I can work indefinitely

Chapter 212 Cultivation Level 5, Level 9

Chapter 212 Cultivation Fifth Realm, Ninth Level

On the other side, in the blood sea realm, the praying mantis, which was originally only the size of a finger, has become the size of a locomotive with practice.

At this moment, Mantis lay down on the ground with a full face of aggrieved expression.

No joy or anger could be seen on Taoist Buku's withered face, he sat cross-legged on the back of the mantis, like Buzhou Mountain towering above the sky, making Chen Tian really unable to move.

"Human boy, you are so brave, you dare to sneak attack even in your own way!" Daoist Buku was expressionless, and his voice was like metal rubbing, dry, piercing, sharp, and unpleasant.

"Besides, you, an ant-like existence, can actually master the power of spirituality!" When Taoist Buku spoke, the corners of his eyes twitched. At that time, he accidentally fell into Chen Tianzhen's trick. This was the most embarrassing thing in his history. once.

Although the spiritual power is very strong, but at his level, he is still confused by the spiritual power, like a lunatic, even if it is just a thought, it should not be done.

If it wasn't for the main body noticing that something was wrong, a sliver of power came from him, allowing him to break free from this embarrassing force, where would he still be crazy now!
"Unfortunately, although your spiritual power is not bad in essence, it is still a little weak. If I get serious, it will be like a breeze blowing on my face, and it will have no effect." Taoist Buku's voice was extremely confident.

"According to the rules of the Dao, if you offend the Dao, your clan will be buried with you, no matter which world your fellow clan is in, they will be destroyed by the Dao."

"However, your body is a human race! I owed your human race a big favor back then. I thought you were a first offender, so forget it this time!" Taoist Buku's voice was sharp and piercing, like a sharp sword aura.

"If there is a next time, I will not only make your soul fly away, but also everyone related to you will be buried with you!" A trace of murderous intent appeared from the eyes of Taoist Buku, and directly broke the void in front of him. space cracks.

"Daoist, why didn't we wipe out all our human races?" Chen Tianzhen listened, and heard something, but he was not sure yet, so he vibrated the abdomen of the mantis and asked a question.

The corners of Taoist Buku's eyes twitched slightly, and he didn't answer Chen Tianzhen's question, "You talkative boy, don't ask if you shouldn't, you should hit him if you ask!"

"Ask next time, it's damn!"

"This human kid is just a ghost! I guessed a few words, and he guessed a lot of things." In Taoist Buku's heart, he couldn't help admiring Chen Tianzhen.

"I'll hit you with a sword, so that you can improve your memory!" A sword on his back flew out with a scabbard, and fell into his hand. He held it in his hand suddenly, swung it down, and landed on the mantis's arm. On his body, the hard carapace of the mantis suddenly shattered, and traces of blood-colored sword energy emerged from the scabbard and poured into the mantis' body.

The mysterious and unparalleled sword energy circulated around the body of the mantis. From the sea of ​​blood on the side, endless evil energy gushed out and merged into the body of the mantis.

"Ah..." The soul seemed to be torn apart by a knife. The extreme pain was impossible for any existence with a soul. Chen Tianzhen couldn't help but screamed crazily.

However, with extreme willpower, Chen Tianzhen memorized in his heart the movement route of Taoist Buku's sword energy in Mantis' body.

A huge amount of evil energy continued to merge, and the sword energy continued to circulate. Chen Tianzhen's screams never stopped, but he also remembered the route of the sword energy.


With an unpleasant shout from Taoist Buku, the bloody evil spirit that enveloped Chen Tianzhen suddenly disappeared.

Chen Tianzhen's body was revealed.

At this moment, the body of the mantis had disappeared, and a body with the same shape as Chen Tianzhen's main body appeared.

It's just that the shape is the same, but the color is very different.

Green skin, green hair, blood red eyes!Except for the key parts, which are covered by the green carapace, the whole body is naked.

"It looks so much more pleasing to the eye!" Taoist Buku glanced at Chen Tianzhen, and a gleam of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen felt endless horror in his heart.

He felt that the power in his body was boundless, even compared to the body, it was a hundred times stronger!
Moreover, in the body, there is also a blood-colored sword energy, which slowly circulates in the new meridians, absorbs the surrounding evil spirits and spiritual energy, and slowly grows stronger.

Compared with power, this method of directly turning an insect's body into a human is even more frightening!

"Could this... be a monster incarnate?" Chen Tianzhen sensed a new body, with disbelief in his voice.

Chen Tianzhen found that this body looked similar to that of an ordinary person, but the inner things, muscles and internal organs, were completely different from those of human beings.

However, there is a set of meridians and acupuncture points that are familiar with human beings!
"Human race boy, the human race is a race favored by the Dao of Heaven, born with an innate Dao body! With meridians and acupoints, you can directly embark on the road of cultivation!"

"Other races, although many are born powerful, but if they want to practice, they must first shed their physical body, refine into a Taoist body, and form meridian acupoints before they can practice. Even if they transform into a Taoist body, their road to practice is extremely difficult! "

"Get rid of the physical body and refine it into a Taoist body. This process is what you said, the transformation of the monster race!"

"You have transformed from a praying mantis body into a Taoist cultivation body, so you can naturally be called a monster race!" Taoist Buku's ugly voice rang in Chen Tianzhen's ears.

"So that's the case, thank you Taoist Priest for clarifying the confusion!" Chen Tianzhen had an expression of sudden understanding. Up to now, he no longer had much doubt about Taoist Buku's words.

If Taoist Buku really wanted to harm him, he could easily kill him the moment he broke free from the power of the seven emotions.

"Human boy, what is it that you put into the sea of ​​blood and stole the evil spirit of my sea of ​​blood?" The door, revealed without the slightest concealment.

"Master Dao, it's just a little magic weapon. If you don't want to, I'll take it back right away." Chen Tianzhen said with a smile on his face, nonchalantly.

"Human boy, don't lie to me! It doesn't make any sense. This thing looks ordinary, but it can actually block my power." Taoist Buku pointed to the revealed gate of hell, his eyes fixed, and his voice contained With unprecedented solemnity.

There are five major realms of practice, and each realm is divided into nine levels.

Mortal Realm, Fairyland, Divine Realm, Dao Realm, Supreme Realm!

And his body has already reached the ninth level of Dao Realm, for many, many years.

Buku Taoist is just an idea of ​​the ontology.

Daoist Buku's body had already discovered Chen Tianzhen's little tricks, and then his spiritual thoughts silently melted into the sea of ​​blood, wanting to pass through the gate of hell and go inside to explore.

But it was this seemingly ordinary gadget that actually blocked his divine sense, making it impossible for him to enter the gate of hell.

Taoist Buku doesn't believe in evil, so he made various attempts, and finally he found that even if he destroyed the gate of hell, he couldn't enter it.

That's why he sent a sliver of power to wake Taoist Buku from his madness and let him get in touch with Chen Tianzhen.

"Daoist, you owe the human race a favor. I believe that with your character, you will never force me." Chen Tianzhen spread his hands, with an expression of indifference on his face.

He is just a thought, and he is not afraid of death at all!

Moreover, at the core of the thought, a very strict rule was imprinted, no matter whether it is active or passive, this thought cannot reveal the relevant situation.

As long as there is the thought, the thought will destroy itself.


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(End of this chapter)

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