I can work indefinitely

Chapter 217 I Can't Believe

Chapter 217 I Can't Believe
"Human boy, hurry up and undo your tricks!" The voice of fury resounded like thunder in the Blood Sea Realm.

If people do it at home, disaster will come from heaven!
Taoist Xuehai felt aggrieved to the extreme.

"Well, once this method is used, it cannot be undone. The only way to undo it is to die!" Chen Tianzhen honestly told the actual situation.

"Ah...!" Taoist Xuehai let out an extremely violent roar.

After countless years of practice, he was actually planted by a human boy in the mortal realm. This feeling made Taoist Xuehai feel extremely uncomfortable.

In front of Chen Tianzhen, Taoist Buku fell into a sea of ​​blood and disappeared suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​blood in front of Chen Tianzhen's eyes suddenly disappeared completely.

In the end, a skinny middle-aged man wearing a blood-red Taoist robe, with an extremely sinister aura, appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen with an extremely gloomy face.

"Blood Sea Taoist!" Through the induction of skills, the moment this skinny Taoist appeared, Chen Tianzhen concluded that he was the real Blood Sea Taoist!
"Human boy...!" Taoist Xuehai gave Chen Tianzhen a cold and stern look, his eyes full of aggrieved looks.

He was a strong man who was only one step away from stepping onto the supreme realm, but he was really overwhelmed by the ant-like Chen Tian.

How could he be reconciled!

However, through the runes integrated into the true spirit, he clearly knew that as long as Chen Tianzhen wanted to kill him, with a single thought, he would be able to kill him!

Erase him from the world!

Damn it, it's really too hateful!
"Daoist Xuehai, haven't you always been curious about my supernatural powers?" Chen Tianzhen couldn't close his mouth, and there was always a smile in his eyes.

The skill of recruiting apprentices is indeed very powerful, for those whose cultivation base is lower than Chen Tianzhen, they can directly and forcibly recruit apprentices!

If Chen Tianzhen used the apprenticeship skill on someone with a higher cultivation level than Chen Tianzhen, there would be a confirmation voice deep in their souls. Once they agreed, life and death would be decided by Chen Tianzhen Naive to take control.

The effect is very overbearing.

"I'll give you supernatural powers!" With a heart move, Chen Tian passed on the Taoist profession to Taoist Xuehai.

Get settled!

Watch God!

out of body!

Sensing the information that directly appeared in the soul, Taoist Xuehai's eyes froze in a dream, and he had a clearer feeling of Chen Tianzhen's methods.

The three runes fell directly into his true spirit and were engraved on them, carrying a strange power that could not be resisted.

"In meditation, you can subdue distracting thoughts in your heart and strengthen your own soul! It can purify the source of the soul, make the source of the soul close to the way of heaven, separate the Tao and humanity in the soul, and obtain two souls!" A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Taoist Xuehai.

"Let me see if it has this effect!" The Taoist of Xuehai didn't even look at Tradition, sat down cross-legged, activated the sedation skill, and entered the sedation state in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, something happened that made him unbelievable!
Many thoughts that he had suppressed in his heart for countless years, which the Taoist of Xuehai thought had been completely dispelled, emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Immediately afterwards, these thoughts were directly refined by the meditation skills, returning to the original, turning into the pure source of soul, his soul that would last forever even if the world was destroyed, unexpectedly grew slightly!
There was extreme shock in the eyes of Taoist Xuehai!
His strength has been countless years, and he hasn't gained a single bit of growth!
However, the supernatural power that Chen Tianzhen passed on to him could actually make his strength grow!

This is simply a mythical thing.

Moreover, as he continued to use the meditation skills, he felt that his ability to comprehend the way of heaven continued to increase.

Originally carrying endless evil spirits, with the use of the meditation skills, his aura quickly stabilized, and an aura close to nature appeared on Taoist Xuehai.

Not long after, he felt his soul beating slightly, and then miraculously turned into two!One is him, the other does not have any human aura, his expression is indifferent, and his body carries the mysterious and extreme aura of heaven. From the moment he appeared, this soul split entered the epiphany realm of the unity of heaven and man. Neglected things were constantly passed on from this soul split, which made his cultivation slowly but firmly improve.

The eyes of Taoist Xuehai immediately went round!His mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't believe it was true. If this state could be maintained for hundreds of millions of years, perhaps he would be able to prove the supreme level!
Taoist Xuehai's heart beat wildly, and then his eyes shifted to the Taoist priest's second-level skill, Guanshen!

"Contemplate the divine thoughts, suppress the demons, emotions and desires, purify the mind, and strengthen the soul!" This is the introduction of the skills of observing the gods.

With excitement, the Taoist of Xuehai activated the Taoist priest's second-level skill without hesitation, "God watching!"

The image of the dream master suddenly appeared in his consciousness!
The realm of the master of the dreamland is only the second level. In the eyes of Taoist Xuehai, he is not much different from ants. He was a little disappointed at first, and was about to switch to the third skill.

Suddenly, the dream master in his mind came into play, and a mysterious and extreme power emerged from the dream master. This power was not very strong, but its essence was extremely high.

This power swirled around in Taoist Xuehai's mind without any hindrance. In Taoist Xuehai's mind, all emotions such as disappointment, grief, anger, etc., were instantly pulled down by this force under the dream master.

After absorbing these emotions, Taoist Xuehai's state of mind instantly became calm!
It didn't take long for these emotional powers to be refined, and the original power ten times more than that of the meditation skills was integrated into the soul of Taoist Xuehai.

"Horror, it's too scary!" After withdrawing from the state of no desire and no desire for the God-watching skill, the Taoist of Xuehai was shocked. In tens of millions of years, he will definitely be able to break through to the Supreme Realm.

It is thought that tens of millions of years is a long time, but in fact, countless hundreds of millions of years have passed since Xuehai Daoist practiced to the present state, but after such a long time, his cultivation base has not improved even a little bit!
"There is one last skill, out of body!" The Taoist of Xuehai carefully recalled the introduction of out of body skills.

"Well, this skill uses the visualized spirit to rush out of the body and be directly exposed to the air. With the compatibility between the soul and the aura, it absorbs the aura. After absorbing enough aura, it returns to the body and releases it."

"Out of body!" After carefully considering the introduction, Taoist Xuehai no longer hesitated, and directly used the out of body skill.

In the Sea of ​​Blood Daoist's sea of ​​consciousness, the master of the dream he visualized had already stared at him incomparably. He saw the master of the dream step forward and disappeared from his sea of ​​consciousness. The next moment, the master of the dream he visualized appeared in the in the air.

"Suck!" With a loud roar, the surrounding violent aura was in the hands of Taoist Xuehai, like a docile chicken, without any resistance at all, it was extremely compressed by him, and sent into the body of the dream master middle.

"Come back!" When the feeling was about the same, Xue Haidao made a move, and the dream master merged into his body and began to release aura.

"As expected! My true energy has actually grown a bit!" Suddenly, a terrifying gaze that pierced through nine heavens and ten earths appeared from the eyes of Taoist Xuehai.

"This kid, what kind of method does he master!!! The method of the supreme realm is so powerful?" Taoist Xuehai couldn't believe it.


Thank you book friends, ah, I want to eat lollipops, and I will reward you with [-] starting coins! ! !The author kneels down and thanks! ! !
There are a lot of things at work during this period, so I just saw it today, thank you boss! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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