you can't just fish for the refreshment of improving your cultivation for a while, and solidify it!

There is still a long way to go, and sustainable development is the kingly way.

After Chen Tianzhen stopped, the two of them opened their eyes naturally.

"That's it for today! Cultivation requires a certain amount of relaxation! Only one piece and one relaxation can achieve the fastest cultivation speed. If you are always tense, you will fall to the bottom!" Chen Tianzhen waved his hand and began to explain.

"Wang Muxue's cauldron is indeed a treasure of cultivation! With her, the speed of my cultivation has increased by at least five times!" Xu Min glanced at Wang Muxue's naked body, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. The Yin Yuan that Chen Tianzhen poured into her body made her cultivate only a trace of Zhanbing Zhenqi, which now becomes as thick as chopsticks.

This way of practice, just ten more times, she will be able to complete the first stage of Zhan Bingjue practice, complete the accumulation of true energy, and start to dredge the meridians in the body!
"Wang Muxue, little girl, absolutely can't let her go! She is mine!" At this moment, Xu Min looked at Wang Muxue with eyes that wanted to see a peerless treasure, and there was no barrier between her anymore!

Now, if Wang Muxue didn't follow Chen Tianzhen, Xu Min would never agree!

If Wang Muxue left, how would she improve her cultivation quickly?
"It's amazing, it's amazing!" Wang Muxue was shocked to the extreme by the results of this practice, how long will it take?Her cultivation has reached the blood marrow state all the way from the bone refinement state.

Now, the Blood Marrow Realm has been completely perfected, and the first level is directly Mahayana. As long as you go to the Dream Kingdom and exchange for the second level of martial arts, you can start the second level of practice.

If he practiced step by step according to the original practice method, thinking of reaching the current state, Wang Muxue estimated that even if he suffered a lot, it would not be less than three months.

Just now, for three hours, I didn't suffer any hardships, but I felt comfortable all over, enjoying the whole process, and directly completed the practice of the ten fierce soldiers!

Even dreaming, Wang Muxue didn't even dare to think like that!It is rare to encounter such a beautiful thing in a dream!
But, this is reality!
"The priest of the dream, the reserve of the gods, is really not an ordinary person! Anyone related to him will receive preferential treatment." Wang Muxue cleaned up her body, put on her clothes, her face became cold again, and she secretly sighed in her heart.

Then, without the slightest expression on her face, she was about to walk out!
Seeing Wang Muxue's posture, Xu Min quickly stood up, walked over with a smile on her face, and grabbed Wang Muxue, "Mu Xue, don't worry, talk to me!"

Now, Wang Muxue is not only Chen Tianzhen's cultivation furnace, but also Xu Min's cultivation furnace. It is impossible for her to leave after boarding a thief ship!
What's more, Wang Muxue is her student, so she knows everything. It's better to let Wang Muxue follow Chen Tianzhen than to let other people who don't know the details!
"Chen Tianzhen, you should go back first, Mu Xue and I, let's have a good talk!" Xu Min glanced at Chen Tianzhen with resentment in his eyes.

Chen Tianzhen shrugged, and returned to the home he hadn't been in for a long time with a refreshed face.

"Priest Chen!" Thorn and Rose have been living in his house, seeing Chen Tianzhen come back, they got up quickly and spoke with awe in their eyes.

"Well, how did you find out what you were asked to investigate?" After Chen Tianzhen returned to Changkong City, he went to the Narcissus Taoist Temple to look for Gu Tianyi and Madman Wu.

Only to find that the two had already left!
The mobile phone of the lunatic fighting martial arts has never been connected!
So, after he came back, he arranged for Thorn and Rose to use their resources to find Gu Tianyi and Madman Wu.

The two are no longer simple killers now, they have beheaded the leader of the original killer organization and become the true masters of Qiangulou!
Qiangulou is the killer organization that Thorn and Rose originally belonged to!
"Priest Chen, please make amends. For the time being, there are no traces of Gu Tianyi and Wu Crazy in the Qiangu Tower. We only know that they left the Narcissus Taoist Temple a month ago... and then lost their traces! Seeing Chen Tianzhen's sweeping gaze, Jingji felt a chill in his heart, and quickly opened his mouth.

"Keep looking, as long as you have any news, let me know as soon as possible!" Chen Tianzhen said in a deep voice.

Gu Tianyi passed on to him two copies of exercises, one is the Divine Algorithm, and the other is the Hunyuan Tiantu!

The cosmic star visualization map in the Divine Algorithm has become the starry sky of the dream kingdom, and the extremely powerful computing power supports the existence of the dream kingdom.

However, there is one thing that Chen Tianzhen has always kept in mind, and that is the Sutra of Divine Arithmetic, which is just a fragment!Not complete!
According to Chen Tianzhen's speculation, there should be a way to use the power of stars in the complete Divine Algorithm!
But when he obtained the inheritance, he didn't mention the power of the stars at all.

However, in the process of practicing the cosmic star visualization map, the cosmic star visualization map will open the void according to the mysterious connection, and attract the power of the vast and endless stars to fall.

This can clearly prove that this practice has a great relationship with the power of stars!
Another core skill is the Hunyuan Tiantu!
This skill is worthy of being called the strongest martial arts existence. Just the first picture involves an incomparably mysterious avenue. If it weren't for the infinite inauguration board, Chen Tianzhen would have been given 1 years. It is impossible to comprehend the Hunyuan Tiantu.

Even if he could comprehend the Hunyuan Tiantu by chance, without the ability to directly add points to the infinite employment panel, if Chen Tianzhen could practice by himself, it would be just an introduction to the Hunyuan Tiantu, and Chen Tianzhen would never be able to do it in his lifetime.

What Hunyuan Tiantu brought to Chen Tianzhen was not only the exercises, but also the powerful emperor!

Although Di Zun has been suppressed by him under the Lingshan Mountain now, Chen Tianzhen knows very clearly that the Di Zun suppressed under the Lingshan Mountain is just a thought of Di Zun himself!
The real Emperor Zun is so powerful that it is unimaginable. If Emperor Zun came to the real world and knew that Chen Tianzhen had suppressed his divine thoughts, Chen Tianzhen would probably be wiped out in an instant.

Through the Hunyuan Tiantu and the Divine Algorithm, Emperor Zun!There is also the feng shui formation recorded at the end of the Divine Sutra, Chen Tianzhen can conclude that Gu Tianyi is definitely not simple, he is definitely a visitor from another world!

"Yes! Priest Chen, I have news, I'll send you a message right away!" Hearing that Chen Tianzhen didn't pursue the matter, Thorn breathed a sigh of relief, and replied respectfully.

"Thorn, the killer training method I asked you to collect, have you found a suitable one?" Chen Tianzhen asked after changing his words.

Finding the killer training method is making final preparations for going to the Tianxin Realm.Assassin profession, one hit bursts, ten times the lethality, one hit misses, travels thousands of miles, whether it is used to kill or escape, it is very suitable, so he specially asked Thorn to find killer training methods.

(End of this chapter)

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