I can work indefinitely

Chapter 210 Elder Gao 2

Chapter 210 Elder Gao 2
Looking at Elder Gao's curvaceous figure, Chen Tianzhen couldn't help swallowing hard, feeling extremely restless in his heart.


Absolutely not!

If you continue, you will lose your mind!

Chen Tianzhen's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat. Very few disciples never came out after entering Elder Gao's attic.

For a long time, there have been rumors in the Blood God Peak that Elder Gao occasionally needs young disciples to adjust his life. However, Elder Gao is cruel and merciless.

Before entering the attic, Chen Tianzhen had never imagined this possibility at all, because his disguised Li Qingquan went to Elder Gao many times to receive missions, and every time Elder Gao was cold, he never thought that the current situation would appear.

As Elder Gao stood up and moved from behind the screen, Elder Gao's uneven body was looming, with extreme allure.

"It's not right! This is not right!" Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Chen Tian's heart. With his concentration, it was impossible for him to have such a bad performance. Just seeing a hazy figure, he had such a big reaction, almost Even Yangguan can't be locked.

"No, it can't go on like this." Chen Tianzhen was covered in cold sweat, just looking at the shadow of Elder Gao walking over, the desire in his heart was like a flame, and he couldn't suppress it at all. This was too abnormal for Chen Tianzhen.

"Extract lust!" Without the slightest hesitation, a force of attraction came from the dream kingdom, and the incomparably strong desire was sucked into the dream kingdom like a gate.

The consciousness that was about to be overwhelmed by desire suddenly woke up, a trace of panic flashed in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, he didn't dare to look forward at all, he lowered his head, his eyes fixed on the ground.

"Huh..." Elder Gao suddenly paused, looking at Chen Tianzhen with a different look, "Seeing my perfect body, I can hold back in this situation, this kid is so strong Concentration! Such a firm Dao heart!"

Elder Gao used the body of a woman to practice Xuehe Zhenqi. This kind of evil technique, after a woman practices it, has very domineering sequelae. If she senses the pure and thick innate Yang Qi, it will arouse Xuehe Zhenqi and press her down. The lust in my heart burst out.

When the Blood River True Qi erupts, not only will she be affected, but even the man in the same room as her will be affected by this aura, which will completely arouse the lust in the other party's heart, turning the other party into a man in an instant. Become a beast controlled by lust.

Except for Chen Tianzhen, people said that after encountering her current state, they all turned into beasts of desire, wanting to do something with her that everyone loves to see and become one with her.

In the end, these people didn't even touch her hands, they were melted by her with the blood river true energy, which strengthened her cultivation, and merged with her in another form.

There was a charming smile on Elder Gao's beautiful face, but his two eyes were shining extremely fiercely, "This kid, how could he suddenly have such a vigorous Yuanyang."

She is very familiar with Li Qingquan, his body is deficient, his congenital Yuan Yang is prematurely ejaculated, after practicing, although he locks up his acquired Yuan Yang according to the method, Li Qingquan's acquired Yuan Yang is mixed and impure, and the amount is very small.

The amount of innate Yuan Yang in Li Qingquan's body now is at least a thousand times that of before, and it is extremely pure without any impurities.

This situation shows that Li Qingquan has obtained a great opportunity. Elder Gao not only wants Li Qingquan's innate Yuanyang, but she is also curious about what kind of opportunity Li Qingquan obtained.

"Elder Gao, please spare this disciple!" Chen Tianzhen said in a low voice after his mind became clearer.

"Li Qingquan, obediently hand over your innate Yuanyang to me, and then tell me the process of your obtaining the opportunity, don't try to hide it from me. A few days ago, the Yuanyang in your body was mixed. , The number is extremely small, and there has been such a big change in just a few days." Elder Gao's voice was full of doubts.

However, there is a deadly murderous intent hidden in her eyes, after looking at her body, it is impossible to live on!

Even if Chen Tianzhen immediately revealed the opportunity and offered all her innate Yuanyang, she would still take Chen Tianzhen's life.

"Elder Gao, this disciple didn't get any chance!" Originally, Chen Tianzhen didn't understand why Elder Gao targeted him. After hearing these few words, he finally understood where the problem was.

The innate Yuanyang in Chen Tianzhen's body has never been purged, and with the addition of Hunyuan Tiantu to warm and nourish Yuanyang, the Yuanyang in his body is more than a thousand times stronger than that of ordinary people.

However, the innate Yuan Yang is the key to Chen Tianzhen's practice, once he loses it, his practice will become ten times more difficult. Even when he was practicing with Xu Min and Wang Muxue, Chen Tianzhen didn't reveal a trace of Yuan Yang.

Even if the other party is the glamorous and unparalleled Elder Gao, even if the other party is a terrifying cultivator who has reached the seventh level, it is absolutely impossible to ask for Chen Tianzhen's physical body, but for Chen Tianzhen's Yuanyang.

"Also, the disciple's innate Yuan Yang is the key to the disciple's cultivation, and cannot be dedicated to Elder Gao." Accompanied by Chen Tianzhen's sonorous and forceful voice, Chen Tianzhen raised his head, and looked directly at Elder Gao's perfectly naked body.

Elder Gao's body looks like a perfect work of art, with bumps and convexities, smooth and tender, and every part looks perfect to the extreme.

"Does it look good?" Elder Gao deliberately stretched his body, showing his body in all directions without leaving any dead ends in front of Chen Tianzhen. When he showed his body, a strange feeling involuntarily emerged in her heart, which made her I couldn't help squinting my eyes comfortably, my body trembled slightly, and my breathing became short of breath.

"Perfect, I have never seen such a perfect body, every inch is a treasure bestowed by heaven! It is fascinating." At this moment, there was no respect in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, he straightened his back and looked directly at Elder Gao.

For the scene in front of him that could make anyone's blood boil, he didn't have any other thoughts other than admiration, his eyes were extremely calm, without any lust.

"Elder Gao, I'm afraid he has a serious habit of exhibitionism..." Seeing Elder Gao deliberately showing every inch of his body in front of him, deliberately pulling his body away, for fear that he could not see clearly, then his body trembled, his breathing became short of breath, his eyes widened. Hazy, with an extremely comfortable expression on his face, Chen Tian's heart skipped a beat.

"Am I beautiful?" Seeing that Chen Tianzhen was still unmoved, although in Elder Gao's heart, Chen Tianzhen was doomed to be a dead person, and she couldn't help but feel frustrated. Extreme pride and pride, she has absolute confidence in her figure.

The Kingdom of Dreamland is like a vacuum cleaner, constantly sucking away the power of lust generated in Chen Tianzhen's body, so that Chen Tianzhen can stay awake at all times. Even so, after being manipulated by Elder Gao, he also feels Some can't bear it.

"Elder Gao, what on earth are you going to do!" Chen Tianzhen said in a deep voice, convincingly, this woman is simply a pervert. In Li Qingquan's memory, although Elder Gao was extremely beautiful and had a perfect figure, she Apart from studying elixir, he was cold and indifferent to other things. In Li Qingquan's memory, there had never been such an elder Gao.

"Give me your Yuanyang, and help me improve my cultivation..." Elder Gao's eyes were full of greed. If she absorbed Chen Tianzhen's pure and strong innate Yuanyang, after refining, her One can reach a new level in cultivation, and may even break through to the eighth-order cave void stage.

"Then, please go to death! You are such a lowly existence, after seeing my noble body, naturally you can't continue to live." Elder Gao's voice was panting, as if she had experienced a tough battle , trembling all over, panting quickly, eyes blurred, even standing unsteadily, holding hands on the screen.

"Elder Gao, are you really going to kill me?" Chen Tianzhen narrowed his eyes. Elder Gao is a seventh-level non-tyrannical existence, and Chen Tianzhen's conventional methods have no effect on her. Hit her.

However, it's not that Chen Tianzhen doesn't have the means to deal with her, if he offends him, he also has the means to kill Elder Gao.

However, Chen Tian really didn't want to go to that step immediately unless it was a last resort. Once he made a move, it would be easy to be discovered by the strong men of Tianshengmen, which would affect his follow-up plan.


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(End of this chapter)

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