I can work indefinitely

Chapter 228 Tier 3 Skill Improvement

Chapter 228 Tier [-] Skill Improvement

After receiving the information from the Infinity Inauguration Panel, Chen Tianzhen's face became more serious, and he continued to analyze, trying to understand all the information thoroughly.

"According to the information from the panel, the occupation of students and teachers can be regarded as a great supernatural power!"

"Every skill in a student's career is part of this great supernatural power!"

"My input of experience points is actually to provide enough energy to the infinite inauguration panel, so that the infinite inauguration panel can deduce this supernatural power."

"When this supernatural power is mature and cannot be further deduced, it is like the fruit on the tree is ripe and can be picked. At this time, the profession will disappear from the infinite inauguration panel and become a supernatural power rune and enter my consciousness space middle."

"In the past, when I used skills, I used the skills indirectly with the help of the infinite inauguration panel!"

"Now, even if the infinite employment panel disappears, I can use the occupations separated from the infinite employment panel, such as students and teachers." A series of thoughts popped up in Chen Tianzhen's mind, and Chen Tianzhen realized that , although the student profession and the teacher profession have become runes and appeared in his mind, the original effects of the two professions have not changed at all.

"The infinite job board seems to be a job job, but in fact, it is an opportunity to deduce magical powers that do not exist in the world!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen suddenly had a new understanding of the nature of the wireless job board. know.

"Sure enough, it's a treasure!" Chen Tian was really shocked. He only needed an introduction to deduce supernatural powers. Chen Tianzhen had never seen any records of this kind of treasure.

"Next! It's other professions!" Chen Tianzhen glanced over the remaining nine professions.

Then, all professions were upgraded to lv31 by him!Officially broke through the fourth level!
The third-level skills were all upgraded to the max level by him. At this time, Chen Tianzhen looked at each skill one by one.

After the skill priest of the professional dream master reaches the max level, Chen Tianzhen can choose nine dream priests, and each priest can borrow power from him. How much power he can borrow depends entirely on Chen Tianzhen's mood. At best, Chen Tianzhen can lend all of his own strength.

The out-of-body skill of the Taoist profession, after upgrading to max, Chen Tianzhen's soul has been greatly strengthened. Using the out-of-body skill, he can leave the body for an unlimited time and survive in the world in the form of a soul body, even if his body Decay and death will not affect the existence of his soul.

The curse skill of a professional divination master, after being upgraded to the max level, one curse can directly weaken the opponent's luck by 90.00%, making the opponent have bad luck again and again, but using the curse skill requires consumption of luck points, under normal circumstances , Chen Tianzhen would never use this skill.

After the martial artist's third-level skill Peiyuan is upgraded to the max level, he can use it on himself and others. After using it, it can stimulate the body to generate vitality, but the aura consumed is terrifying.

After Chen Tianzhen carefully checked the introduction of the cultivation skill, he found that the essence of this skill is to stimulate the body with a lot of spiritual energy, so that the spiritual energy can be transformed into vitality in the body.

"Spiritual skills!" Reiki is not worth much. It is everywhere in the mountains and fields. It can be absorbed in large quantities as long as you use the exercises, and vitality is the source of life. It is very difficult to replenish it after it is consumed.

For ordinary people, if they want to increase their vitality, they can only increase Xiao Xu when their cultivation level is improved.

Vitality represents the essence of a person's life. It can be said to be a person's original strength. The more vitality, the greater the potential.

The reason why Shenlong soars to the nine heavens is because he has enough vitality to support him.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen shifted his gaze to Lingshan skills. Upgrading Lingshan skills requires conditions. Every time a level is raised, the Lingshan that Chen Tianzhen has already condensed needs to increase by nine inches. If you want to upgrade your skills to the max level, Lingshan To reach ninety-nine 81-inch size.

However, after Chen Tianzhen turned Lingshan into the sun core of the Kingdom of Dreamland, his Lingshan grew at an extremely terrifying speed.

After having the Kingdom of Dreamland, Chen Tianzhen is not practicing alone at all. It can be said that everyone who enters the Kingdom of Dreamland is helping Chen Tianzhen practice.

Therefore, the Lingshan Mountain in the Kingdom of God in Dreamland has reached a terrifying height of ten feet at this moment!

The upgrade requirement has already been met.

The volume of Lingshan, which has reached the max level, has increased a hundred times, becoming a huge mountain with a height of 600 meters. After the volume becomes larger, Lingshan's ability to suppress souls has once again increased.

Moreover, the refining ability of Lingshan skills has also increased a hundred times.

Before, the soul of Elder Gao, who was brought to Lingshan by Chen Tianzhen with the power of seven emotions, was immediately pressed down by Lingshan after Lingshan was upgraded to the max level. refined out.

Originally, in the underground of Lingshan, Emperor Zun still had the strength to yell and curse after being suppressed. After Lingshan was upgraded, it was as if the whole world was pressing on him, making him unable to move at all.

Although Chen Tianzhen has suppressed him for a long time, Chen Tianzhen has never refined any memory from him. At this moment, Lingshan suddenly upgraded, and caught off guard, the information contained in Emperor Zun's thought was extracted at this moment Quite a lot.

As for Emperor Zun, after discovering this situation, his expression turned extremely ugly.

Because Emperor Zun discovered that just now, in his memory, part of the information of the world where the main body is located has been extracted. World coordinates are calculated.

"Master of the Dreamland, you sort out this part of the memory first." Chen Tianzhen raised his eyebrows, and threw the memory of Emperor Zun's refinement on the Lord of the Dreamland.

When facing Emperor Zun, one must be cautious. This person is extremely insidious, and he will be tricked if he is not careful.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen shifted his gaze to the panel again.

The third-level skill of a professional pharmacist, after the rapid growth reaches the max level, as long as Chen Tianzhen uses this skill on the elixir, every time Chen Tianzhen holds the elixir for [-] minutes, the elixir will get enough spiritual energy and nutrients, It can increase the potency of the medicine for one year.

"One minute is equivalent to 1 years, and one hour is equivalent to 60 years!" After seeing this skill, Chen Tianzhen's eyes lit up. After mastering this skill, the time for Babao Buddha Lotus to mature will be shortened tens of millions of times.

However, it will take some time to use the rapid growth skill to ripen the Eight Treasure Buddha Lotus, and Chen Tianzhen is not sure about this time.

Therefore, he temporarily shifted his attention to the remaining three skills.

Building Strengthening Max: Provide specified materials and formations, which can upgrade the functions of buildings in a targeted manner.

"The effect of this skill must be tested to be sure!" The introduction of the skill is too brief, and Chen Tian really understands the general meaning, but the specific situation needs to be tested to be clearly grasped.

"Building token!" The builder's skill was activated by Chen Tianzhen, and he chose a small villa in the construction space to build.

Chen Tianzhen took one at random, inserted a building token into the ground, and the next moment the building token turned into a small villa.

"Building strengthening!" With a thought, the building strengthening skills were used on the small villa.

Immediately, countless options appeared in Chen Tian's heart!

1. Increase the building size.

2. Increase building capacity.

3. Increase building defense.

4. Increase architectural aura.


"Increase the defense of the building!" Chen Tianzhen thought for a while, and gave an order in his heart. Suddenly, countless options that appeared in Chen Tianzhen's mind disappeared.

Detecting materials in architectural spaces in...

After the test is completed, it is recommended to use materials for strengthening:

1. Steel.

2. Granite.

3. Concrete.

Chen Tianzhen glanced at the endless materials in the building space, without even thinking about it, he directly chose to agree.

Immediately, the small villa in front of Chen Tianzhen was enveloped by a white light, and the next moment, the white light disappeared. Around the small villa in front of him, there was a concrete wall of about five meters. In the original wall of the small villa, steel bars criss-crossed. , the defense ability is more than a hundred times higher than before.

"Excellent, if it is strengthened infinitely, even a thatched hut can become a heavenly palace that overwhelms the world!" After Chen Tianzhen experimented a bit, he had no interest in continuing.

This skill is of great use to a country and a force!
But for him, a lone ranger, it was useful, but not very useful.

Compared with building strengthening skills, magic weapon casting skills are more interesting to him!
(End of this chapter)

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