Chapter 216

"Yes, this gate of hell is a supernatural power, and it can be taught to you, so that you can master it immediately!" Chen Tianzhen said affirmatively.

"However, to learn this supernatural power, you will pay..." Chen Tianzhen's voice came again.

Before Chen Tian finished speaking, don't be interrupted by Taoist's disdainful voice, "Whatever you want, just say it, is it a magic weapon? Or a practice? Or something else? It requires the knowledge of the heavens and the world. I will definitely get it for you!"

"Daozhang, how about this, tell me what this black energy is first!" Chen Tianzhen's voice was filled with helplessness, he was just a thought without any form, even if his words were constantly being interrupted, he couldn't express it. own anger.

"This black air is the same thing as you. It is the thoughts of monks. It's just that these thoughts are not pure enough, mixed and impure, so people feel extremely chaotic. I guess the owner of this idea may be going crazy, or has already Crazy!" Daoist Buku casually squeezed his hand, and the black air let out a sharp and shrill scream, then shattered and dissipated in his hands.

"If there are enough thoughts gathered, the body of the thoughts may be awakened, following the causal connection, all the power of the body of the thoughts will appear in the dantian of the practitioner in an instant."

"Below the immortal level, no matter how powerful the means are, your soul will fly away in an instant."

After listening to this, Chen Tianzhen felt a chill!
The black air turned out to be the monk's idea!

Moreover, after accumulating in the body, the main body will be attracted instantly, "Fortunately, when the main body finds something is wrong, stop practicing immediately, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

"It's too insidious!" Chen Tianzhen couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.

"Daoist, what level of cultivation do you think the master of this idea would be?" Chen Tian cursed inwardly, but also did not forget to ask Taoist Buku about the situation.

"I guess he's a top-grade earth immortal!" Taoist Buku replied casually, his tone was no different from talking about an ant.

"Above the mortal realm is the fairyland. The fairyland is divided into human immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals. Each type is divided into upper, middle and lower ranks. The fairylands add up to the ninth rank of the three realms! The upper rank of earth immortals can be called the sixth rank of fairyland!" Maybe because Chen Tianzhen didn't understand, Taoist Buku explained to Chen Tianzhen very thoughtfully at this moment.

At this moment, he was thinking about what Chen Tianzhen said just now, supernatural powers can be taught, this sentence alone is enough for him to spread the knowledge of various realms to Chen Tianzhen.

Moreover, even if he didn't say anything, Chen Tian would definitely ask because of his shamelessness.

If he didn't answer at that time, Chen Tianzhen would still threaten him with magical powers, so there was no need to waste time, just tell Chen Tianzhen directly.

After Chen Tianzhen heard Taoist Buku's words, an infinite chill flashed through his heart, like falling into an ice cave!

He secretly said, "It's dangerous!"
Then cursed insidiously, shamelessly!
They are already top-ranked Earth Immortals, and they also quietly integrate their thoughts into the spiritual energy. As long as someone absorbs the spiritual energy, after absorbing a certain amount, they can be quietly run into the dantian by this shameless person , Unprepared, was killed by this man.

The cultivation base of a top-grade earth immortal can obviously kill anyone head-on, but to engage in this kind of deed of counting people behind the scenes, the degree of insidiousness simply surpassed Chen Tianzhen's imagination.

"Human boy, now I have told you the information you need to know, don't waste your time!" Taoist Buku was a little anxious.

"Just tell me, what do I need to pay to learn supernatural powers?" Taoist Buku said indifferently, he believed that there was nothing in this world that he couldn't get.

"Master Dao, this supernatural power is amazing! The conditions for learning are also very harsh!"

"What you need to pay is not any material things." After thinking for a while, Chen Tianzhen said bluntly, "If I want to learn this supernatural power, I must first accept you as an apprentice. During the process of accepting you as an apprentice, you There must be no resistance."

"As long as you don't resist, after becoming my apprentice, you will naturally acquire my supernatural powers."

"Accept me as an apprentice?" Taoist Buku looked at Chen Tianzhen in amazement, and had a new understanding of Chen Tianzhen's ignorance. How dare he accept him as an apprentice?
In this world, even when it was not folded back then, no one dared to say that. Now that he has reached the last step in his cultivation, Chen Tianzhen, a ants whose original aura has not yet broken through the mortal realm, dares to accept him as a disciple .

"This is the prerequisite! If you don't agree, I have no way for you to learn this supernatural power." Chen Tianzhen's voice was full of sincerity.

"Okay, I agree!" Daoist Buku had no expression on his face. He was just an idea, and the name he used was not the real name of his body. After he learned supernatural powers from Chen Tianzhen, he would destroy this idea. Know what's happening now.

After Taoist Buku agreed, Chen Tianzhen's thought floated from his hand, landed on the mantis, and then completely merged with the original thought.

"Accept disciples!" Chen Tianzhen, the mantis version, launched a skill on Taoist Buku who was riding on him, and received apprentices!

In Taoist Buku's mind, a reminder suddenly sounded, and he had a very clear feeling that as long as he agreed, even if his cultivation was as high as the sky, Chen Tianzhen would be able to control his life and death in the future.

"This human kid, what a terrifying method. This method gives me the same feeling as the portal sunk into the sea of ​​blood! This is a method beyond the Dao realm!"

This is the ultimate means!

"This kind of power belongs to the supreme power of the Supreme Realm!"

"However, I'm just an idea. If you don't need it, just discard it and it's over." The corner of Taoist Buku's mouth showed a confident smile, and then he sent the relevant information back to the main body.

Just in case, he made a decision on his own body!
Cut off the connection between the main body and Taoist Buku!

Suddenly, his body used Tongtian's means to completely separate this idea from the body, and there is no connection with the body.

Moreover, under his means of good fortune, not only his three souls and seven souls were complete, but even his true spirit was born out of nothing.

At this moment, Taoist Buku is no longer an idea, but a real and independent creature.

"Master Daoist, I must have your consent before I can teach you this supernatural power!" Chen Tianzhen's voice sounded again at this moment, Taoist Buku has always disagreed, which made him very uncomfortable.

Daoist Buku sensed the current situation, "Under this situation, even if it is a causal attack, it will only work on me and will not have any impact on the main body."

"Agreed!" Taoist Buku confirmed it in his mind with absolute confidence.

"Blood Sea Taoist agrees to be your apprentice. From now on, you can control the life and death of Blood Sea Taoist!" The voice of the infinite inauguration panel sounded in Chen Tianzhen's mind.

"Blood Sea Taoist?" Chen Tianzhen's eyes froze, and through skill sensing, he discovered that his new apprentice, Blood Sea Taoist, was everywhere, and everywhere around him had the aura of a Blood Sea Taoist.

Taoist Buku's confident expression subsided in an instant, his face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Chen Tianzhen with disbelief in his eyes!
At the moment he agreed, a force, which had completely severed the connection between him and Taoist Xuehai, was connected through time and space in the past, connected through this past viewport, that strange and irresistible force, In the true spirit of the sea of ​​blood, a rune was engraved.

At this time, the sea of ​​blood not far away, carrying millions of terrifying waves, suddenly struck from the sky, carrying a terrifying aura of destroying everything.

"Human boy, how dare you insult me! I want you to die! Your soul flies away!" The extremely violent voice resounded between the heaven and the earth, and in that voice was the murderous intent to destroy everything.

Space cracks intertwined in front of Chen Tianzhen, and the power of destruction enveloped him.

The terrifying sword energy that cut the sky and destroyed the earth one after another pointed at Chen Tianzhen.

"My good apprentice, I forgot to tell you, if I die after planting this trick of mine, no matter what my apprentice's cultivation level is, he will die! The soul will be scattered, and the true spirit will be wiped out!"

"Furthermore, this kind of power, traced back from the source of time and space, will not only destroy you now, but also destroy you in the past and future without leaving a trace." Chen Tianzhen looked at the person in front of him indifferently. Seeing the destructive power, the crack in the space just a finger away from his eyes, he didn't panic at all.

"Ah... hateful human boy!" A violent and helpless roar sounded like a divine thunder, and the sword energy and space cracks around Chen Tianzhen suddenly disappeared.

In fact, Chen Tianzhen didn't need to say, which rune was engraved behind the true spirit of Taoist Blood Sea, Taoist Blood Sea would understand the power of this rune.

If Chen Tian is really dead, he has great abilities, so he will die with him!
(End of this chapter)

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