I can work indefinitely

Chapter 222 Extinction Heaven Sacred Gate 2

Chapter 222 Extinction Heaven Sacred Gate 2
Chen Tianzhen's face was also very calm, he wasn't panicking at all!

This heavenly sage did have some skills, but he wanted Chen Tianzhen's life, but the heavenly saint was thinking too much.

"Do you know where the power to activate the killing sword comes from?" Chen Tianzhen sneered, and a miniature gate of hell opened directly in the palm of his hand, and a steady stream of evil spirits surged in from the Blood Sea Realm.

Chen Tianzhen is not a fool, he can naturally see the intention of the Daotian Sage to forbid the aura of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that the aura of this world has nothing to do with Chen Tianzhen. Apart from just entering the Tianxin Realm and absorbing the aura in an experimental way in Elder Gao's attic, Chen Tianzhen cares that he has never used any of the aura in the Tianxin Realm .

Under the guidance of Taoist Xuehai, the aura of Tianxin Realm, Chen Tianzhen already knew that something was wrong. What kind of aura is this? It is obviously a deadly poison.

The strong person in the fairyland refines his thoughts into the spiritual energy. Whether it is absorbing the spiritual energy for cultivation or recovering from the spiritual energy, the thoughts of the strong person in the fairyland will be accumulated in the body.

As soon as the thoughts come up, the time of death will come naturally, it's here!
"Naturally, it comes from the outside world." Dao Tiansheng's voice was extremely indifferent. He hovered condescendingly in the mid-air not far from Chen Tianzhen. There was no emotion in his eyes, just like a machine, looking at Chen Tianzhen calmly. Innocent.

"Congratulations, you got the wrong answer, so please go die!" On Chen Tianzhen's face, the smile was radiant to the extreme, and in the next moment, a blood-red and terrifying sword energy burst out from the Killing Sword. About the size of a fist, the destructive thunderball stabbed out lightly.

The terrifying thunderball burst like soap bubbles suspended in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, this sword qi broke away from the killing sword, and in the next moment, it had already pierced into the forehead of Dao Tiansheng.

All along, Dao Tiansheng's eyes without the slightest emotional fluctuation finally showed a look of incomparable horror. When he really faced the killing sword energy, he felt the extreme terror of the killing sword energy.

As long as it is locked by the sword energy, there is no way to escape.

The primordial spirit, thoughts, and sub-souls were instantly locked by the sword energy, unable to escape from the body at all, and were tightly locked in the body by the sword energy.

Daotian Sheng's extremely powerful body was completely vulnerable to the killing sword energy. After the killing sword energy pierced his eyebrows, the sword energy instantly shattered all the power in his body, making Daotian Sheng Cong, a high-ranking monk of the ninth-order extraordinary realm, fell into the clouds and instantly became an ordinary person without the slightest cultivation.

After becoming an ordinary person, the power of seven emotions and six desires that was cut off by Dao Tiansheng because of practicing Tianxin Jue reappeared.

After he lost his power, he could no longer maintain the suspension in the air, and fell down from the air in a state of embarrassment, kneeling in front of Chen Tianzhen, his face was covered with mud and dust, and he looked at Chen Tianzhen with extreme horror in his eyes.

He sensed it, and although this sword energy didn't kill him, it cut through his dantian and Zifu, making him no longer able to practice.

In other words, he can only be an ordinary person forever!

"Ordinary people are just materials for practice!" At this time, Chen Tianzhen's eyes were filled with extremes, and his voice sounded cold and stern. Chen Tianzhen estimated that during the years of Tianshengmen's rule, there were at least tens of millions of ordinary people who were used as practice materials by Tianshengmen.

Tens of millions of people were dismembered by Tianshengmen!

Immediately, Dao Tiansheng's face was pale, and there was extreme fear in his eyes. He was a monk before, and he had done many things to dismember ordinary people and turn them into practice materials.

Originally, he took this situation for granted. He felt that since ordinary people do not have the qualifications for cultivation, it is only natural that dismemberment should become a cultivation material.

At this moment, when he has become an ordinary person and will face the fate of being dismembered, he is afraid, afraid, and regretful!
"Forgive me! Forgive me!" Dao Tiansheng's face was extremely pale, he got up from the ground, knelt down in front of Chen Tianzhen, kowtowed to Chen Tianzhen in extreme horror.

"Hehe, spare you? Forgive you, who will atone for the ordinary people who died in your hands." Chen Tianzhen's voice was extremely cold.

"Ordinary people are born to be resources for practice. It is their destiny to become materials for practice. Even if they are not dismembered to become materials for practice, they will still die." Dao Tiansheng did not hesitate at all, and the thoughts in his heart were directly revealed.

He thought so before!He has been doing this all the time, and he even feels that it is a blessing for ordinary people to become his practice material.

He has always felt that ordinary people are going to die anyway, if they die sooner or later, they are dead!

"Oh? You seem to have forgotten one thing. You are just an ordinary person now!" The corner of Chen Tianzhen's mouth revealed an extremely mocking look. Dao Tiansheng subconsciously still feels that ordinary people deserve to die.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, Dao Tiansheng was stunned, and then extreme fear emerged from the bottom of his heart.

His face was extremely pale, and his body was instantly covered with sweat.

"Senior, spare me, spare me, as long as you restore my body and allow me to practice again, I am willing to do anything for you!"

"I can swear to Tiandao, as long as you restore my body and let me practice, I am willing to be your slave forever and never betray." Dao Tiansheng thought for a while, and opened his mouth full of hope.

"Hehe..." Chen Tianzhen glanced at the phantom of the Taoist of Xuehai beside him, and his laughter was full of disdain. First of all, the Daotian Saint must die. Innocence doesn't matter at all.

Secondly, with Chen Tianzhen's current cultivation level, even if Chen Tian really wanted to destroy the things destroyed by the killing sword energy, it would be impossible to restore them at all.

"You should be the head of Tianshengmen!" Chen Tianzhen didn't answer, but spoke quietly.

"Yes, I am the head of the Tianshengmen. As long as you spare me once, all the classics, all the magic weapons, and all the cultivation resources of the Tianshengmen will be yours!"

"Only I know where these things are placed! Only I can lead you to find these treasures!" After hearing Chen Tianzhen's question, Dao Tiansheng seemed to be grasping the last straw, with a smile in his eyes. The color of endless anticipation.

"You misunderstood again, I just want you to witness a firework with me!" Chen Tianzhen fully stretched out his hand, and Karmic Fire flickered out of the miniature gate of hell in his palm.

Then, endless karmic fire burst out from his palm and landed on the ground of Tianshengmen.

A trace of sparks exploded in an instant, turning into a monstrous fire that reached the clouds.

"Just now you said that you will burn me with karma fire for 3 years! It just so happens that I also have karma fire, and if you want to burn me for 3 years, I can't let you suffer, so I will burn you for 3 years too!"

"Ah..." A trace of karmic fire fell on Dao Tiansheng's body, and Dao Tiansheng's whole body was distorted. The extreme pain made him wish he could fly out of his wits immediately.

It's a pity that at this moment, he can't help it anymore.

"When the fire of karma burns your Heavenly Sacred Gate completely, I guess your body should be able to shatter your bones and turn it into ashes!"

Chen Tianzhen glanced at the Heavenly Sacred Gate. The karmic fire is so powerful that all living and dead things, whether on the ground or hidden deep underground, have nothing to hide at this moment. Under the karmic fire, they have no ability to resist at all. All were killed by fire.

Even if there were hidden strong men who wanted to escape, they were forced out by Chen Tianzhen's karmic fire, and then killed with the killing sword!

(End of this chapter)

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