Chapter 218
In Tianxin Realm, when the Xuehai Taoist started to use the Taoist professional skills, Chen Tianzhen's face changed suddenly!
After accepting apprentices, Chen Tianzhen can get feedback when the disciples use their skills.

The Taoist of Xuehai uses the concentration skill to gain 10 points of soul power, and Chen Tianzhen can get 1 point of feedback!
What is the realm of Taoist Blood Sea?
Ninth level Dao Realm!

And it's still the pinnacle of existence!
Even the Taoists of Xuehai felt that the slight growth of the soul's strength was too much for Chen Tianzhen!

"Inject!" Without even thinking about it, except for one ten-thousandth of the soul power that he retained, the rest of the soul power was sent into the Dream Kingdom without hesitation.

"Blood Sea Taoist, it's really too strong!" Chen Tian was really terrified, feeling the power pouring into his body like a river, "Fortunately, there is a bottomless pit like the Kingdom of Dreams, if I don't let it, I will definitely be killed He used the skill inadvertently, and the force of the feedback killed me."

With the inconceivable incorporation of this vast and inconceivable power, the Dreamland Divine Kingdom continued to expand rapidly. When the feedback soul power disappeared, the entire Dreamland Divine Kingdom, the real area, had expanded to a huge area of ​​[-] square kilometers!

After space folding, it is equivalent to 100 million square kilometers!

Before Chen Tianzhen started to be shocked, another unbelievably vast, extremely compressed spiritual energy appeared in Chen Tianzhen's dantian out of thin air.

"Damn it..." Feeling a huge amount of spiritual energy in a world, Chen Tianzhen let out a strange cry, and sat down cross-legged in an instant, and the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu was circulated to the extreme by him.

At this moment, the twelve divine beast runes turned into real ancient divine beasts, roaring in Chen Tianzhen's meridians, like a bottomless pit, they crazily absorbed the spiritual energy in Chen Tianzhen's body.

The originally illusory runes are solidifying at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a few breaths, Twelve are the runes of the divine beasts, and they are completely condensed into substance. On the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu, the realm of the runes of the twelve divine beasts is refined!
Without the twelve divine beast runes to share the aura, Chen Tianzhen felt as if he was about to explode in the next instant!

"No, I can't stand it anymore! If this continues, I will be directly supported to death by the spiritual energy!"

Without even thinking about it, Chen Tianzhen directly opened the infinite inauguration panel, and then stared at the second floor of the Hunyuan Tiantu, the next level of the second floor of the Hunyuan Tiantu was the Xiantian Eight Diagrams Realm!

The runes representing innate gossip appeared in Chen Tianzhen's body, and a terrifying and extremely attractive force appeared. In an instant, most of the true energy in Chen Tianzhen's body disappeared!

But in the next moment, it was replenished by the vast spiritual energy!

In this weird interweaving process, the innate gossip state was directly refined!

"Add points!" Chen Tianzhen stared at the infinite inauguration panel. After seeing that the second floor of Hunyuan Tiantu could add points, he added points without thinking, allowing Hunyuan Tiantu to enter the last realm of the second floor.

Pill Realm!
Open up the dantian!
The runes of the twelve divine beasts in Chen Tianzhen's body, the congenital gossip runes, flew up from the meridians, and after an incomparably mysterious combination, they turned into a gray ax that looked like an ax with an extremely terrifying aura.

It gives people the feeling that as long as this ax is swung, the world will be destroyed!With the power of great destruction to the extreme horror.

At this moment, the ax came to the position three inches below Chen Tianzhen's navel, and swung it in an incomparably mysterious way.

The dantian was easily opened up by this axe.

The dantian opened up by Chen Tianzhen is not big, only nine inches in size.

However, the walls of the dantian carried an aura of immortality and eternity.

After the dantian was opened up, the vast spiritual energy that had been circulating in Chen Tianzhen's meridians seemed to have found its destination, and they flocked to it, all entering the dantian.

Visible to the naked eye, the dantian is filled with aura.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably powerful pressure came from the wall of the dantian, and the aura in the dantian was extremely compressed, turning into a drop of liquid essence the size of a needle tip.

Afterwards, the aura that entered the dantian was all integrated into this drop of true essence.

"Great!" Although Taoist Xuehai still had a steady stream of soul energy and aura entering Chen Tianzhen's body after practicing, he was no longer in danger of being exploded.

"The strength of Taoist Xuehai has simply exceeded my expectations." Chen Tianzhen opened his eyes and ordered the ultimate brilliance to illuminate the entire house.

"Now, he has won my apprenticeship skill and has become my disciple!"

"He can't resist my orders! Whatever I tell him to do, he must obey!" Chen Tianzhen glanced at Elder Gao's beautiful face, and a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Since this is the case, the plan of the Tianxin Realm needs to be changed!" Originally, Chen Tianzhen planned to attack the low-level disciples of the Tianshengmen and kill them first. With force, kill everyone in Tianshengmen one by one.

Now, there is an inconceivably powerful existence like the Blood Sea Taoist that can be used!
There is no need to be intimidated!

"Let's go, let's go!" Chen Tianzhen said to Elder Gao with absolute cruelty in his eyes. In his previous life, the Heavenly Sacred Gate came to the real world and raised the people in Changkong City like animals for their cultivation.

Now is the time for them to pay the price!
The door of the attic opened suddenly, and in the square, the elder Chuan Gong was spitting, explaining the beauty of blood river zhenqi to the inner disciples. In order for everyone to understand, he also asked for a baby from the door corpse.

Now, he is gesturing with the baby's corpse!
"Elder Gao, have you left the customs?" Hearing the sound, he had a brilliant smile on his face, and his true energy swept across his body in an instant. When he turned around and looked back, his clothes were unkempt. A wrinkle, the hair is very neat.

Elder Gao didn't speak, his face was extremely cold, and he led Chen Tianzhen straight to Elder Chuangong.

"Elder Gao, where are you going?" The smile on Elder Chuan Gong's face did not change at all. The more indifferent Elder Gao showed, the more he wanted to conquer Elder Gao.

It's a pity that the current Elder Gao is just a puppet controlled by Chen Tianzhen's thoughts.

Without saying a word, Chen Tianzhen walked up to the elder Chuan Gong, looked at the elder Chuan Gong with bright eyes, raised his white and tender fingers without any smell of fireworks, and stretched them out gently, as if reaching out to touch the elder Chuan Gong. The face of Elder Gong is the same.

Elder Chuan Gong's eyes widened, and he looked at Elder Gao in disbelief!
This model, even in his dreams, he dared not think about it.

The extremely terrifying Blood River True Qi rushed out like a Milky Way from the hands of the Elder Chuangong.

"Looking for death!" Elder Chuan Gong's eyes flashed fiercely, and his voice was full of evil intentions. His cultivation base was slightly higher than Elder Gao's. This is the difference between heaven and earth, which is why he dared to let Elder Gao touch his face. for the sake.

"Bitch, if you dare to attack me, I just happen to take you down, and I will cultivate you, and all of them will be replenished!"

At this moment, the vast power of the seven emotions rushed out, like a flood, rushing out from Chen Tianzhen's fingers, covering the entire square.

The elder Chuan Gong suddenly paused, his mind went blank.

Just at this moment of terror, Elder Gao's terrifying Blood River True Qi swallowed him up!

On the square, under the power of the seven emotions, all the disciples, those above the fifth level, persisted for a while, and the souls of the monks below the fifth level were instantly washed white by the power of the seven emotions, and all of them became idiots!

Immediately afterwards, Elder Gao's Blood River True Qi swept across, and everyone was swallowed by Elder Gao's Blood River True Qi!
(End of this chapter)

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