I can work indefinitely

Chapter 230 Tier 4 Skill 1

Chapter 230 Tier 1 Skill [-]
Entering the small villa, Chen Tianzhen sat on the sofa, all his mind was focused on the infinite employment panel.

Name: Chen Tianzhen
Practice Realm: Level 4

职业:梦境主宰lv31(0/1000万),道士lv31 (0/31000),卦师lv31 (0/31000),武者lv31 (0/31000),佛徒lv31 (0/31000),灵药师lv31 (0/31000),建造师lv31 (0/31000),铸造师lv31 (0/31000),杀手lv31 (0/31000)
Experience Points: 27 billion

Spirit root: 22
Luck: Seventh grade orange (23/23)

First-level skills: Dreamland Divine Kingdom, Concentration (max), Breathtaking (max), Gluttony (max), Buddha Light (max), Medicine Mastery (max), Solidified Model (max), Basic Casting (max), Camouflage (max) )

Second-level skills: dream-inducing soul transfer (max), god-watching (max), blessing (max), solid foundation (max), super-degree (max), elixir cultivation (max), building token (max), equipment casting (max), extreme speed (max)

Third-level skills: sacrifice (max), out of body (max), curse (max), cultivation (max), spiritual mountain (max), rapid growth (max), building strengthening (max), magic weapon casting (max), Charge (max)



Attribute Points: 525
At this moment, his personal information has undergone a huge change, and his cultivation realm has broken through to the fourth level!

The attribute points that can be used have also changed from 184 points to 525 points!
The biggest change was the emergence of Tier 520 skills. After thinking about it, Chen Tianzhen directly used [-] attribute points!
"Spiritual root increased by 25 points!" Chen Tianzhen's spiritual root attribute has become 47 points. Even in Tianshengmen, this cultivation qualification is not bad.

"Increased luck by 27 points!" Chen Tianzhen's luck attribute instantly increased to 50 points!There are nine levels of luck, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, and gold!

After adding points, Chen Tianzhen's luck has already reached the fifth-class green color, and he only needs to add 1 point to break through to the fourth-class blue color.

"Looking at it this way, it feels much better." Seeing the numerical changes on the panel, Chen Tianzhen immediately felt a lot more comfortable in his heart. At this moment, his eyes shifted to the fourth-order skills.

Creation (lv1):
You are the master of the kingdom of dreams, and in the kingdom of gods, you are the supreme master. You have mastered the divine power of good fortune, and you can use your dream power to create dream creatures.

In fact, in the Kingdom of Dreams, there are currently two kinds of active creatures, one is the human souls who have entered the Kingdom of Dreams, and the other is the strange and ferocious beasts outside the Kingdom of Dreams!
The weird and ferocious beasts in the wild in the Kingdom of Dreams seem no different from real creatures, but in fact, these are illusions.

The weird and ferocious beasts are Chen Tianzhen and his terrifying calculation ability to imitate their habits. In fact, the weird and ferocious beasts in the Dream Kingdom can be seen as Chen Tianzhen's clone.

"The meaning of this skill is that I have become the creator of the dream kingdom? Can I create a native self-aware life in the dream kingdom?" Chen Tianzhen couldn't believe it. He carefully looked at the creation skills. According to the introduction, at the lv1 level, the good fortune skill can only allow Chen Tianzhen to create a race of creatures in the Dream Kingdom.

"Wait, I have collected a large number of human souls in the Dream Kingdom, which can be used when creating the native creatures of the Dream Kingdom!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes lit up suddenly as if thinking of something.

He was not in a hurry, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and turned his eyes to the next skill, the fourth-level professional skill of Taoist priests, manifesting the saint!

Manifestation (lv1):
After a long period of practice, your soul can already appear holy in the void!The manifesting time is 1 minute. During the manifesting time, your soul can connect to the void and obtain the most original power.

"The introduction of this skill is unclear. It is impossible to really understand the effect of the skill just by reading the introduction!" of strength.

Connect to the void and directly obtain the most original power!
"I don't have time to verify the effect of the skill, but my disciples of the Blood Sea have plenty of time!" After Chen Tianzhen thought about it, with a thought, he directly passed on the right to use the skill of the Manifestation to the Taoist of the Blood Sea.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen shifted his gaze to the heave master's fourth-level skills.

Causality (lv1):
Temporarily consume 1 point of Luck, when you see an item, you think you can see the most direct cause and effect relationship with this item!As levels increase, deeper causal connections between items can be seen.

"Cause and effect!" Seeing that the use of skills only consumes a little bit of temporary luck, Chen Tian really didn't even think about it, and directly used this skill. The temporarily consumed luck would recover naturally the next day.

Chen Tianzhen looked at the dragon-shaped sword in his hand, and suddenly, a scene appeared in Chen Tianzhen's mind. That scene was the process of Chen Tianzhen refining this dragon-shaped sword!
"I understand. The so-called most direct causal connection is actually the most direct connection. It is now lv1, so I can only see the picture of the dragon-shaped sword being refined by me!"

"If the level of the skill increases, you should be able to see the original owner of this sword, and even how the sword was originally refined. Going back to the end, you can even see the materials used to refine this sword. How did it form!"

"This skill is used to decipher and find the truth. To live is to find treasures. It is an invincible magic skill!" Chen Tianzhen's face glowed with joy.

After he was reborn, he had a lot of doubts in his heart, and he never got an explanation. After having this skill, as long as the level of the skill is improved, as long as he finds any clues, he can't hide anything from him.

"However, the current skill level is still too low. Besides, I am not strong enough to deduce and explore the secrets!" Chen Tianzhen suppressed the impulse in his heart, and he did not forget what Taoist Xuehai said to him, and some things were beyond his power , If you hear it, you will bring great disaster to yourself.

Suppressing the impulse in his heart, Chen Tianzhen turned his attention to the warrior's fourth-level skills.

Combat Boost (lv1):
Your fighting power is increased by 10%, and if the skill is not upgraded by one level, your fighting power is increased by 10%.

"Not bad!" Chen Tianzhen nodded to the warrior's fourth-level skill, without expressing too much, but he was very clear in his heart that this skill was powerful.

This skill is a passive skill, it doesn't need to be used by Chen Tianzhen, it can automatically increase Chen Tianzhen's attack power by 10%, and it can also increase the effect of Chen Tianzhen's skills by 10%!

In fact, terrifyingly powerful.

However, the power storage with the killer skill comes first. Compared with the power storage that can increase the attack power by a hundred times, this skill is really not outstanding.

The fourth-level skill of Buddhist disciples is called enlightenment!

Enlightenment (lv1):
Condensate the power of Lingshan, gather a rune that can distort other creatures, suppress the opponent's will, subtly change the opponent's character, and finally make the opponent become what you want to see.

This skill can only be used on creatures whose strength is lower than yours.

Once this skill is used, the effect cannot be reversed!

"Brainwashing skills finally appeared!" After Chen Tianzhen saw the attunement skills, the smile on his face became brighter.

"This skill cannot be directly passed on to other people to use, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!" After Chen Tianzhen carefully read the introduction of the skill, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Because the attrition skill can be used on anyone who is weaker than oneself. If there is no restriction, the powerful person can use the attrition skill on the weaker person to turn the weaker person into a slave.

"However, this skill is very powerful, especially for strange, ferocious beasts, and descendants of the heavens and myriad worlds. This skill is simply a supreme skill!" With the attunement skill, no matter who the opponent is, Once a skill is passed, as long as the strength is lower than itself, it will be enslaved.

Instantly transform from enemy to servant!
To use a simple analogy, Chen Tianzhen has encountered Nightmare now, before he has attuned skills, Chen Tianzhen will definitely kill Nightmare to protect the safety of ordinary people.

Now that he has attunement skills, when he sees Nightmare, Chen Tianzhen uses his attunement skills, and the ferocious, cruel and cunning Nightmare immediately turns into a docile puppy.

From then on, it will no longer hurt people, and even Nightmare will become a holy beast that will protect human beings more important than its life.

The power of this method, just by imagining it, makes people feel endless fear emerge in their hearts.

"Strong, too strong!" Just enlightening this skill gave Chen Tianzhen countless confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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