I can work indefinitely

Chapter 214 Trapping and Killing Golden Core Cultivator

Chapter 214 Trapping and Killing Golden Core Cultivator
"Li Zhenchuan, Elder Gao arranged for me to come to you and let you go to her attic!" Not long after, Chen Tianzhen discovered Li Jixing.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's voice, Li Jixing's eyes flashed fiercely, "You little bastard, use Elder Gao to suppress me. Sooner or later, I will swallow you, little bastard."

Then he turned around and looked at Chen Tianzhen, with a harmonious smile on his face,

"Junior Brother Li, I don't know if Elder Gao told me to go, what's your order?" Li Jixing's posture was lowered, and he was no longer as aggressive as before, with a kind expression on his face, like an elder brother looking at him My younger brother is average.

"Li Zhenchuan, I don't know either!" Chen Tianzhen shook his head with an expression of knowing nothing.

"Junior Brother, I finally obtained this Crazy Blood Pill. It is of great benefit to the Foundation Establishment Stage, but my cultivation base is already at the Golden Core Stage, so I don't need this pill. No, Junior Brother, you are now The foundation-building period is just right." Li Jixing smiled all over his face, took out a blood-red elixir, and handed it to Chen Tianzhen with heartache in his eyes.

"Senior brother is too polite! How embarrassing is this!" Chen Tianzhen stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed the pill, and wanted to take it back, but found that Li Jixing looked at it with a smile on his face. He held the elixir tightly, but didn't let go.

"Brother, the mad blood pill is a top-quality elixir that needs to be drained from the blood of 100 people. I also spent a lot of effort to find it..."

"Senior Brother Li, it's a good thing. Elder Gao has derived a powerful spell. Because I am too shallow to practice, he asked me to come to Li Zhenchuan by name! Let Li Zhenchuan practice and experiment." Chen Tianzhen The smile on his face became brighter and brighter, but there was an absolute coldness hidden in his eyes.

In order to refine one elixir, it takes the lives of a hundred ordinary people.

How cruel this is.

Moreover, when Li Jixing said that when the blood of ordinary people was drawn, there was no fluctuation in his eyes, as if he was saying that he had killed a chicken.

This time, Chen Tianzhen's determination to clean the Tiansheng Gate became even stronger!

"Oh? That's it!" Li Jixing's eyes lit up, and an excited smile immediately appeared on his face. Elder Gao is a seventh-level master, and the powerful spells she derived will definitely not be bad.

"Li Zhenchuan, let's go quickly, don't make Elder Gao wait too long." Chen Tianzhen put the elixir into his sleeve, with a springy smile on his face.

"That's the case, we can't keep Elder Gao waiting!" Li Jixing walked quickly to the attic without thinking too much.

"Elder Gao, I have invited Li Zhenchuan here according to your instructions!" Not long after, the two had arrived in front of the attic, Chen Tianzhen respectfully spoke loudly.

"Disciple Li Jixing, see Elder Gao, thank you, Elder Gao Yi, for granting me spells!" Li Jixing knelt down on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the attic with extreme respect in his voice.


The attic door suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Gao's voice came out.

"Come in, I just derived a spell, and I want to see what kind of power it is in the hands of my disciples. Unfortunately, this kid Li Qingquan is not cultivated enough to practice. I sensed your breath in the square just now, so I arranged for Li Qingquan to find it. Come and give it a try."

Originally, the suspicion that Li Jixing still had in his heart suddenly disappeared with the words of 'Elder Gao'. Chen Tianzhen might have lied to him, but Elder Gao, a seventh-level master, had no need to lie to him at all.

This time, the opportunity really has arrived, and I can't stop it!

"Kneel down and thank the elder for teaching the Fa!" Li Jixing kowtowed respectfully, then stood up respectfully, and walked into the attic.

Chen Tianzhen followed behind Li Jixing, looking at Li Jixing who was so excited and trembling all over, he couldn't bear it a little bit in his heart, "All the monks of Tianshengmen deserve to die!"

The moment the two walked into the attic, the open door of the attic suddenly closed!

In the attic, turn left after entering the door and it is the practice place. At this moment, Elder Gao is sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a powerful and incomparable aura on her body, which makes people feel breathless. people.

"Li Jixing, come closer. The spells I derived are extremely powerful, and walls have ears. In order to prevent the leaks of the skills, I will use the method of enlightenment to pass on the skills to you."

"Yes! Thank you, elder, for cultivating it!" After hearing Elder Gao's words, Li Jiexing blushed with excitement. Even the seventh-level elder Gao said that the spell was powerful, and he was afraid that it would be leaked. He felt that today was simply his luck. day.

While speaking, he walked towards Elder Gao respectfully.

"Children can be taught!" A satisfied smile appeared on Elder Gao's face.

Standing not far away, Chen Tianzhen saw Li Jixing approaching Elder Gao with a smile on his face.

Elder Gao slowly nodded towards Li Jixing's forehead like pale white fingers. He looked absolutely beautiful, without any smell of fireworks, just like a fairy coming to the mortal world.

Li Jixing saw Elder Gao's perfect palm stretched out from the corner of his eye, and a hint of fascination flashed in his eyes.

A woman like Elder Gao's strength has reached the terrifying seventh level, she has a beautiful appearance, and her figure is one of a kind in a million. There is always a cold and repulsive aura on her beautiful face.

Any man who sees such a woman wants to conquer!

They all wanted to pin her down to see how she was different from other women at the moment she was conquered!

"When my cultivation reaches a higher level, reaching the seventh level, maybe..." A thought popped up from the bottom of his heart, and then he pressed it back tightly.

At this moment, Elder Gao's finger touched Li Jixing's forehead.

It was so cold, like ten thousand years of ice, that Li Jixing couldn't help shivering.

Immediately afterwards, the blood river's true energy, which was extremely terrifying, flowed from Bai Nen's fingertips.


Like a supernova erupting, the incomparably violent power was released.

"Elder Gao, what did I do wrong, you want to kill me?" Li Jixing's eyes were full of confusion and extreme fear. He never figured out why Elder Gao would attack him.

"In your next life, I hope you will stop using ordinary people as materials for your cultivation! You treat ordinary people as human beings, and in my eyes, you are not human, but just a beast!" Elder Gao's voice was extremely cold.

"Forget, you don't have a next life. After your soul flies away, you don't have a next life!" Elder Gao's voice suddenly became colder and harsher, and the violent blood river's true energy gushed out, just like the Milky Way broke its embankment, and it only took a moment , and drowned Li Jixing's body.

The Blood River True Qi was extremely corrosive, and in the next moment, it completely corroded Li Jixing's body, devouring and merging it completely.

With Chen Tianzhen's move in the rear, Li Jixing had been corroded by Elder Gao's Blood River True Qi until he was in a daze, and his soul, whose spirituality had almost disappeared, was summoned by Chen Tianzhen.

"Go in! Spit out all the information you know!" Then, Chen Tianzhen took it away and collected Li Jixing's soul into the Lingshan.

Elder Gao's soul was also suppressed in Lingshan, but Elder Gao was a super master of the seventh-order primordial spirit stage, Chen Tianzhen had no way to refine her, let alone search for the memory from her soul.

Li Jixing was different, he was at the Golden Core stage, and Chen Tianzhen could completely refine his soul!Extract memory information.

(End of this chapter)

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