Chapter 215
"According to Li Qingquan's memory, in the Tianshengmen, there is only one person in charge of the ninth-level transcendent on the bright side, and the eighth-level Dongxu stage on the bright side, there are five vein masters, and the seven elders of the Tiansheng main peak , a total of 12 people!"

"Seventh-level monks, nearly a hundred people, sixth-level monks, more than a thousand people, fifth-level monks and below, more than 10 people!"

These are just the power on the surface, how much power is hidden in the dark, with Li Qingquan's status, he doesn't know at all.

This is also one of the reasons why he wanted to refine Li Jixing.

Li Jixing has always been a true disciple of the Golden Core Stage, and he knows much more than a small character like Li Qingquan who has just entered the Foundation Establishment Realm.

After trapping and killing Li Jixing, Chen Tianzhen lived in Elder Gao's attic with peace of mind.

In his body, according to the practice route of the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu, the true essence flows, and a large amount of heaven and earth aura around him is sucked into his body. , can suppress all violent power, the violent power contained in the spiritual energy will instantly turn him into a lunatic.

In fact, this is also the reason why the monks of Tianshengmen dare not absorb a lot of spiritual energy.

After absorbing part of the aura, the violent will contained in it can drive anyone crazy. The physical body of ordinary people contains mysterious power that can dissolve the violent power.

Therefore, they will regard ordinary people as materials for practice!

"What exactly is mixed in the aura?" Sensing more and more black mist appearing in the dantian, Chen Tianzhen frowned.

These black qi were all separated from the aura during the process of absorbing the aura from the outside world and practicing the Hunyuan Tiantu.

With more and more black air, a strong sense of uneasiness appeared in Chen Tianzhen's heart. This feeling was very similar to the feeling of seeing Taoist Buku, but it was not as strong as meeting Taoist Buku.

"Whoever you are, get out of here!" Suddenly, the incomparably violent zhenqi in Chen Tianzhen's body rushed towards the black energy like a flood, carrying the terrifying power to destroy everything.

Under the attack of Hunyuan Tiantu's true qi, the black air was discharged from Chen Tianzhen's dantian bit by bit. The process was extremely difficult. Chen Tianzhen even felt that the black air seemed to have emotions, and he was reluctant to let it go. , not reconciled!
"This practice is really at a loss. If you don't advance, you will retreat!" Chen Tianzhen frowned tightly, absorbing the spiritual energy to practice, not only did not make any progress, but because the black energy was discharged from the body, his true energy was consumed Not a lot.

"No, I have to clarify the origin of this ghost." Chen Tianzhen has already used the third-level skill insight of the student profession to deal with the black air.

The feedback from skills to him is unknown!no message!

"Although the skills don't know the origin of this ghost thing, but someone definitely knows!" Taoist Buku definitely knows!
"As the saying goes, if there is an old man in a family, if there is a treasure, the ancients will never deceive me!" Chen Tian thought for a moment, and a door to hell appeared in front of him, "Let me in, I see whether you are the best or the sea of ​​blood is the best!" !"

Chen Tianzhen exhausted all his strength, expelled a trace of black energy from his body, and sent it into the gate of hell.

Along with entering the gate of hell, there is also a special idea.

At this moment, the space between this gate of hell and the gate of hell in the blood sea realm is folded. Through this gate of hell in front of him, items or energy can be directly transmitted to the opposite side without passing through the kingdom of dreams.


In the Blood Sea Realm, Chen Tianzhen turned into a huge green mantis again. At this moment, the mantis had a reluctance and extremely aggrieved expression on his face.

It was Taoist Buku who made him human!

The one who turned him from a human into a praying mantis is also a Taoist Buku!

Just because Chen Tianzhen didn't talk about the gate of hell, although Taoist Buku didn't say anything, he raised his hand and pointed at Chen Tianzhen with a cold face, and Chen Tianzhen, who had just turned into a human, changed into a praying mantis form .

"Stingy, too stingy!" Chen Tianzhen couldn't help muttering.

At this moment, Taoist Buku sat cross-legged on Chen Tianzhen's body.

It is obvious that Chen Tianzhen is regarded as his mount!
Yes, mounts!
At this moment, a black energy flew out from the gate of hell, which had been absorbing the evil energy of the sea of ​​blood, followed by Chen Tianzhen's thoughts also flew out from the gate of hell.

"Huh...!" Taoist Buku raised his eyelids slightly, and with a move of his hand, a black energy and a thought fell into his hand.

His terrifying divine sense swept across, wanting to invade Chen Tianzhen's thought, but he found that although Chen Tianzhen's thought was weak, it was like a closed ball, with nowhere to attack.

If he forcibly breaks through this idea, he has a feeling that this idea will disappear instantly, and he will not be able to get any information.

"This human kid, it's hard to talk, he's so slick!" Taoist Buku was helpless, and then he turned his eyes to the black air helplessly.

Taking a look at the black air, Taoist Buku felt as if he saw an ant that could be crushed to death at will, and when he was about to wipe it out, Chen Tianzhen's voice suddenly came out from the thought in his hand.

"Daozhang, may I ask what is this black air?"

"Why should I tell you?" Taoist Buku raised his eyelids and spoke in a neutral voice.

"Master Daoist, this is the situation. I separated the black energy from the spiritual energy!..." Chen Tianzhen didn't care about Taoist Buku's words. , said one by one.

"Daozhang, I feel that this black energy is abnormal. After a large amount of it accumulates in the dantian of my body, I will feel a strong sense of uneasiness and a feeling of imminent disaster." Chen Tianzhen's tone was very sincere.

"Hehe..." Taoist Buku sneered, with disdain in his eyes, and then continued to remain silent. He didn't need to explain anything to Chen Tianzhen.

"Daozhang, you must know something!" Chen Tianzhen's tone became more and more certain.

"Of course I know, but what does this have to do with you?" Taoist Buku was not moved at all.

"Daozhang, you owe the human race a favor, and in the Tianxin realm I just mentioned, the human race is used as a resource for cultivation, how can you bear it! You should save them." Chen Tian said sincerely.

"Hehe..." Taoist Buku sneered twice. He did owe the human race a favor, but no one said that if he owed a favor, he would save the human race when he saw the suffering.

In this world, there is no such reason.

"Master Daoist, do you really want to know what is the method of the gate of hell that I use to absorb evil spirits?" The result did not exceed Chen Tianzhen's expectations, and he was not discouraged, and he spoke without any emotion in his voice. .

"Yes, I really want to know what method you used!" Taoist Buku opened his eyes. At his level, he has seen most of the methods in the heavens and worlds, infinite time and space, even if he He can instantly understand methods that he has never seen before.

But the method Chen Tianzhen used, not only has he never seen it, he can't even understand it. There is only one kind of method that he can't understand, and that is the method of the supreme powerhouse.

But looking at Chen Tianzhen's appearance, no matter how you look at it, he is not a superior existence.

Although Chen Tianzhen is a thought, through the thought, Taoist Buku can judge that Chen Tianzhen's body cultivation has definitely not surpassed the mortal realm!
Therefore, he was not only curious, but more like looking for an opportunity to figure out all of this. If Chen Tian really has a treasure from his superiors, he must use it to study it carefully.

"Daoist, in fact, the method I used is a peerless supernatural power!"

"And, I can pass on this supernatural power, let others learn it, and you can learn it too!"

"But... learning this supernatural power requires paying a huge price!" Chen Tianzhen said slowly, if he wants to use the skills in the infinite employment panel, he must be accepted as an apprentice by Chen Tianzhen.

After acquiring Chen Tianzhen's Apprentice Apprentice skill, Chen Tianzhen will control life and death!

This price is indeed too great!
"You said, this door is a kind of supernatural power, and it can be inherited? I can also learn it?" Taoist Buku's eyes lit up completely, and he didn't take the price at all. Can learn, need to pay a lot of price?

Daoist Buku didn't pay attention at all.

(End of this chapter)

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