I can work indefinitely

Chapter 227 Student Teacher Career Consummation

Chapter 227 Student Teacher Career Consummation
The aura of Taoist Xuehai was continuously obtained by Chen Tianzhen, coupled with the massive amount of aura absorbed by Chen Tianzhen himself, his cultivation was rapidly improved like a rocket.

Breaking through the second layer of Hunyuan Zhutian, he put the meteor-like runes into the second layer.

Three days later, Hunyuanzhu Tianque broke through to the third floor, and he placed the dragon, wind, thunder and roar rune on the third floor.

The fourth floor of the sky support style!

The innate five-element birth-death formula occupies the fifth floor!
Dao Jie occupies the sixth floor!

"The runes of the twelve gods and beasts occupy the first floor, and the innate gossip occupies the first floor!" Chen Tianzhen continued to practice, with the help of cheating on the panel, and the support of the huge amount of spiritual energy obtained from Taoist Xuehai, the seventh and eighth floors quickly He succeeded in practicing.

Although there are no related runes placed in the remaining three floors, it does not affect Chen Tianzhen's breakthrough. If he finds a suitable rune in the future and puts it in, it will be fine.

Three months later, Chen Tianzhen sat cross-legged in his original position, and around him, the twelve divine beasts and innate gossip had disappeared.

There was only a towering ancient bronze-colored pagoda full of Dao rhyme standing in front of him.

Through the window on the ancient pagoda, one can see that in the center of the ancient pagoda on the first floor is an immortal shield, on the second floor is a star with extreme weight, and on the third floor is a vast mountain ...

On the seventh floor, the culture of the Twelve Divine Beast Talismans consists of twelve real divine beasts moving on this floor. The divine beasts seem to be random, but they form a very mysterious formation. In the formation, there is a faint In addition to the powerful power of the divine beast itself, the Twelve Divine Beast runes are even more powerful because the twelve divine beasts can form a large formation of time to accelerate and pause the speed of time passing.

Due to the fact that Chen Tianzhen's cultivation level is too poor, the effect of the Great Formation of Time is not increasing fast, and there is not much time to pause, but as Chen Tianzhen's cultivation level continues to break through, it is foreseeable that the power of this formation will will become more and more powerful.

On the eighth floor, a small innate gossip formation has a silver-white aura. The eight runes are slowly rotating, and the silver-white space power flows in the small tower.

The innate gossip array can deduce the future, but its most important function is to open up space. Only Chen Tianzhen is strong enough. Through this array, Chen Tianzhen can even open up a space independent of the world. The aura is maintained, and this space can last forever.

The next three floors are temporarily vacant!
Chen Tianzhen looked back from the small pagoda, "In three months, I will cultivate the third layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu to the Dzogchen realm!"

In fact, Chen Tianzhen knows very well that he can cultivate the third layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu to the Dzogchen realm in three months. The normal practice method of the lower level requires the practitioner to visualize one hundred and eight runes by himself.

It is necessary to visualize nine runes on the first floor of the Taoist platform. Chen Tianzhen estimated that just visualizing these nine runes, with his aptitude, would not be able to succeed without a few decades.

Second, it's because the Taoist of Blood Sea has been using out-of-body skills all the time!

Every time the Blood Sea Taoist uses out-of-body skills, Chen Tianzhen extracts [-]% of the aura he obtains out of thin air.

With the realm of Taoist Xuehe, every time Chen Tianzhen obtains a huge amount of spiritual energy through sharing, it is precisely with the support of these massive spiritual energy that Chen Tianzhen can successfully complete his cultivation.

"The aura consumed by Hunyuan Tiantu's practice is too terrifying! Looking at the current situation, the wool of the Taoist of the Blood Sea is not enough, and it may not be able to supply me in the next practice!" Chen Tianzhen frowned, but he was very nervous. Hurry up and unfold.

"It seems that I have to recruit a few more high-level apprentices. As long as they practice hard, the spiritual energy I need for cultivation will be available." After the third layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu was completed, Chen Tianzhen did not push it in a hurry. On the fourth floor of Yanhunyuan Tiantu, after he sighed, he turned his gaze to the infinite inauguration panel.

Due to the limitation of cultivation, the occupations in the infinite inauguration panel cannot be upgraded, and the third-level skills have always maintained the state of lv1.

Now that the cultivation base has reached the third level of Dzogchen, it is natural to upgrade the occupations and skills in the infinite employment panel first.

The reason why Chen Tian can achieve today's achievement is from the Infinite Employment Panel, so the Infinite Employment Panel is his core existence.

This point, he has never forgotten!


Name: Chen Tianzhen
Practice Realm: Level 3

职业:梦境主宰lv21(0/100000),道士lv21 (0/2100),学生lv21 (0/2100),卦师lv21 (0/2100),武者lv21 (0/2100),教师lv21 (0/2100),佛徒lv21 (0/2100),灵药师lv21 (0/2100),建造师lv21 (0/2100),铸造师lv21 (0/2100),杀手lv21 (0/2100)
Experience Points: 23 billion

Spirit root: 22
Luck: Seventh grade orange (23/23)

Tier [-] skill: slightly

Second-level skills: slightly

Level 1 skills: sacrifice lv1, out of body lv1, insight lv1, curse lv1, cultivation lv1, apprentice lv1, Lingshan lv1, rapid growth lv1, building enhancement lv1, magic weapon casting lv1, power storage lv[-]

Attribute Points: 184
"Upgrade!" Without even thinking about it, 11 skills were directly upgraded to lv30 by him!Just when he was about to break through the eleven skills to the fourth level one by one, he found that the two professions of student and teacher could not be improved at all.

"Students and classroom occupations have reached the highest level and cannot be further upgraded." Chen Tianzhen looked at the introduction carefully, with a dazed expression on his face.

"The third level is a hurdle. For ordinary occupations, if the potential is exhausted after the third level, it has already reached its peak!"

"Since the limit has been reached, let's complete it completely!" Chen Tianzhen directly added points to the professional skills generated by the third level of students and teachers, and directly raised the insight skills and apprenticeship skills to the MAX level.

After the insight skill is upgraded to the MAX level, you can directly and accurately check the spiritual root, luck, and practice skills of the living beings.

"Unfortunately, to understand the skill, I must have a knowledge reserve that I have thought about before I can obtain the other party's information. If the other party is something I don't know, or has a practice method that I don't know, I can't get the information."

"However, after the insight skill is upgraded to MAX level, even if I use this skill on any existence, the other party will not notice it." Chen Tianzhen said with some regret.

After checking the relevant information about the students' occupational insight skills, Chen Tianzhen turned his attention to the apprenticeship skills of classroom occupations.

Apprentice skills are simply divine skills!

Chen Tianzhen took a small test, using the apprenticeship skills on Taoist Buku. After Taoist Buku agreed to become Chen Tianzhen's apprentice, the apprenticeship skills directly pulled out Taoist Buku's body, Daoist Blood Sea, through causal connection, and the Daoist Blood Sea Imprinted an indelible mark on his true spirit, and instantly controlled the blood sea Taoist who had cultivated to the ninth level of Taoism.

From then on, the life and death of Taoists in Xuehai were under Chen Tianzhen's control, and because of the skills, as long as Chen Tianzhen died, Taoists in Xuehai would also die.

Therefore, Chen Tianzhen paid more attention to apprenticeship skills than insight skills!

Apprentice Max: After activating the skill, you can designate a specific intelligent creature to be your disciple. The disciple can inherit your profession. You can share any number of skills you have mastered with your disciple. When your disciple uses the shared skill, the effect can be reduced. Reaching [-]%, the experience gained from using the skills belongs to you, and the strength gained by the disciples through skill training, you can get [-]% of the strength of the disciples!

Note: Your disciple, life and death depend on your thoughts!

In the past, the number of inherited occupations was limited. After upgrading to max level, Chen Tianzhen can inherit any number of occupations. This is the first change.

Then, any number of skills mastered by Chen Tianzhen can be passed on to his disciples. According to this sentence, it is equivalent to saying that even if the profession passed on to Taoist Xuehai is a Taoist priest, Chen Tianzhen can still pass on the professional skills of Buddhist disciples For the Blood Sea Taoist to use.

The third change is the effect of the disciple's use of skills, which has been increased from [-]% to [-]% at this moment!If the Taoist of Xuehai uses the out-of-body skill to absorb spiritual energy now, he will find that his cultivation speed will increase tenfold!

The last change is that Chen Tianzhen's income has increased tenfold!
"Not bad!" After seeing the introduction of the skills, Chen Tianzhen narrowed his eyes with a smile. Before that, he had been worried that the cultivation of Hunyuan Tiantu consumed too much aura. It can no longer satisfy his cultivation needs. Now that the apprenticeship skill has been upgraded to the highest level, this problem is easily solved!

"Compared to before, ten times the aura is enough for me to complete the cultivation of the fourth layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu with peace of mind!" Chen Tianzhen had a smile on his face.

At this moment, on the panel, the occupations of students and teachers, as well as the corresponding skills of the two occupations, suddenly flew up from the panel, and merged into two complicated runes. The next moment, these two runes fell onto Chen In the space of innocent consciousness.

"This is?" Chen Tianzhen was surprised, and then, a message came from the infinite employment panel, and he immediately understood.

All the skills that have reached perfection will be separated from the infinite inauguration panel, transformed into runes, and integrated into Chen Tianzhen's soul.

(End of this chapter)

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