I can work indefinitely

Chapter 211 I am me, you are me too

Chapter 211 I am me, you are me too
"You don't have to drink a toast! You don't cherish the opportunity to die comfortably!"

"Since you don't know how to flatter..., then please die in pain." After panting for a while, Elder Gao's face suddenly became indifferent and cold, just like her usual look.

At this moment, her expression was extremely cold, and there was no look of desire or dissatisfaction in the slightest.

"Although, after directly refining you, impurities will appear in the innate Yuanyang obtained, and the amount will be reduced by more than half." Elder Gao waved his hand, and a long snow-white dress appeared on her body, covering her unparalleled and perfect body.

A destructive and terrifying aura emerged from her body, like the pressure of the destruction of the world, making Chen Tianzhen feel like he couldn't breathe at all.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Gao pointed out that a river of blood appeared from the void, it was extremely vast, and the river of blood rushed towards Chen Tianzhen with a stench and an extremely fierce aura.

"Elder Gao, why bother! Why can't we get along well!" Chen Tianzhen sighed, with a flash of extreme coldness in his eyes, and then raised his hand, "The gate of hell!"

The super second-level skills of professional Buddhists derived a solidified gate of hell, which appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen in an instant, blocking Chen Tianzhen behind the gate of hell.

"Ants, why bother to struggle so hard." Elder Gao sneered. Although the spell Chen Tianzhen used was miraculous, in her opinion, it was just that way. The breath was weak, and it was completely vulnerable. In front of you, it will be shattered in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the blood river rushed over like a flood with an unstoppable terrifying force, as if it wanted to smash the gate of hell.

"The power of the seven emotions!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen raised his hand. The strongest power he has now, the power of the seven emotions that can overwhelm even Taoists from the Blood Sea Realm, was used by him .

A dream lure fell on Elder Gao, before Elder Gao could react, from the dream lure, the massive energy of the seven emotions accumulated in the Kingdom of Dreamland was without any rules, like a reservoir with its gates opened, flooding The water overflowed, and the chaos rushed out, and the terrifying power burst out in an instant.

"What kind of power is this..." Elder Gao's beautiful face showed an expression of extreme horror. The horror of the power of the seven emotions simply exceeded the limit of her imagination, instantly filling her entire soul, and then completely erupted.

"Ants, are you plotting against me? Go to hell with me!" Elder Gao finally came to his senses at this moment, pointing his finger at Chen Tianzhen with an incomparably tyrannical hand, and all the true energy in his body gushed out, rushing towards Chen Tianzhen The river of blood became extremely turbulent, with extreme murderous intent.

At this moment, under Elder Gao's extreme shock, she found that the power of the seven emotions in her body could not be eliminated at all. Under the raging power of the seven emotions, her head was muddled, and she instantly lost the ability to think!

Next, she seemed to be crazy, her face changed wildly, happy for a while and sad for a while...

The blood river rushed in, and the gate of hell opened. The blood river rushed straight into the gate of hell, and then merged into the blood sea of ​​the blood sea world. Compared with the blood sea, the true energy of the blood river cultivated by Elder Gao is not enough to see. , The moment he entered the sea of ​​blood, he was completely wiped out.

"That's it, why bother!" Blood River disappeared, and Chen Tianzhen looked at Elder Gao, who was sitting slumped on the ground, with an aura similar to that of ordinary people, and a hint of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

The emotions on Elder Gao's face are constantly changing, his eyes are dull, and all his true energy has been used by her. At the moment, he looks like a second idiot. It is pleasing to the eye.

"If you are in a certain country, you are the best RB*..."

"To kill, or not to kill?" Chen Tianzhen frowned looking at Elder Gao who was dumbfounded.

Killing Elder Gao is obviously not possible!Because in Tianshengmen, all the monks above the golden core stage have a soul lamp in the Tianxin Hall of Tianshengmen, and they all light up the soul fire. Elder Gao is a master of the seventh-level primordial spirit. , will definitely attract the eighth-level or even the head of the extraordinary realm of the Tianshengmen.

With so many people rushing to fight, Chen Tianzhen relied exclusively on Yin, so it was impossible for him to beat him.

Killing is definitely not killing!
But don't kill, after she breaks free from the power of emotions, she will definitely come and kill Chen Tianzhen!And it is impossible for Chen Tianzhen to stay by her side all the time and infuse her with the power of the seven emotions.

Now it is not to kill, and it is not to not kill!
"Yes!" Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped up in Chen Tianzhen's mind!

"Since you want to kill me, then you can't blame me!" With a thought, Chen Tian suddenly mobilized all the power of the Dreamland Divine Kingdom, and was already mentally ill by the power of the seven emotions. Elder Gao, her soul, The Yuanshen and Yuanying were completely pulled out of the body by Chen Tianzhen, and then entered the dream kingdom of God.

In the Dream Kingdom, her soul, Yuanshen, and Yuanying are three in one, transforming into a real person like Elder Gao in real life, sitting on the Lingshan Mountain, with rapid changes of emotions on her face, no different from a psychopath!

"Master of the Dreamland, take good care of her, suppress her under the Lingshan Mountain, and keep her in this muddled state all the time!" Chen Tianzhen's thoughts were passed into the consciousness of the Lord of Dreamland.

Next, according to Chen Tianzhen's instructions, the Lord of Dreamland will suppress it with the power of Lingshan, and then continuously infuse Elder Gao's soul with the power of the seven emotions, so that she will remain in this muddled state and cannot be relieved.

In this way, Elder Gao's soul is immortal, and the soul lamp keeps burning, so no one will suspect that something is wrong with Elder Gao.

Outside, after his soul was pulled away by Chen Tianzhen, Elder Gao's body fell limply on the ground, as if he had fallen asleep.

"It's a pity, such a beautiful person..." Chen Tian thought a thought, and a specially processed thought merged into Elder Gao's body through dream attraction.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Gao, who was lying on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes. His face was indifferent, and his eyes were as cold as ice. Immediately afterwards, she looked at Chen Tianzhen with a smug smile in her voice, "How? Does it look like her? "

"You are not like her! You are her in the first place! From now on, I will be your disciple!" An uncontrollable smile appeared on Chen Tianzhen's face.

He didn't feel uncomfortable with this feeling of talking to himself.

The real Elder Gao, whose soul has been suppressed by Lingshan and constantly injected with the power of the seven emotions by the Lord of Dreamland, kept her in a state of confusion.

The real Elder Gao will never have a chance to appear!

Elder Gao who is speaking now is one of his thoughts.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen is Chen Tianzhen, Elder Gao is also Chen Tianzhen!
With Elder Gao's avatar, Chen Tianzhen has gained a firm foothold in Tianshengmen, and is temporarily safe.

"Master, take me to see your collection, treasures, exercises! Let me learn more about it." Chen Tianzhen squinted his eyes with a smile, and there was an uncontrollable excitement in his voice.

"Heart Blood Pill, Five Viscera Pill, Bone Strengthening Pill, Strong Tendon Pill..." After searching, the most numerous pills in the attic were pills, all kinds of pills made from the human body.

Heart Blood Pill, using the unwilling blood in the heart of a living person at the moment before death as raw material, 99 hearts are used to refine one Heart Blood Pill, which can save countless hard work for monks who cultivate Blood River True Qi, and one can condense the first blood pill. A wisp of blood and true energy.

Other elixirs are all refined from the human body. The five viscera pill can strengthen the five internal organs of the human body. The effects of the bone strengthening pill and the strengthening tendon pill are basically consistent with the names.

"It's a pity, such a beautiful woman, but why, you are a cultivator of Tianshengmen!" Chen Tianzhen looked at the elixir, his eyes flashed with extreme murderous intent. In Tianshengmen, monks are used to using ordinary people as raw materials for cultivation.

The same is true for Elder Gao, she is even more terrifying than others, not only using human beings to practice, but also using human body parts to refine elixir.

"Look what this is!" Elder Gao held a bronze ring with mysterious runes and silver-white space crystals on it.

"The Qiankun Ring!" With extreme excitement in his eyes, Chen Tianzhen reached out and took the ring into his hand, cut his finger without hesitation, and seized the ownership of the space ring.

Chen Tianzhen thought, and a space with a length, width and height of 100 meters appeared in front of his eyes.

In this space, in addition to Elder Gao's daily necessities, there are also a large number of practice books, magic tools and magic weapons she uses.

as well as,

A large number of human corpses, as well as stumps left after alchemy and practice!
These things are standard equipment for every monk of Tianshengmen. They cannot do without human corpses as raw materials for their practice!

"All the cultivators of Tianshengmen deserve to die! All of them deserve to die! I will definitely kill all the cultivators of Tianshengmen!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes were extremely sharp, and the ultimate murderous intent burst out from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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