I can work indefinitely

Chapter 223 Hiding the Old Coin Behind the Scenes

Chapter 223 Hiding the Old Coin Behind the Scenes

Not long after, the entire Tianshengmen was completely purified in the raging karmic fire. In the Tianshengmen area, all the sinful creatures died.

This Tianshengmen area is dead and silent, and there is no life at all.

"It's gone, it's gone, everything is over..." Dao Tiansheng's voice was filled with extreme sadness. When Tianshengmen was completely wiped out, he couldn't help but feel the desolation of rabbit death and fox grief.

At this moment, a sense of indifference, ruthlessness, but endless mystery appeared in midair.

Immediately, hype fell from the sky and golden lotuses gushed from the ground!
The extremely golden and sacred radiance in the sky fell towards Chen Tianzhen, as if the heavens were rewarding Chen Tianzhen for his achievements in suppressing the Heavenly Sacred Gate.

Standing beside Chen Tianzhen, there was a sneering smile on the face of Taoist Xuehai who didn't show any strength, "It's ridiculous, self-righteousness, heaven's heart, heaven's way, it's just a way to deceive oneself and others."

Chen Tianzhen looked at the bright dao flowers made of aura falling down from the sky, the aura contained in each dao flower made Chen Tianzhen feel sideways.

On the ground, golden lotus flowers burst out, carrying bursts of fragrance.

In addition to the sky, a thick beam of light with a sacred aura descended from the sky with an endless mysterious aura, "Is this a merit?"

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, Taoist Xuehai showed endless sarcasm on his face, and looked at Chen Tianzhen as if he was looking at a fool.

"It's not a merit?" Chen Tianzhen frowned, and such a huge scene was not a merit.

"I still remember you asking me in the Blood Sea Realm that when practicing in this world, there is black energy in the aura. During the process of cultivation, will the black energy gather in the dantian?" Taoist Xuehai sneered and spoke again.

A flash of lightning flashed in Chen Tianzhen's mind, and an extreme chill appeared in his heart. He already understood the meaning of Taoist Xuehai. Unknowingly, life and death will be controlled by people hidden behind the scenes, and I don't know it yet.

Now, the same is true for the merits that descended from the sky!

It is definitely the same as aura, it is hidden with divine thoughts, if it is absorbed, the consequences will be unimaginable!
"Old coins! Routine, it's all routine! It's too insidious!" After seeing the current scene, ordinary people will definitely not think about other things. The power of merit bestowed.

Then, he happily accepted this seemingly beneficial, but actually deadly power.

"Dare to bully me, you go to die!" Chen Tianzhen, who was terrified, raised the killing sword, without even thinking about it, absorbing enough evil energy from the almost unlimited energy source of the blood sea world, and pouring it into the killing sword. He slashed at the holy merit falling from the sky.

Chen Tianzhen struck out in anger. The sword energy that flew out was even more terrifying than the sword energy that killed Dao Tiansheng. The sky was divided into two by the sword, and there was an extremely violent spatial crack in the middle.

The crack in the space was pitch black, with an aura of destruction.

The golden merit that fell from the sky fell directly into the space crack, and was directly wiped out by the power of the space crack.

"It really is a fake!" The anger in Chen Tianzhen's eyes grew stronger. If it was real power of merit, it would be impossible to wipe it out with mere power of space.

"Who the hell is that person who has been hiding in the dark!" Chen Tianzhen swept his eyes around, but unfortunately his realm was too low to find anything at all.

"Don't worry, the person you are looking for has come out!" The Taoist of Xuehai pointed to the sky as if he knew what Chen Tianzhen was thinking.

At this moment, in the sky full of hype, the sacred and dazzling scene of golden light has disappeared. In the position of the original golden light, the entire sky is covered by dark clouds, and an extremely depressing aura emerges from the dark clouds, tightly locking Chen Tianzhen.

In the center of the dark cloud, extremely indifferent eyes made of thunder appeared, looking at Chen Tianzhen coldly, a wave of supreme will with endless mystery sounded in Chen Tianzhen's ears, "Go against God's will, God will punish you!" kill!"

"Good disciple, you should come!" Sensing the irresistible terrifying aura coming from the dark clouds, Chen Tianzhen threw the killing sword in his hand into the hands of Taoist Xuehai.

The corner of Xuehai Taoist's mouth twitched. After receiving the killing sword, he looked up to the sky with helplessness in his heart. To be honest, he wished he could beat Chen Tianzhen himself, but he couldn't, and he didn't want to give up.

The rune engraved into his true spirit told him very clearly that if something happened to Chen Tianzhen, if something went wrong, he would definitely be in bad luck.

In addition, after obtaining the Taoist profession inherited by Chen Tianzhen, he has not made any progress in his cultivation for hundreds of millions of years. Although he is slowly but extremely steadily improving, according to the current improvement speed, it will not take long for him to break through the ninth level of Taoism Realm, enter the supreme realm that he dreamed of, and become a great existence that truly transcends everything.

"Sneaky hiding behind the scenes, like a mouse, it is difficult to cultivate a fairyland!" He couldn't do anything to Chen Tianzhen, he was angry with Chen Tianzhen once in his heart, so he naturally wanted to spread it on the person hiding behind the scenes.

A beam of sword energy emerged from the Killing Sword, and flew towards the extremely terrifying dark cloud in the sky.

With a flash of red light, the terrifying dark cloud in the sky that seemed to destroy the world disappeared completely after a flash of red light, as if it had never appeared again.

"The verb that hides the head and shows the tail, get out of the way!" Another blood-colored sword energy emerged from the killing sword, and this sword energy was extremely powerful.

The sword qi carried a terrifying force that could change the color of the sky and the earth. The sword qi oscillated slightly, and a blood-colored ripple went from the sword qi like a wave in all directions.

In the surrounding air, streams of black smoke with a tyrannical aura rose up, exactly the same as the black smoke that was separated by Hunyuan Tiantu when Chen Tianzhen was practicing, entered his dantian and was finally expelled by him.

These black qi separated from the spiritual qi by the shock of the sword qi quickly gathered together, and soon turned into a middle-aged Taoist in a blue Taoist robe, with endless mystery on his body, and extremely cold eyes.

"I am Taoist Tianxin, who are you? Why did I ruin my practice? Kill my sect?" Taoist Tianxin's eyes were fixed on Taoist Xuehai, and his voice was emotionless, extremely cold, just like the way of heaven.

Xuehai Taoist phantom, at this moment, only shows the strength of the fairyland, which is similar to the strength shown by Tianxin Taoist.

However, Taoist Tianxin's practice has now reached a critical moment, and it is not appropriate to make enemies at this moment, "When I achieve a breakthrough in cultivation, I will swallow you right away!"

"We killed your sect? So, you are a senior of Tiansheng sect?" Chen Tianzhen's eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

"Ants, here, you are not qualified to speak, shut up." Taoist Tianxin gave Chen Tianzhen a cold look, as if he saw a bug on the ground.

"What he said is what I meant. If you don't answer well, I'll kill you right away!" Seeing Chen Tianzhen's gloomy face, Taoist Xuehai trembled, and he spoke hastily.

"This immortal is the founder of Tianshengmen! The five veins of Tianshengmen are all my inheritance!" Taoist Tianxin took a deep look at Chen Tianzhen, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, he just didn't want to have an affair with Taoist Xuehai The conflict is not because Taoists are afraid of blood!
The tone of Taoist Xuehai made him extremely angry.

(End of this chapter)

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