I can work indefinitely

Chapter 213 Destroy the foundation

Chapter 213 Destroy the foundation
"Human boy, don't give me sloppy eyes!" Taoist Buku frowned dissatisfied.

"Look, the passage to the original world has been opened again." After thinking for a while, Taoist Buku pointed to the sandy beach, where the crack in space had reappeared.

"It's very easy to go to the original world by my means." Right in front of Chen Tianzhen, Taoist Buku began to divide, and a thought without any power was separated by him, and appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen.

"Although the space cracks can't bear my power now, if I want to go to the past, I can completely separate them and transfer the power slowly."

"When you first came here, you were afraid that I would pass by! Are you not afraid now?"

"Don't be afraid!" Chen Tian really had to speak without thinking.

It's useless to be afraid, with the powerful strength shown by Taoist Buku, if he wants to go there, Chen Tianzhen can't stop him.

In addition, the friendliness shown by Daoist Buku to the human race is fine even in the past.

Immediately, Taoist Buku seemed to be choking, and he didn't speak for a while.

"Human boy, do you think that if I owe a favor to a human race, I won't do anything to the human race, right?" Taoist Buku frowned tightly, with displeasure in his voice.

"Master Dao, I absolutely have no such idea!"

"It's because I think you are a true cultivator, and you don't have the same knowledge as me." The aura that emerged from Taoist Buku was devastating and terrifying to the extreme, pressing on Chen Tianzhen. Here, he would definitely be scared to death.

Fortunately, he is just a thought now, he is unscrupulous, and he is not afraid of death at all.

In addition, the gate of hell is a spell generated in the infinite inauguration panel, which is related to the most core thing of Chen Tianzhen, and it is impossible for him to let go of this and tell Taoist Buku what the gate of hell is.


In Tianxin Realm, Chen Tianzhen lived in the small attic in the name of Elder Gao's disciple.

Because of Elder Gao's relationship, he basically read all the classics of the Blood God Son lineage.

In all the classics, there is a sentence written!

Cultivation is eating people!

"It's a terrifying world!" Chen Tianzhen put down the classics in his hand, thinking that except for a very few cultivation methods, all the cultivation methods are based on cannibalism. , It is impossible to practice in the Tianxin Realm.

"There is no need for such a world to exist, it must be destroyed!" The more he understands Tianshengmen, the more Chen Tianzhen feels that the existence of Tianshengmen is simply the greatest malice to human beings.

Chen Tianzhen even had a terrible guess that the creator of the Heavenly Holy Gate must have a grudge against others!Without blood feud, he would never be so insane.

The monks of Tianshengmen are also human beings, but because of their practice, they regard ordinary people as resources for their practice, and they do not regard ordinary people as their own clan at all. They have no etiquette, integrity, and no moral bottom line.

"The practice spells in the Heavenly Sacred Gate must also be completely destroyed!" The cultivation method is the source of the problem. Not only must all the current monks in the Heavenly Sacred Gate be cleaned up, but the practice skills here must not be left behind.

"As long as you plant Mengyin, the master of dreams can directly manipulate the memories of monks of the third level and below, and erase the cultivation techniques from their minds." Chen Tianzhen sneered.

"Cultivators who have reached the fourth level, if they plant Dream Induction, they will be instantly impacted by a large amount of the power of the seven emotions, and their souls will be whitewashed and they will become idiots!" His voice became more and more stern.

"However, monks above the fifth rank are not so easy to deal with." Thinking of this, Chen Tianzhen turned his eyes involuntarily to Elder Gao who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, recovering his breath rapidly.

Suddenly, he had an idea in his mind, and walked out of the attic with an extremely cold light in his eyes.

The Kingdom of Dreamland is still unable to deal with monks of the fifth rank and above, but Elder Gao can!

Elder Gao's Blood River True Qi is extremely terrifying, reaching the peak of the seventh level. Once the evil power that corrodes everything is used, even a fifth-level monk can't hold it, and is instantly melted.

Great for killing people!

After wandering around the Blood God Peak for a while, Chen Tianzhen saw Zhu Lao Liu, who was also an inner disciple, and he walked over with a strange smile in his eyes, "Brother Zhu, have you seen Li Jixing and Li Zhenchuan? Come find him."

Zhu Lao Liu's cultivation level is not high, just like Li Qingquan's, he only has a cultivation base of the foundation stage, but he has enough wine and meat friends, with a cheerful smile on his face all day long, he looks very credible and kind.

Zhu Lao Liu had a look of surprise in his eyes, "Li Qingquan didn't die under the pursuit of his senior brother Zhang Shihao?"

"Listen to him, not only did he not die, he even hugged Elder Gao's thigh, and first ask him what's going on."

"Huh? Why is there no cultivation on Li Qingquan's body?" Sensing Chen Tianzhen's body, there is no aura of cultivation, Zhu Lao Liu's face remained calm, he was extremely surprised, and he couldn't help but have strange thoughts in his heart Come.

"Li Zhenchuan seems to have gone to the back mountain just now." Thinking of what Chen Tianzhen said just now, Zhu Lao Liu didn't dare to do anything. After all, Chen Tianzhen is now here to handle the matters explained by Elder Gao. After Zhu Lao Liu recalled it, he pointed The direction of the back mountain.

Then he said with a reassuring smile on his face, "Brother Li Qingquan, I heard that your brother Zhang Shihao went to look for you, why didn't you come back together?"

"Oh, my senior brother is in a hurry, so he went down the mountain first, and he probably won't be able to come back for a while." Chen Tianzhen said in a neutral tone.

Now Li Qingquan is standing here properly, Zhang Shihao is gone, the two met before, Zhu Laoliu has a correct judgment in an instant!

Zhang Shihao is dead!
"Oh, it turns out to be like this! Junior brother Li Qingquan has such a powerful method." After Zhu Lao Liu heard it, he was even more surprised to the extreme. Zhang Shihao's cultivation had reached the completion of the foundation building stage, and he only needed to swallow the medicine of Li Qingquan. , he could immediately be promoted to the Golden Core stage, but he didn't expect to fight wild geese all day long, and was killed instead.

However, it seems that Li Qingquan is not having a good life, even though he killed Zhang Shihao, his own cultivation base is now gone.

"Brother Zhu, Elder Gao is still waiting. I'll go to Li Zhenchuan first. When I have time, we'll catch up on the old days." Chen Tianzhen strode over, raised his hand, and a dream guide fell on Zhu Laoliu. , and then blended in silently, he gave Zhu Lao Liu a miraculous look.

Zhu Lao Liu felt a chill in his heart. He always felt that something very bad was happening, especially after seeing Chen Tianzhen's strange eyes, he felt as if he was being stared at by a fierce beast. chills.

"Why do I feel this way? It's so strange! Could it be that Elder Gao handed over the powerful magic weapon to Li Qingquan to use?" Looking at Chen Tianzhen's back, Zhu Lao Liu's eyes were full of puzzlement, and then he shook his head , walked towards Tiansheng Peak, the main peak of Tiansheng Gate.

Today, the top ten talents of the Tianshengmen are invited to compete on the Tiansheng Peak to test their cultivation methods. As the most well-informed monk of the Tianshengmen, he must go to the scene to take a look.

"Let's start with you!" Chen Tianzhen walked up the back mountain, and through the dream guide implanted in Zhu Lao Liu's soul, he slowly read Zhu Lao Liu's memory without attracting Zhu Lao Liu's attention.

This time, the Mengyin he implanted in Zhu Lao Liu's body spreads in the same way as the real world, but after the Mengyin is integrated into the monk's soul, it will be hidden silently, waiting for the moment when Chen Tianzhen orders it to explode.

"Mengyin will only select monks of the fourth level and below to spread, and will not spread to ordinary people. After all the qualified monks of the Tianshengmen are spread, I will destroy the foundation of the Tianshengmen at once. Lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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