I can work indefinitely

Chapter 224 Who Are You?

Chapter 224 Who Are You?

"Taoist Tianxin, why do you use ordinary people's bodies as materials for your practice?" Chen Tianzhen's voice was cold. The five meridians of the Tianshengmen all use ordinary people as their materials for practice.

Chen Tianzhen really wanted to know why this extremely miserable practice method was brought up.

"Ants, you know that the human race was destined to be the food of other races since its appearance, and it was destined to be the material for other races' cultivation."

"Most races have methods of cultivation using human race as materials!" Taoist Tianxin flashed extreme hatred in his eyes.

Chen Tianzhen looked at Taoist Xuehai in surprise, a little in disbelief, but nodded when he saw the phantom of Taoist Xuehai, and immediately understood that what Taoist Tianxin said was true!

"It's just that the human race is lucky. Not long after it was born, a peerless figure appeared, named Baidi, who practiced for millions of years and broke through to the highest realm."

"It is precisely because of this that most of the races that feed on the human race and use the human race as the material for their practice will be wiped out in the next tens of thousands of years! Disappear from this world!" Taoist Tianxin said to himself, eyes The hatred was so strong that it almost overflowed from his eyes.

"Although Baidi wiped out most of the races, the human race also paid a heavy price! The only supremely powerful Baidi was ambushed by the powerhouses of all races. Since then, he has never appeared again!"

"And you and the human race are once again reduced to blood food and cultivation materials." When Taoist Tianxin said this, his face was full of relief.

"I understand. You should be one of the races that were wiped out by the White Emperor, right? That's why you are full of hatred for the human race! That's why you created the Heavenly Sacred Gate here, and in the Heavenly Sacred Gate, pass on the magic that uses the human race as the material for cultivation." Use it to vent your anger!" Chen Tianzhen said with a mocking look in his eyes.

"That's right, didn't Baidi always hate other races for treating humans as blood food? Then I will let people eat humans themselves!" Taoist Tianxin's voice was extremely cold.

"In order to protect the human race, Baidi exterminated all races and regarded the human race as his heart and soul. Then I will let him see the scene of the human race killing each other that he cherishes."

"The human race is extremely despicable, inferior to the lowest worms and beasts. The worms and beasts even know how to protect their own kind, but your human race, for the sake of longevity and strength, even if you are of the same kind, you will eat them without hesitation. In the heavens and myriad worlds, Even the most evil demons are better than you humans."

Chen Tianzhen looked at the old Tianxin who was getting more and more crazy, with no expression on his face. The human race has never lacked scum, and at the same time, mankind has never lacked heroes.

Compared to the huge number of human beings, both scum and heroes are very few!

Most of them are ordinary people with kind thoughts in their hearts!

As long as the scum appears, just kill it!

Just like what he did to Tianshengmen just now, Taoist Tianxin is simply dreaming if he wants to use such a thing to hit his Taoist heart.

"Is it over? You can die after you finish!" Chen Tianzhen's face was extremely cold and stern, and he glanced at Taoist Tianxin without any emotion, "Taoist Xuehai, what are you waiting for, kill him!"

"Ant, why do you think I talk to you so much? Do you know why I am called Taoist Tianxin?" Taoist Tianxin had an extremely arrogant smile on his mouth.

"I practice Tianxinjue, my heart is Tianxin, my way is the way of heaven! I am the whole world!" Taoist Tianxin disappeared and merged into the whole world. His voice was like thunder, coming from the surrounding air and the mountain. , and even the grass and trees rang.

"You wild Taoist, you actually opposed me for a lowly human race, and you are still opposing me in my world, you just think your life is too long." A gust of wind blew over, and the voice of Tianxin Taoist was so cold Ultimate sound.

"Suppression!" A voice as loud as the way of heaven resounded between heaven and earth, and the main peak of Tianshengmen rose from the ground with incomparably terrifying power, and pressed down on the two of them.

"Shen Lei!" There was another violent roar, and all the dark clouds in the whole world gathered above the Tiansheng Gate, and purple divine thunders that were more terrifying than mountains danced in the clouds, carrying the terror of violent destruction strength.

"Ants, don't worry, I won't let you die easily, I will take out your soul and burn it in the soul lamp for hundreds of millions of years." Taoist Tianxin's voice came from all directions, with extreme excitement in his voice. Evil.

"Blood Sea Taoist, don't do it yet!" The terrifying weight of Tiansheng Peak made Chen Tianzhen feel unable to move. The terrifying pressure was as terrifying as wanting to destroy the world.

"Ants! Hehe, the frog in the well doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!" Taoist Xuehai laughed coldly. He was the only one who called others an ant. It was the first time for him to be called an ant by such a weak existence.

"Let's not talk about mere cultivation skills, even if you are a small heaven born in this world, I want to kill it, it's easy!"

"Get out!" The killing sword waved in Xuehai Taoist's hand, and ripples of sword energy emerged from the killing sword, and the whole world was shaken by the ripples of sword energy.

The extremely terrifying space crack, with the killing sword as the center, began to spread in all directions.

The Tiansheng Peak that was about to fall on top of Chen Tianzhen's head was shattered under the rippling sword energy in an instant, and disappeared like blue smoke.

The dark clouds with a destructive aura accumulated in the sky, before the ripples of sword energy, were like paper, vulnerable to a single blow, and disappeared in an instant.

"Lei Lai!" After looking at Chen Tianzhen, the Taoist of Xuehai seemed to have thought of something, and made a move towards the sky. In the dark clouds that had just been shaken away, the electricity contained in it was instantly collected by him and turned into a cloud. A thumb-sized, purple noble and brilliant bead.

"Teacher, the pure power contained in this thunder bead has been killed by me with sword energy. It can be used for you to practice for a period of time." He handed the thunder bead to Chen Tianzhen's hand.

Chen Tianzhen took it easily, feeling the violent but pure power gushing out from the thunder bead, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

"The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, get out!" The killing sword in the hands of Taoist Xuehai shook again, and the whole world shook, and a world-like destructive aura emerged from the killing sword. In the sky and on the ground, The red sword energy, which is invisible to the naked eye, covers the whole world.

A pitch-black divine sense in the blood-colored sword energy could no longer hide in the void, and was forced to emerge, re-condensing its form.

"Who the hell are you?" At this moment, Taoist Tianxin was still as arrogant and domineering as before. He looked at Taoist Xuehai with extreme fear in his eyes.

Just when Taoist Xuehai made a move, he found that compared with Taoist Xuehai, his little bit of Taoism was simply not on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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