I can work indefinitely

Chapter 229 Sorting Out Strength

Chapter 229 Sorting Out Strength
After reaching the max level of magic weapon casting, you can use the magic weapon casting skill to integrate the runes mastered by Chen Tianzhen into the weapons and magic weapons he forges to enhance the power of magic weapons and magic weapons.

"Let's try the power of magic weapon casting first!" Chen Tianzhen made a move, and a broken sword flew up from the ground. This sword was left behind by a disciple of Tianshengmen after his death.

"Magic Artifact Casting!" Chen Tianzhen's fingertips, a fire flashed, and the rune of the dragon, wind and thunder roar was condensed by him with his true energy, and then merged into the broken sword with this fire.

The moment the sword was broken, it seemed as if it had been crazily tempered by an invisible force. Flames shot up from the broken sword, and there were tinkling sounds. Among the broken swords.

From the broken sword, a terrifying aura emerges bit by bit.

Noble, sacred, overlooking all living beings!At the same time, it has the terrifying power of thunder and lightning to destroy everything.

The shape of the broken sword began to change under the exercise of the invisible force. The broken sword began to grow longer, and soon the whole sword became a Xiuzhen nine-clawed dragon.

Under Shenlong's body, the wind and thunder pattern with Dao Yun appeared on the sword naturally, just like the creation of heaven and earth, with a natural breath.

After the transformation was over, the sword was suspended in front of Chen Tianzhen without the support of any strength.

"Not bad, but I just don't know how powerful it is!" Seeing this scene, Chen Tianzhen's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to grab the hilt that looked like a dragon's tail, and the true energy in his body surged into the sword.

Suddenly, a phantom of a ten-foot-sized dragon emerged from the sword.

"Ang...Ang...Ang..." The majestic, sacred and domineering roar exploded from the mouth of Shenlong Xuying, like thunder.

Chen Tianzhen slashed out at a small hill in front of him with the hand holding the sword!

Shenlong's huge mouth opened and let out a sky-shattering roar. With a roar that shook the sky, the space shattered at this moment, like water waves shaking!

In the turbulent air, violent hurricanes and terrifying thunder like a purple dragon emerged out of thin air!
Ripples oscillate, wind and thunder add up!Dragon Shadow Follows!


In front of Chen Tianzhen, the kilometer-long range was emptied in an instant like a huge wave!

The hill in front was shattered and disappeared in an instant.

On the soil, the purple lightning kept flickering, and the purple-golden brilliance shone!

"Strong!" After seeing this scene, Chen Tianzhen nodded in satisfaction. The attack just now, although only his body directly used half the power of the Shenlong Fenglei Roar, and after the magic weapon was successfully cast, the power could not be changed or improved.

However, this is a magic weapon, a magic weapon that anyone can use!
As long as this magic weapon is popularized, it means that anyone can use this terrifying power.

Ordinary people can use the magic weapon to use the Shenlong Fenglei Roaring Style, which can display their power ten times.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen tested all the runes he had mastered one by one, and each one was terrifyingly powerful. The most terrifying thing was the Dao Tribulation move. In the Tianshengmen, there was no one that could carry this move. s material.

And after Chen Tianzhen experimented, he found that if he used the innate gossip runes to cast the magic weapon, the cast magic weapon would open up a small space, which was basically exactly the same as the storage ring.

However, Chen Tianzhen used the innate gossip rune to cast the storage ring, because of material limitations, the largest one could only open up an area of ​​nine cubic meters.

However, because they were cast using innate gossip runes, all storage rings cast by Chen Tianzhen have the ability to prevent derivation.

In the end, Chen Tianzhen shifted his gaze to the last skill, the charge of the killer class!

Originally, the description of accumulating power was like this.

Charge (lv1): Consume 100 points of mental power to double the attack power of your next attack.

Now, the charging skill has reached the max level, and the introduction of the skill has also changed.

Charge (max): Consume 100 points of mental power to increase the attack power of your next attack by [-] times.

"It's really scary! A hundredfold blessing!" Chen Tianzhen's heart skipped a beat after seeing the description of the skill.

Now that he is using the Dao Tribulation move with all his strength, even if there is a sixth-order existence, he may not be able to escape.

Now that he has the ability to store power, if Chen Tianzhen uses the trick of storing power before using Dao Jie, let alone the existence of the sixth level, even if the existence of the eighth level is encountered, he can only die tragically in Chen Tianzhen's hands. Escaped from Chen Tianzhen.

"After the third-level skill is upgraded to the max level, my strength has increased by a hundred times!" Just the power storage skill of the killer profession has increased Chen Tianzhen's strength by a hundred times.

Although most of the other skills are auxiliary skills, they do not improve Chen Tianzhen's strength by a single bit.

"Third-level skills, all skills are magical skills, but the skills that are really useful to me are energy storage, cultivation, rapid growth, and magic weapon casting!"

"Other skills are very strong, but for me, a lone traveler, they are not that useful."

"These skills are all incorporated into the magical system of the Dream Kingdom!" After thinking for a while, Chen Tianzhen began to arrange the third-level skills, except for the priest skills of the master of dreams, the rest of the skills were all included by him In the magical system of the Dream Kingdom.

These skills are nothing to Chen Tianzhen, but to ordinary people, to a force, every skill is a magical skill that can suppress luck, called the foundation.

"Now the teaching profession has turned into a supernatural power, which I have thoroughly learned!"

"If that's the case, let's also pass on the attacking magic carried in the Hunyuan Tiantu!" After the teacher profession is separated from the infinite job board, it can not only inherit the profession and skills on the infinite job board.

Even the skills, runes, and talents mastered by Chen Tianzhen can be passed on through the teacher's supernatural powers. After being passed on, he can share 50.00% of the benefits people get when they use his skills!
The universe is immortal!
Shenlong Fenglei roar style!
Meteor style!
Imperfectly supporting the sky!
Innate Five Elements Birth and Death Style!
Except for Dao Tribulation, the offensive and defensive moves on the first layer of Hunyuan Tiantu were all included by Chen Tianzhen in the magical system of the Dreamland Divine Kingdom.

"My five attacking moves, if used for a long time, can condense runes in the body, and use the moves to enter the Hunyuan Tiantu." When these five moves are used, they will condense specific runes. The runes of the realm of refining skin are condensed, and the runes of the realm of refining tendons are condensed in the style of Shenlong Fenglei roar...

If someone has high aptitude, they will naturally discover this when using these moves.

As long as any kind of rune can be condensed in the body, it is equivalent to the introduction of the Hunyuan Tiantu cultivation method. Naturally, Chen Tianzhen will not be stingy, as long as the other party's character is good, he will pass on the real inheritance.

"On the second floor of the Hunyuan Tiantu, there are the Twelve Divine Beast Time Formation, and the Xiantian Bagua Kaitianyan Dao Formation!" The Twelve Divine Beast Time Formation can control time in a small range, and the Xiantian Bagua Kaitianyan Dao Formation can control The space within the array range.

Every kind of formation has its ultimate mystery, and Chen Tianzhen's current cultivation level cannot comprehend every kind of formation, so it cannot be passed on for the time being.

"On the third floor of the Hunyuan Tiantu, there are twelve layers of ancient pagodas to cultivate innate supernatural powers, turning all offensive methods into innate instincts! Become my innate supernatural powers!" If you think that the third floor of the Hunyuan Tiantu is just to increase Chen If you are naive and infuriating, you are so wrong!The third layer is accumulation and breeding!

What is innate supernatural power?
You can master all the mysteries without any teaching and learning. This is the innate supernatural power!
It doesn't take a lot of power to explode with terrifying lethality to the extreme. This is called innate supernatural power!
"The third-level skills are so powerful, how powerful will the fourth-level skills be?" The occupations on the infinite employment panel, when Chen Tianzhen raised all the levels to lv31, nine occupations, all produced four. level skills.

Before Chen Tianzhen suppressed the excitement in his heart with amazing perseverance, he didn't check the situation of the fourth-level skills. Now that the third-level skills are all sorted out, he can't bear it.

When he was about to shift his gaze to see the introduction of the fourth-order skills, there was a thunder in the sky, and the whole world trembled, "How do you feel about this world? I found some changes."

After the thunder, the sky was covered with dark clouds for a moment, and heavy rain fell from the sky, as if it wanted to wash the whole world.

After seeing this situation, Chen Tianzhen frowned, turned and walked towards the small villa in front of him.

"I'd better go to the villa and take a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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