I can work indefinitely

Chapter 221 Extinction Heaven Sacred Gate 1

Chapter 221 Extinction Heaven Sacred Gate 1
"Destroy!" Just when everyone didn't take Chen Tianzhen seriously, Chen Tianzhen's eyes were extremely cold, and endless murderous intent burst out of his mouth.

The killing sword he held in his hand suddenly swung at the eighth-rank cultivator who was flying towards him with an extremely greedy expression on his face.

The gate of hell opened in front of Chen Tianzhen, and the extremely viscous and condensed evil spirit from the blood sea world surged wildly, directly entering the killing sword, and became the power to activate the killing sword.

Let Chen Tianzhen drive the killing sword with his own power?Chen Tianzhen still has self-knowledge. Just now, with the help of Elder Gao's body, he swung a sword with the Killing Sword. Even Elder Gao's seventh-level cultivation was sucked dry by the Killing Sword in an instant, and his soul was wiped out.

No matter how stupid Chen Tianzhen is, he wouldn't make such a mistake!
"Shameless!" The figure of Taoist Xuehe snorted dissatisfiedly after seeing Chen Tianzhen's behavior. Chen Tianzhen not only took his sword, but even the power to drive the sword was extracted from him. .

It's shameless to the extreme.

As the boundless evil energy was absorbed by the killing sword, a blood-red, frightening and terrifying sword energy emerged from the killing sword.

The space in front of Chen Tianzhen, in front of this sword energy, instantly shattered like paper.

A terrifying aura that destroys the world and slaughters the common people emerges from the sword aura.

When seeing this sword qi, the monks of Tianshengmen also sensed the extreme killing aura carried in the sword qi at the same time. Everyone was scared out of their wits by the extreme murderous aura that wiped out all life. The fear could not be suppressed from the bottom of my heart.

"Flee!" Even the most greedy elder turned around as quickly as lightning at this moment, with extreme horror on his face.

"Run!" Someone yelled in horror amidst the extremely terrifying atmosphere.

At this moment, everyone burst out with the most powerful cultivation base in their bodies, and they ran away in a panic like frightened birds and beasts.

"Master of the sect! Master of the sect! If you don't come out, the Tianshengmen will be destroyed." The black-robed monk rushed towards the Tianshengfeng like desperately, while agitating for mana, his voice was like thunder in the Tianshengmen. sounded.

"Death!" At this moment, small streams of sword energy flew out from the bloody sword energy in front of Chen Tianzhen. This sword energy was so powerful that it cut through space and stopped time. When the sword energy flew out, , has pierced into the bodies of the fleeing elders.

The power of the killing sword suddenly burst out.

In an instant, all the cultivators who rushed over just now turned into a cloud of blood-colored mist in mid-air.

And the souls of these monks were completely shattered by the sword qi at the moment when the sword qi erupted, and even the true spirits did not escape, and their souls flew away and fell completely.

"Dare to act wildly in my Tianshengmen, kill my disciples, kill my disciples, it is really courageous." An indifferent voice without any emotion came from the sky of Tianshengfeng.

He is wearing a black robe, with a blank face and cold eyes. He is the head of the Tiansheng Sect, Dao Tiansheng!
He looks ordinary, but he has a very special aura on his body. This aura is somewhat similar to Chen Tianzhen's indifferent avatar, but it is very different!

The avatar of indifference does not have any emotion, rational, but with a natural breath.

This heavenly sage also has no emotions, only coldness and reason in his eyes, and what he carries is not the mystery of nature, but a kind of decisive evil power.

"Do you think that you are invincible because of the strength of the magic weapon? Childish! Ridiculous!" A voice without the slightest emotion came out of Dao Tiansheng's mouth.

"My heart is the heart of heaven! My way is the way of heaven!" Dao Tiansheng practiced the supreme skill of Tianshengmen, Tianxinjue, and the practice required monks who devoured other five veins.

At the first level, one each of the other first-level monks who need to devour the five veins, at the second level, two of the other five-vein monks need to be devoured, and so on.

Over the years, under his painstaking training, he has cultivated more than [-] eighth-level monks again. Originally, he had been waiting for these eighth-level monks to break through the ninth level. After he devoured them, he would be able to break through the extraordinary realm. Enter wonderland!
"You ruined my 3000 years of hard work! I want to crush your flesh and bones to ashes, and I want to let your soul survive 3 years of karmic fire!" Dao Tiansheng's voice was mechanical, without any emotion The color, the face is flat, as if talking about something that is no different from eating and drinking as usual.

The words in his mouth were extremely hot, but there was no change in his voice, expression, or complexion. Dao Tiansheng's performance made Chen Tianzhen feel a chill, and his whole body was covered with goose bumps.

"You can go to hell! Seal the sky and lock the earth! Forbid the spiritual energy!" Dao Tiansheng pointed at Chen Tianzhen.

"Huh? What a powerful method." Chen Tianzhen frowned. Originally, the aura around him was incomparably sufficient. After Dao Tiansheng used this trick, he felt that the aura around him completely disappeared. It was gone in an instant.

"Ants, you are fighting fiercely with the divine sword. Now the spiritual energy around you has been completely cut off. With your meager skills, if you want to drive the divine sword to kill the enemy, it is a dream!" Not far in front of Tianzhen, suspended in mid-air, looked down at Chen Tianzhen with an indifferent expression.

The killing sword is indeed very strong, but the driving of the sword requires spiritual energy. After scanning Chen Tianzhen with his divine sense, he found that Chen Tianzhen's cultivation had only reached the second level. With Chen Tianzhen's body cultivation, he wanted to drive the god Sword, that is simply a dream.

When the divine sword erupted just now, more than 30 elders of the eighth rank were all killed by a sword qi. What a terrifying killing weapon, the more terrifying the killing weapon, the greater the consumption when using it.

Therefore, Dao Tiansheng concluded that after cutting off the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Chen Tianzhen was a tiger whose teeth had been pulled out all the time, without any threat.

"Ants, dare to destroy my arrangement, I will let your body be wiped out first, and then I will clean up your soul!" Daotiansheng's voice was so flat that it was frightening, without any emotion in it, just like a machine without emotion.

He pointed in the direction of Chen Tianzhensheng, "My heart is the heart of heaven, my way is the way of heaven, my will is the will of heaven, thunder and punishment!"

Above Chen Tianzhen's head, in the originally blue sky without any color, a huge thundercloud covering the entire Heavenly Sacred Gate appeared out of thin air.

The power of thunder with the power of extreme destruction rolled in the thunder cloud.

The sound of muffled thunder shook the surrounding mountains slightly, as if the world had been destroyed, it was extremely terrifying.

"Fall!" Daotian sage pressed down slightly, and the thundercloud turned into a purple thunderbolt, which was compressed into a fist-sized thunderball.

This thunder ball, carrying the terrifying power to the extreme and exterminating everything, appeared directly in front of Chen Tianzhen like a teleportation.

"Ants, ruin my good deeds, and my body will be wiped out!!"

(End of this chapter)

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