I can work indefinitely

Chapter 220 Killing Low-Level Cultivators

Chapter 220 Killing Low-Level Cultivators
A bloody sword energy emerged from the killing sword.

The whole time, it was divided into two in front of this sword energy!
Accompanied by dark cracks in the space, with the terrifying power of destruction, the sword energy directly cut through the space and rushed to Xue Wujiang.

On Xue Wujiang's face, there was extreme fear.

"You're not Gao Xiyue!" His voice was extremely sharp, filled with infinite fear.

"Who the hell are you? If I, Blood Without Borders, offend you, I will apologize to you right away." In the voice of Blood Without Borders, there was infinite panic.

Unfortunately, Gao Xiyue couldn't answer his question either.

Because Gao Xiyue's soul is still in Lingshan, suppressed by Lingshan, tortured by the power of seven emotions,

Moreover, just now Chen Tianzhen swung a sword casually through Gao Xiyue's body, a seemingly random swing, but directly exhausted all the strength in Gao Xiyue's body, including the vitality of her body.

After swinging this extremely bright sword, her body was blown away by a gust of wind, and was instantly wiped out.

Chen Tianzhen took a step forward and held the Killing Sword in his hand. He looked at the place where Gao Xiyue was wiped out with great regret, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, "Unfortunately, such a beautiful skin is gone with a single swing of the sword. If I had known earlier, I would have..."

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you can die!" Chen Tianzhen sneered.

In Chen Tianzhen's sneer, Xue Wujiang was instantly annihilated by the bloody sword energy, and his soul flew away!
"It's quite domineering!" Chen Tianzhen patted the scabbard, and from the top of the Blood God Peak, he could see the towering Tiansheng Peak, surrounded by several other peaks, guarding the left and right.

"Unfortunately, the progress is still a bit slow!" Chen Tianzhen found out that there were only a few thousand monks who had planted Mengyin in the Tianshengmen, which was far worse than the hundreds of thousands of Tianshengmen. Far.

"Now that there are disciples in the sea of ​​blood, there is no need to cover up and go on slowly." Chen Tianzhen glanced at the gate of hell not far in front of him, which he used as a shield, with a smile in his eyes.

"Blood Sea Tuer, haven't you always been curious about my methods? I want you to take a good look at my methods!" In Chen Tianzhen's voice, a thin figure with endless aggrieved eyes appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen. side.

"Buddha's light!" The vast, holy, coercive, five-hundred-foot Buddha's light with endless compassion floated above the sky like a golden sun.

"Split!" Chen Tianzhen roared, and the Buddha's light was divided into six paths, each of which was nearly a hundred feet in size.

"Go!" With a finger pointing out, the six Buddha lights flew out, and the golden sacred light sprinkled on every corner of the Tiansheng Gate, and even with it, there was also the dream of the dream kingdom of God.

"What a miraculous power!" Taoist Xuehai still had disdain in his eyes at first, but when he realized that even his own strength could not stop the Buddha's light shining down, his eyes were filled with extreme astonishment.

"It's the power of the supreme realm again!" Although this Buddha's light can't harm him, his power can't stop the Buddha's light from shining on him, shining on his soul.

"Who dares to act wildly at my Heavenly Sacred Gate? I don't want to live anymore!" A terrifying roar sounded like a beast roaring. The breath flew.

None of their auras are awe-inspiring, and all of them have a sinister smell.

Immediately afterwards, their voices seemed to have awakened the people from the other peaks, and the vein masters of the other Four Meridian peaks also flew over with terror, evil intentions, and arrogance to the extreme.

Among the eight people who took the lead, a cultivator in black robes who looked devoid of emotion, with only reason and indifference in his eyes, swept his eyes over the Blood God Peak, and immediately understood why a large number of soul lamps went out just now.

When his eyes swept across Chen Tianzhen, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes!
Because he discovered that the aura on Chen Tianzhen's body was not as good as that of an introductory disciple of the Heavenly Sacred Sect. Immediately afterwards, he discovered the life-killing sword in Chen Tianzhen's hand!

Originally, there was no emotion in his eyes, like a machine, but when he saw the killing sword in Chen Tianzhen's hands, the extremely intense greedy emotion suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"A treasure! It's this treasure that gave this ant the power to kill Blood Without Borders!" Suddenly, he had a judgment in his heart, and glanced at the other people following him.

No one was a fool, all of them looked at the killing sword in Chen Tianzhen's hand with incomparably fiery eyes!

"Where did the ants come from, dare to commit murder in my Heavenly Sacred Gate? I will destroy your soul!" With a loud roar, the black-robed monk used a secret method to suddenly double his speed.

Seeing the black robe's demeanor, the others imitated the example, and rushed towards Chen Tianzhen with all their might and greed in their eyes.

Holding the killing sword in his hand, Chen Tianzhen watched the group of greedy monks flying towards him without any panic in his heart. After he sensed the situation of the dream-induced implantation, a smile appeared on his face.

Under the illumination of the Buddha's light, all the monks at the Heavenly Sacred Gate had been implanted with Mengyin.

"first step!"

"Extraction!" Chen Tianzhen's voice sounded faintly, and under the even more astonished eyes of Taoist Xuehai, all the monks below the fifth rank in the entire Tianshengmen fell limply to the ground, and their souls disappeared in an instant.

Taoist Xuehai swept his mind, and suddenly found that the moment Chen Tianzhen said the word 'extract', a total of 27 souls disappeared.

For the Taoist of Xuehai, it is very simple to do this. A trace of sword energy can kill everyone's souls, and it can also achieve the same effect as Chen Tianzhen!
However, in the situation he has been paying attention to, he has not discovered how the souls of these people disappeared!
"Where are their souls?" Taoist Xuehai couldn't help asking.

"I'll tell you later!"

After saying this sentence, Chen Tianzhen swept his eyes over the body of the monk who was lying on the ground in the Tiansheng Gate, with extreme cruelty in his eyes, he said in a flat voice, "Inject!"

Thoughts that had been prepared a long time ago, under the control of the dream master, were injected into these bodies that had lost their souls.

These limp corpses all got up from the ground, and then under the deployment of the master of the dream, they launched a suicide attack on monks above the fifth rank.

Because the deployment of the master of the dream, plus everyone else, is Chen Tianzhen's idea. When they are combined, the explosive power is extremely terrifying.

In addition, the master of the dream is still deploying the power of the seven emotions to act together with these thoughts of splitting the soul. The moment these thoughts burst forth, a large number of fifth-order monks died in the hands of Chen Tianzhen.

"Transcendence!" In the Buddha's light suspended in the sky, the dark swastika characters rotated, and the soul of every dead monk would be sucked into it instantly by a powerful force.

The soul that fell into the light of the transcending Buddha was sent to the Lingshan Mountain immediately, and a trace of karmic fire fell, and the extreme pain made the soul scream out of pain.

At this moment, on Lingshan, there was no other sound other than this painful roar.

"This is?" The cultivators who rushed towards Chen Tianzhen and were about to snatch Chen Tianzhen's sword, after they found out that they were killing each other frantically, they rushed towards Chen Tianzhen just for a moment of doubt.

"Wait until I snatch the treasure from the hands of this ants!" The chaos in the door needs to be suppressed, but the treasure in Chen Tianzhen's hands is more important, as long as the treasure is captured, with the power of the treasure, any chaos can be suppressed instantly.

As for Chen Tianzhen, no one took him seriously, everyone thought that he was just a lucky ant.

No matter how lucky an ant is, it is just an ant!
This kind of existence that can be blown out in one breath, for them, there is no need to pay attention to it at all. On the contrary, these fellow students who came out together are the ones who really need to pay attention!
(End of this chapter)

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