I can work indefinitely

Chapter 232 The Terrifying Divine Art

Chapter 232 The Terrifying Divine Art
In the real world, at this moment, all the rebels have a prompt sound on the panel.

"There's a new magic spell!" Ji Xingchen opened the panel immediately and was very excited when he saw a variety of magic spells appearing.

During the time when Chen Tianzhen went to Tianxin Realm, the spiritual energy in the real world exploded crazily!
The real world has changed dramatically in a short period of time.

The trees grew wildly, growing more in one day than in the previous year. The field was occupied by plants overnight, and even the road made of concrete was covered with plant vines overnight.

Not only have mutations occurred in plants, but even more severe mutations have occurred in animals and insects.

In the sea, a behemoth appeared, and it was so powerful that it dragged the aircraft carrier to the bottom of the sea.

Groups of ferocious sea fish appear on the seashore, and any creature that dares to set foot in the sea will attack wildly, even as long as they come to the seashore, any creature will be madly attacked by them and killed brutally.

The sea, overnight, became a forbidden place for human beings!

All the ships, even the aircraft carrier, completely disappeared from the sea overnight, and were torn apart by ferocious monsters and pulled into the bottom of the sea.

In the wild outside the human settlements, all kinds of ferocious beasts have mutated, and some ferocious beasts have become extremely huge. Some people have seen pythons bigger than trains in primeval forests, and some have seen ferocious tigers the size of hills. Someone saw a giant eagle bigger than a house.

Some people saw their pet dogs disappear with a flash of yellow light, and some people saw cats transform into charming and beautiful women under the night light...

The animals in the whole world are growing enormously and undergoing miraculous changes!
Besides beasts, insects have also evolved!All the insects are extremely poisonous, the mouth of the mosquito has become sharper than a sword, it can easily pierce through any defense, and the buzzing sound of the fly can shatter the glass!

For humans, these changes are catastrophic!In the real world, in this sudden change, one-third of human beings died directly!

As for the Dragon Kingdom, because of Chen Tianzhen's early warning and the suppression of a large number of fighters who practiced the ten ways of fierce soldiers, the loss was not great.

However, because the people live too scattered, there are still many places that have not been taken care of, resulting in the death of a very small number of people in this disaster.

To this end, Ji Xingchen spent a lot of national points and redeemed more than 300 builders' magical powers from the national mall module.

After more than ten days of hard work, the largest defense line in the real world was built, isolating most of the beasts.

It was precisely because of the horrible disaster that he had personally experienced during this period that Ji Xingchen felt the horror of the dream kingdom of God more and more, and felt the importance of Chen Tianzhen more and more.

A magical technique in the Kingdom of Dreams can change the fate of a country and save hundreds of millions of lives.

"As expected of the power of the gods!" This kind of power shocked Ji Xingchen, and at the same time, he became extremely envious of Chen Tianzhen, because the Lord of Dreams had promised Chen Tianzhen that as long as Chen Tianzhen could lead mankind through disasters, Chen Tianzhen would be happy. Can become a god, gain endless life, and master this incredible and great power.

Soon, Ji Xingchen realized from the memory and started to get down to business!
"National mall!" The national mall is the mall module in the national module. In this module, everything in the rebel panel is available here, and there are even some things that are not in the rebel panel.

As long as you have country points, you can buy anything you want in the mall module, which is not much different from the rebel panel.

"This third-level magic is really too powerful! It's unbelievably powerful!" Ji Xingchen looked at the magic one by one, and after carefully reading the introduction of the skills, his breathing suddenly became short of breath.

"Divine Art - rapid growth, 1 minute is equivalent to a year, because of the appearance of spiritual beasts, resulting in reduced food production, not enough to use, this skill came too timely! It's a pity that the requirements are too high! Only the third level of cultivation can be used !"

Ji Xingchen took a look at the conditions for using the eye-eye technique, and was disappointed when he found that it needed to be cultivated at the third level.

But when he saw that the right to use this magic spell can be exchanged for only 1 country point, he immediately looked at his eyes and smiled.

"Wait, third-level cultivation? Now there are only second-level cultivation techniques in the Sutra Pavilion. No, the master of the dream is unparalleled in wisdom. It is impossible to do such a meaningless thing." Ji Xingchen seemed to have thought of something. , suddenly entered the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the Kingdom of Dreamland.

After closing his eyes and operating for a while, he smiled all over his face, "Sure enough, a third-level practice method has appeared in the Sutra Pavilion, and the Daotai scroll has appeared in the Zhanbing Jue! After practicing the Daotai scroll, the Zhanbing You can break through to Tier [-]!"

"Exchange!" After discovering this situation, Ji Xingchen did not hesitate at all, and exchanged the practice skills of the Soldiers' Judgment Form. During this period, a large number of strange and fierce beasts appeared, and even Ji Xingchen killed quite a few.

Moreover, his cultivation base has already reached the second level of perfection using national points. Now that he has a third level of practice, he only needs to practice a little to break through to the third level!
Zhan Bing is definitely a warrior skill, the more enemies you kill, the faster you practice!

These days, the real world has undergone great changes, and the killing of weird and ferocious beasts is endless. Not to mention the soldiers of the Ministry of War, even ordinary rebels have received a large number of killing missions during this period.

Therefore, many people's cultivation has reached the second level of perfection!
It's just that they haven't had a third-order practice method, so they can't break through to the third-order state.

"Great! The third-level cultivation base, the power we master is at least ten times stronger than the second-level one. After exchanging for the Warrior's Decision Scroll, our power will immediately increase ten times."

Ji Xingchen's eyes continued to return to the store module.

The third-order rapid growth, building strengthening, magic weapon casting, power storage and other skills.

Every one of them made his mouth water!
It's a pity that the prerequisite for the use of these skills is that the cultivation base has reached the third level, otherwise, even if the right to use the skills is exchanged, they will not be able to use them.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the fourth-order skill!
Cause and effect, fighting will, medicine extraction, building upgrades, magic weapon casting, void breaking...

"Divine art, indeed it is divine art!" After checking the introduction of the skills, Ji Xingchen was completely stunned. The effect of each skill exceeded his cognition.

Karma is used to investigate cases and decipher them. This is a supreme miracle. With this skill, there is no secret in this world that Ji Xingchen cannot solve. It is most suitable for the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

The skill of fighting will, after the soldiers master it, can increase their combat effectiveness out of thin air, which is most suitable for the combat personnel of the Ministry of War.

The ability to extract medicinal properties can directly extract the medicinal properties from medicines. It is most suitable for extracting active ingredients from herbal medicines and making medicines when western medicines cannot be produced.

Building upgrade skills, for a country, can be called a national artifact. Although the consumption is huge, the power is also terrifyingly powerful.

For magic weapon casting skills, special personnel can be arranged to refine magic weapons to provide weapons for combatants and enhance the strength of combatants.

The last skill, Breaking the Air, is a terrifying attacking spell for anyone. It can instantly send the attack to a far distance. This kind of unstoppable ability will definitely make the strange and fierce beasts suffer a huge loss.

"It's a pity that these magical arts must be cultivated at the fourth level before they can be exchanged for the right to use them!" Ji Xingchen's eyes were filled with extreme disappointment, and he yearned for each of these skills to the extreme.

In the end, Ji Xingchen's gaze shifted to the first-order divine arts area, and in this area, a few more divine arts appeared at this moment.

These new magic arts are different from the previous ones!
In the past, no matter how powerful the magical effects were, the divine arts that were open to ordinary people were all auxiliary in nature. Although they were powerful, they were not lethal!

But this time, the new magic that appeared in the first-order magic area was no longer an auxiliary magic, but an attack and defense magic.

"Divine art - the immortality of the universe!

Divine Art—Shenlong Fenglei Roar Style!
Divine Art - Meteor Form!

Divine Art - Unplanned Supporting Sky Style!

Divine Art - Innate Five Elements Form!
Divine Art - Innate Five Elements Annihilation Style! "There are a total of seven magical techniques, and Ji Xingchen read them one by one, and the brief description of each magical technique is clearly described.

"These newly-appeared divine arts need to consume one's own true energy to activate them. The precondition for using them is that the cultivation base must reach the second level. Those who are new to the second stage can only use the divine arts once by consuming the whole body's true energy, even if they are cultivated. To reach the second level of perfection, you can only use ten magic spells at most!"

Ji Xingchen's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Among the new first-level magic arts, there are control magic, attack and kill magic, defense magic, and recovery magic! According to the introduction to the magic arts, the magic arts The power of magic is directly proportional to the true energy consumed, there is no upper limit to the power of divine magic!"

There is no upper limit!This is very scary!

"That is to say, as long as I exchange the right to use these seven divine arts, I can use them for a long time! It can even be used for a lifetime!" Thinking of this, he did not hesitate to exchange the right to use the divine arts.

"Strong, it's too powerful. It's worthy of the name of divine arts!" After the exchange, Ji Xingchen couldn't bear it anymore. In the kingdom of dreams, he ran to the wild and began to experiment with the power of divine arts.

After the Shenlong Fenglei Roaring Form, a grove disappeared immediately, and also disappeared, and there were more than 50 mad pythons in the grove that had reached the second level.

"With this kind of powerful magic, no one can think of exterminating human beings, and no one of any race can think of raising human beings as livestock!"

"By the way, Priest Chen has gone to other worlds during this period of time. Could it be that the new magical arts that appeared in the dream kingdom have something to do with Priest Chen?" Ji Xingchen was so shocked by the new magical arts. At that time, he thought of Chen Tianzhen who had disappeared for almost a month.


When Ji Xingchen was experimenting with the new magic, many rebels also discovered the new magic on the exchange panel. After carefully checking the introduction of the new magic, everyone was shocked by the terrifying magic.

"So strong!"

"Too good!"

"As long as I master a divine technique, I can kill a lot in the wild!"

"Great, I want to exchange for the Warrior's Judgment Scroll! I want to exchange for the right to use the magic spell-Shenlong Fenglei Roar! With this kind of power as a base, I can kill all the beasts and strange monsters outside the village !"

One by one, those rebels who had reached the second level of perfection, exchanged for the third level practice skills and warriors' final scrolls in the first place!
Under the miraculous effect of the Sutra Pavilion, all the mysteries of the third-level cultivation skills are presented in front of the rebels, saving time for comprehending the skills, and they can start practicing directly.

Immediately afterwards, almost everyone began to redeem the right to use the seven-style attack technique on the first layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu.

After they personally tested the power of magic in the dream kingdom and the real world, everyone's eyes widened, and everyone couldn't help praying to the dream lord.

"The great master of dreams, your power shines on the heavens and the world! Your power is invincible! Infinite!"

Then, the vast majority of people walked out of their homes, came to the wild, and came to the edge of the city, facing the fierce beasts and strangeness, using the magical means they just got.

When they came to the field, they found that there were dense crowds in the field, and the sound of dragon chants resounded in the sky. The field near the city seemed to have been peared!
Purple lightning is shining everywhere!
"Divine Art - Starfall Style!" Many fate-defying people formed a team, and some of them first used the Starfall Style on the beast, suppressing the beast and immobilizing it.

"Shenju-Shenlong Fenglei Roaring Style!" Immediately afterwards, the others focused their fire on the suppressed beast, and attacked and killed the beast with one move. No beast could escape with this method. .

"Drag back, let's eat the meat of beasts tonight!" Amidst the joyful voices of the rebels, the beasts that could not be dealt with before but could only run away were easily killed by this method of warfare. Then it was carried back by the rebels and turned into food.

"Kill!" More rebels, under the conscious or unintentional guidance of the dream master, started to advance steadily, expanding the living space of human beings.


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(End of this chapter)

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