I can work indefinitely

Chapter 226 Level 3: 2-story Small Tower

Chapter 226 Third Level: Twelve-story Small Tower
On the second floor of the Hunyuan Tiantu, Chen Tianzhen has completed all the cultivation.

It is only enough to accumulate enough to break through this realm!

At this moment, the divine thoughts that have been integrated into the aura in the Tianxin Realm have been completely wiped out by the Taoist Xuehai, and Chen Tianzhen has absorbed them without any burden.

Like a super-powerful water pump, he frantically absorbed the aura in the surrounding space.

Starting from Chen Tianzhen's practice, a mysterious and unparalleled gossip pattern enveloped Chen Tianzhen in the period. The runes of the eight diagrams represent the gossip, just like the way of heaven appeared. Countless pictures of the past, future, and present flashed in the period.

Outside the gossip pattern, twelve divine beast runes floated out. After absorbing a large amount of aura, thanks to the divine beast runes, they turned into terrifying divine beasts.

While the divine beast roared silently, all the spiritual energy in the world was quickly sucked by Chen Tianzhen, as if encountering a black hole.

When the spiritual energy passed through the twelve divine beasts and the innate gossip, when it reached Chen Tianzhen's body, it had basically turned into pure true energy.

A large amount of true energy gathered in Chen Tianzhen's meridians, like a great river, falling towards the dantian.

The dantian is like a sea full of rivers, and the seemingly small dantian is like a bottomless pit. When the true energy falls into the middle, it is suddenly compressed from gas to liquid!
At this moment, Taoist Xuehai used the out-of-body skill and the aura obtained from practice appeared in Chen Tianzhen's body again out of thin air.

If Chen Tianzhen practiced on his own, and the aura he obtained was a small stream, then the aura obtained by the Runxue Hai Taoist at this moment would be a big river!
The dantian was instantly filled with this massive amount of aura, and one-tenth of the space was filled!

Just like that, Chen Tianzhen practiced for a whole day without sleep.

"Finally let me cultivate the second layer of Hunyuan Tiantu to a perfect state!" Chen Tianzhen opened his eyes, with a bright light in them.

"Next, it's the third layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu!" Chen Tianzhen hadn't comprehended the third Tiantu, so naturally he couldn't practice it.

"Panel!" Without even thinking about it, Chen Tian directly opened the infinite inauguration panel, and then shifted his gaze to the visualization map of the universe and stars (32/81).

"Add points!" Chen Tianzhen only added 2 points to the universe and stars visualization map, which is the limit that the second-order Dzogchen of Hunyuan Tiantu can bear.

One point is to light up a star!
Every time a star is lit, the logical computing power is doubled on the original basis!
Fear to the extreme!
"The divine arithmetic sutra inherited by Teacher Gu Tianyi is indeed not simple!" Apart from the Hunyuan Tiantu and the sword energy of Taoist Xuehai, Chen Tianzhen has never seen a skill that is more powerful than the universe and stars visualization diagram. Law!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen mobilized the powerful computing power of the cosmic star visualization map, and only reserved the computing power in the dream kingdom to maintain the existence of the dream kingdom.

Even so, his current state is countless times better than before he added points!
"Deduction!" The deduction skill was used by him!
The derivation space is infinitely large, and countless "Chen Tianzhen" appear in it. The third picture of the Hunyuan Tiantu in Chen Tianzhen's memory is now manifested in the derivation space, becoming an indomitable Huge stele.

On the stone tablet, there are countless chaotic lines that make people feel scalp numb when they see it.

Even if it is enlarged hundreds of thousands of times, there are still so many weird lines on the stele that it makes people dizzy.

Inspiration exploded, and endless thoughts appeared in Chen Tianzhen's mind. In the deduction space, black lines flew down from the huge stone tablet, and countless possibilities were deduced in an instant.

With the ultimate efficiency, it didn't take long for Chen Tianzhen to know all the mysteries of the third layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu, which was so complex that ordinary people would not be able to comprehend it for thousands of years.

"So that's it!" A flash of understanding flashed in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, and the chaotic lines on the Hunyuan Tiantu showed his true form at this moment.

One after another, the runes that manifested like the Dao are suspended in the derivation space.

Every rune represents a superb practice method, and every single rune taken out to the outside world is a peerless skill.

There are one hundred and eight such runes!

These one hundred and eight runes are combined to become the practice method of the third layer of Hunyuan Tiantu.

"Hunyuan Zhutianque!" Sensing the information in his mind, Chen Tianzhen's eyes showed ecstasy.

The third layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu is very similar to the foundation building period of the monks. However, the monks cast the Taoist platform with mana in the dantian.

As for the Hunyuan Tiantu, at the third level, runes are used to forge the platform. Nine runes can form a one-level platform, and one hundred and eight runes can create an unprecedented twelve-story platform.

One level of Daotai and one level of sky, nine levels of Daotai will become immortals!

Twelve-story Taoist platform, that is the ultimate Dzogchen!
What's even more inconceivable is that in the process of creating the Dao platform in the Hunyuan Tiantu, a spell can be refined into each layer of the Tao platform. After refining the spell, this spell will become Chen Tianzhen's innate supernatural power.

The consumption of use is reduced by a hundred times, and it can be used with a thought.

"Panel!" Chen Tianzhen opened the panel without any hesitation.

Name: Chen Tianzhen
Practice Realm: Level 3

职业:梦境主宰lv21(0/100000),道士lv21 (0/2100),学生lv21 (0/2100),卦师lv21 (0/2100),武者lv21 (0/2100),教师lv21 (0/2100),佛徒lv21 (0/2100),灵药师lv21 (0/2100),建造师lv21 (0/2100),铸造师lv21 (0/2100),杀手lv21 (0/2100)
Experience Points: 23 billion

Spirit root: 22
Luck: Seventh grade orange (23/23)

Tier [-] skill: slightly

Second-level skills: slightly

Level 1 skills: sacrifice lv1, out of body lv1, insight lv1, curse lv1, cultivation lv1, apprentice lv1, Lingshan lv1, rapid growth lv1, building enhancement lv1, magic weapon casting lv1, power storage lv[-]
Cultivation method: the third floor of the Hunyuan Tiantu, the first floor of the Hunyuan Zhutian Tower (0/1200 million), the visualization map of the universe and stars (32/81)

Attribute Points: 184
After breaking through the third level, occupations that cannot be upgraded can already be upgraded here, and skills that cannot be improved can also continue to be added.

However, at this moment, Chen Tianzhen didn't focus on occupations and skills, but on the column of exercises.

"Breakthrough!" Without the slightest hesitation, he directly added 200 million experience points to the Hunyuan Tiantu. For him now, this experience is just a drizzle, and he doesn't care at all.

In the dantian, the already full zhenqi gathered suddenly, and after the zhenqi in the entire dantian was completely consumed, an illusory tower appeared in his dantian!
This tower has twelve floors, and each floor has nine corner positions!

At this moment, on the nine corners of the first floor foundation, ancient bronze-colored runes have condensed, and the first floor of the small tower looks no different from the real one.

"Go in!" Chen Tianzhen thought for a while, and the shield rune of the universe and indestructibility that had been integrated into his skin emerged from his skin, and fell to the center of the small tower on the first floor in an instant.

Immediately, an extremely terrifying suction force emerged from Chen Tianzhen's body. With this force, the speed at which Chen Tianzhen absorbed the spiritual energy from the outside world increased by at least a hundred times.

After the spiritual energy was inhaled into his body, it fell into the small tower, and the little tower that had just formed, which looked somewhat illusory, was slightly solidified.

At the same time, the indestructible rune in the center of the small tower also brightened a bit.

"Not bad!" After refining the first level, Chen Tianzhen felt that his power could smash the space in front of him. This was not an illusion, it was the real situation.

"Blood Sea Taoist, you continue to practice for me, don't stop!" Through the gate of hell, Chen Tianzhen sent a thought into the Blood Sea Realm. Although the spiritual energy he absorbed was much faster now, it was different from the blood sea Taoist's practice. Compared with the aura obtained by Yun Run, it is nothing.

However, the practice of Hunyuan Tiantu consumes a lot of spiritual energy, which can be called terrifying!
Relying on his own absorption of spiritual energy to practice slowly, he didn't know that it was only in the year of the monkey that he could break through to the third level.

As the order fell, a series of auras appeared in Chen Tianzhen's meridians out of thin air. The vastness was like the water pouring down from the Milky Way. The amount of aura is enough to explode!

"Good time!" However, this bit of aura was simply not enough for Chen Tianzhen!With a joyful expression on his face, he sat down cross-legged. He didn't need to refine it at all, and directly sent all the aura that appeared in his body into the dantian in a swarm.

After flowing around the twelve-story tower, these auras were instantly refined, and the volume was extremely compressed, which only made the twelve-story tower slightly solidified.

"Practice!" Chen Tianzhen sat cross-legged on the ground again, practicing with all his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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