I can work indefinitely

Chapter 233 News of Chapter Return

Chapter 233 News of Return

After discovering that the first-tier, third-tier, and fourth-tier magical spells, as well as the third-tier practice skills, were added to the Dream Kingdom, Xu Min did not have the right to exchange divine spells, nor did she have the right to exchange for third-tier practice skills. Because, has also reached the second level of Dzogchen.

"These changes were definitely caused by Chen Tianzhen!"

"When he went there, he said he would be back in a few days. It's been more than a month, and he still hasn't come back." Chen Tianzhen didn't hear any news, which made her very worried. He was afraid that Chen Tianzhen would have an accident.

At this moment, she breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that the dream kingdom of God had changed.

"No, it's been a month. I have to contact Chen Tianzhen to find out what's going on!" Finally, Xu Min made up his mind, opened the friend function of the Rebel panel, and sent a message instantly.

During this period of time, Xu Min sent messages to Chen Tianzhen through the friend function every day, but unfortunately, Chen Tianzhen never replied.

"When will you be back?" Xu Min sent a very simple message.

"I'll be back the day after tomorrow!" Originally, Xu Min didn't report any hope, she was already used to Chen Tianzhen not replying to her messages, but at this moment, a message from Chen Tianzhen appeared on the chat window, she was a little bit unbelievably rubbed Rubbing eyes.

After confirming that she read it correctly, her eyes were full of excitement.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Chen Tianzhen replied to her message, which means that Chen Tianzhen is alive and well, and this is more important than anything else.

During the period of time after Chen Tianzhen arrived at the space rift, the senior executives of Longguo wanted her to keep inquiring about Chen Tianzhen's situation through her family members. It was also during this period that Xu Min learned clearly about what Chen Tianzhen had done from her family.

Only then did she truly understand the importance of Chen Tianzhen!
It can be said that if there was no Chen Tianzhen, at least hundreds of millions of Long Kingdom people would have died in this month due to the revival of spirit energy and the abnormal changes of animals, plants, and insects.

But in fact, Chen Tianzhen leaked the news in advance!There are warriors who have practiced the ten styles of fierce soldiers to guard various places, and a large number of ordinary people have become rebels with cultivation bases.

When the world changes, the strange, ferocious beasts, mutated animals, plants and insects only cause temporary chaos on the land of the Dragon Kingdom, and are quickly wiped out by the rebels led by the warriors.

Therefore, the Dragon Kingdom basically has nothing to lose!
"He saved the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom!" This sentence was said to her by her father, and it is said that it came from the top of the Dragon Kingdom.

A simple sentence fully reflected the importance of Chen Tianzhen.

"Why have you been away for so long? Didn't you say you'll be back in a few days? And you're too much, I send you messages every day, but you never reply to me!" Xu Min thought for a while, and sent a message.

"Come back and explain in detail about other situations!" After a long break, a message came back.

Xu Min didn't care too much, as long as he confirmed that Chen Tianzhen was safe, that was enough!

Chen Tianzhen has already sent her the picture of the future, and she clearly knows that behind the crack in the space is the Tianshengmen, a sect that cruelly uses the human body as a material for cultivation.

Chen Tianzhen is very dangerous in such a world.

"Father has been asking, I have to tell him about Chen Tianzhen's return!"

"Also, sister Wang Muxue has been cultivating crazily since Chen Tianzhen went to the space crack. I have to tell her the good news to make her happy too!"

Before Chen Tianzhen went to the space rift, he passed on to Wang Muxue what happened in the future in his previous life, including the situation that Wang Muxue followed Liu Hai, and Liu Hai dedicated her to the old monster of Tianshengmen, and was finally raped and killed in public.

Stimulated by the future scene, Wang Muxue practiced desperately after Chen Tianzhen left.

"Dad, Chen Tianzhen said that he will come back from behind the space crack the day after tomorrow, so you don't have to worry about it!" Opening the Fate Rebel panel, a message was sent to Xu Kaicheng in the Demon City.

"Sister, Chen Tianzhen will be back the day after tomorrow, don't worry!" Then Xu Min quickly switched the chat partner, and sent a message to Wang Muxue.

After the news that Chen Tianzhen was safe, Xu Min relaxed and started his daily practice.

On the other side, in the Modu factory, Xu Kaicheng, who was testing the steam plane with Mu Yuantu, opened the Destiny panel in the reminder voice in his mind. Immediately afterwards, he saw the message sent by Xu Min, and his face immediately suppressed Excitement appeared uncontrollably.

Ever since he knew that Chen Tianzhen had gone to the crack in space, Xu Kaicheng's heart has been tense. He is not a fool, so he naturally understands that the only reason he can be today is because his daughter is Chen Tianzhen's woman!
If there was no such relationship, would a legendary figure like Mu Yuantu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, be kind to him?think too much!

It is precisely because of Chen Tianzhen's existence that the Ministry of War keeps placing orders for him!
From the very beginning of the sword, the steam chariot, and the steam plane that will be delivered immediately.

If Chen Tian really has something good or bad, will the Ministry of War go back and continue to take care of his Xu family?Xu Kaicheng had no hope at all!

At this moment, upon hearing the news that Chen Tianzhen was safe, his face that had been tense all this time suddenly pulled away, revealing a bright smile.

"Old Xu, what's the matter?" Seeing the bright smile on Xu Kaicheng's face, Mu Yuantu couldn't help asking.

"Mu Shangshu, it's like this, just now my daughter told me that Chen Tianzhen is going to come back from behind the space crack soon!" Xu Kaicheng didn't hide anything, and spoke directly, with unconcealable pride and pride in his eyes.

"What? That's great! Priest Chen is finally coming back!" Mu Yuantu's eyes widened, and then there was an expression of incomparable surprise in his eyes. When Chen Tianzhen was there, he didn't feel it. After Chen Tianzhen went to the space crack, There was a sudden change in the real world, and the first thing they thought of was to discuss it with Chen Tianzhen.

In a short period of time, Chen Tianzhen has unconsciously become the backbone of everyone!

With Chen Tianzhen present, they would not panic in any situation, because Chen Tianzhen was not there at the time, and their reaction was much slower, which led to a short period of chaos in Long Kingdom, and it was precisely because of the chaos during this period that cause someone to die...

"Great, Priest Chen is finally coming back!" In addition, all the changes in the real world can be said to be caused by Chen Tianzhen. If there are no such things as the cultivation method, the life-defying panel, and the kingdom of dreams, , when the world changed, at least hundreds of millions of people in Long Kingdom would lose their lives.

For the higher-ups, Chen Tianzhen is the savior!

Moreover, because these positive changes were all caused by Chen Tianzhen, the higher-ups are afraid that once Chen Tianzhen dies, the Lord of Gods and Dreams will take back his blessings and the power that people have in reality... In this way, human beings are There is really no way out.

The high-level once asked the think tank to make a speculative analysis, and the result is that the possibility is very high!
Therefore, the higher-ups don't want anything to happen to Chen Tianzhen!

"Hmm! It is said that he came back from the space crack the day after tomorrow!" Xu Kaicheng nodded with a smile on his face.

"Are you coming back the day after tomorrow? This plane came at just the right time! From Shanghai to Changkong City, this plane just happened to be used!" Mu Yuantu's eyes flashed, and his eyes swept over the steam plane developed by Xu's factory.

This steam plane was exchanged by Ji Xingchen from the Kingdom of Dreamland with national points. After obtaining the blueprint, according to Ji Xingchen's arrangement, Mu Yuantu asked the Xujiade factory to produce ten planes for a try.

Mu Yuantu came here today to inspect the goods, and at the same time to inquire about Chen Tianzhen's news.

"Old Xu, Chen Tianzhen's return is a major event. I must go back and report the situation to Boss Ji immediately! I won't stay any longer. The people I brought will complete the various tests of the plane soon!" Mu Yuantu's eyes flashed brightly. , to Xu Kaicheng.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Xu Kaicheng to speak, Mu Yuantu turned his head and said to the people behind him, "You guys carefully test the performance of the steam plane, and be sure to report the most real situation to me. If there is something important, I will go back and report to Chief Ji first." .”

"Yes!" The others quickly agreed.

Like a bolt of lightning, Mu Yuantu landed on a steam chariot in an instant. With a roar like the roar of a giant dragon, the chariot rushed out crazily like an arrow leaving the string.

Mu Yuantu felt that Chen Tianzhen had to report to Ji Xingchen for his kindness in saving the lives of hundreds of millions of Long Kingdom people, and then went to the space crack to meet them together.

At the same time, it is also necessary to figure out what is going on after the space crack!

On the other side, in the field of Changkong City, Wang Muxue killed a pheasant not far away with a chrysanthemum-red flame emitting a roar of dragon wind and thunder, and a fierce aura flew from the pheasant and merged into her body.

At the position of her dantian, a phantom of a blood-red general platform that looks somewhat similar to a pyramid has appeared.

There are nine floors in Dianjiangtai!
Each floor has five corners, and each corner has a rune!
"The nine-story general platform! It can purify and compress evil spirits, turning evil spirits into extreme murderous auras! Every three floors can cultivate one innate supernatural power. After completing the third-level practice, three innate supernatural powers can be cultivated!" From knowing the fate of the previous life From the beginning, Wang Muxue felt extremely uneasy, especially when Chen Tianzhen was not around, this feeling of uneasiness became even stronger. The only thing that gave her a sense of security was to improve her cultivation.

"According to the evil spirit feedback from killing the second-level pheasant just now, if I want to complete the third-level practice, I must kill at least a hundred second-level beasts or monsters!" Just as Wang Muxue was planning, a voice sounded in her mind. Raise your voice.

"Chen Tianzhen is back? Come back the day after tomorrow?" After seeing the message from Xu Min, her cold face, like a flower, bloomed in an instant, and she was unparalleled in beauty!
"Great!" Wang Muxue felt as if she had some support.

On the Rebel panel, the friend module is almost exactly the same as WeChat, and it also has a dynamic function. Normally, Wang Muxue basically never used this function.

At this moment, she was so excited that she couldn't help posting the first message on the dynamic function.

"He's back, the day after tomorrow! Finally... the sense of security is back!"

After Wang Muxue released this news, she once again began to practice killing wholeheartedly.

However, the students in Class 16 ([-]) who were originally high school, immediately exploded after seeing this message from Wang Muxue.

The class group suddenly became lively.

"Priest Chen is back? He's back from the rift in space? That's awesome!"

"As classmates, I think it is necessary for us to meet Priest Chen!"

"I heard that there is an evil and cruel practice sect behind the crack in space. They use human beings as materials for practice, and they don't treat people as human beings at all. Priest Chen must have passed because of this incident! Now he is back, explaining that the people on the opposite side The sect has been solved by him! Whether as a classmate or as an ordinary person, I think we should meet the hero!"

There is nothing in this world that is not leaky. The class leader Wen Penghai found out about the situation from somewhere, and then sent a message to the class.

"Must go to welcome!"

"Heroes are worthy of our welcome!"

(End of this chapter)

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