I can work indefinitely

Chapter 249 Feng Shui Boundary Breaking Formation

Chapter 249 Feng Shui Boundary Breaking Formation

"Gu Tianyi, tell me about your origin!" After chatting for a while, Chen Tianzhen directly shifted the topic to Gu Tianyi.

Crazy Wu seemed to have thought about it a long time ago, with inquiring eyes, he looked at Gu Tianyi without saying a word.

Xu Min and Wang Muxue had extreme curiosity in their eyes.

Earlier, Gu Tianyi showed his true body, which was a star turtle as huge as a mountain!
Don't say that the two women have seen it, even if they have heard of it, they have never heard of it!
They were already very curious in their hearts, but Chen Tianzhen didn't open his mouth, so it was hard for them to ask directly.

"Where did such a big tortoise come from? Besides, a tortoise can turn into a human. Isn't this the legendary monster?" The fire of gossip in the eyes of the two of them blazed.

There are only thorns and roses, their heads are full of confusion, and the faces of thorns are calm, but there is a huge doubt in their hearts, "Isn't it just asking about the origin of this old Taoist priest? Why are other people so solemn? Could it be the origin of this old Taoist priest?" Big?"

Gu Tianyi took a solemn look at Chen Tianzhen, and then said slowly, "Priest Chen, I came from another world and have been in the original world for 2000 years!"

"What?" Except for Chen Tianzhen, the others looked at Gu Tianyi in disbelief. Gu Tianyi is definitely not from this world. Everyone knows this. What really surprised everyone is that Gu Tianyi actually died 2000 years ago. Come to the original world?
Thorn and Rose's eyes flashed with astonishment. They finally understood why everyone was so solemn!
"However, because there is no spiritual energy in the original world, the power of monks' methods has been weakened by tens of thousands of times. In order to reduce the consumption of spiritual energy, I closed myself most of the time, slept, and waited for the spiritual energy to recover. That is, in the past 30 years, the number of activities I have Only a little more!"

"No wonder, there are no legends about you in history!" Chen Tianzhen had a dazed expression on his face. At first, he was still very puzzled. With such a powerful strength, Gu Tianyi came to the original world for 2000 years, but he never thought about the legend. This is not normal at all.

Gu Tianyi's words just now perfectly explained all of this.

"I come from the great world of heaven and earth! I was born in a fairyland, under the protection of the elders of the clan, I practiced for 5 years, and I became a fairyland! Once I traveled, I was accidentally plotted against, and almost died!"

"In the end, although he escaped by chance, he also fell into the mortal world!" The corner of Gu Tianyi's mouth was bitter. He cultivated into a fairyland after 5 years, and he can be said to be a genius among the stars and black turtles.

Gu Tianyi, who had just achieved a fairyland, was full of ambition and thought that the world was so big that he could go there. He had only traveled three thousand miles when he was struck down by a sword energy from outside the sky and directly knocked down Tianhe, almost dying.

And that sword qi was just a sword qi inadvertently revealed by others fighting in the sky, it was just the aftermath of the battle.

Let him directly tell Chen Tianzhen the real situation, he simply can't let go of this face, so he called it being plotted against!
"In the mortal world, strange things are rampant, and they are extremely fierce! A huge number of mortals and mortal beasts gather around Tianhe, lingering under the protection of Tianhe!"

"At that time, I fell into a country with Xuanwu as its totem, the Xuanwu Kingdom! Because it resembles Xuanwu, it was enshrined as a divine beast to protect the country!"

"Then, in the original Cave of Protecting the Nation Divine Beast, I found a practice method, the Sutra of Divine Algorithm!" A trace of reminiscence appeared on Gu Tianyi's face. Respect makes him feel a heavy responsibility.

"I also found the jade slips left by the guardian beasts of the previous generation!"

"The Jade Slips recorded the guesses of the divine beasts protecting the country from the previous generation! The mortal world is an unknown place, a dark place without hope, and no mortal creature can become a fairy! Only those who have cultivated to the eighth mortal realm will inevitably go crazy , and then become weird by itself!"

"The beast of the previous generation, in order to find hope, entered the black mist far away from Tianhe countless times. After countless explorations, he found the divine algorithm!"

"Unfortunately, when he sent back the Divine Algorithm Sutra, he only had the last shred of reason left. After leaving behind a jade slip, he rushed into the black mist and never came back."

"In his cave, besides the Divine Algorithm Sutra, there is also this incomplete map of the heavens and worlds! The hidden and powerful power in this map of the heavens and worlds contains the coordinates of the heavens and worlds. As long as you inject enough power, you can open the space-time channel and go to any place you want!" Gu Tian raised one hand, and a black map like a rag appeared in his hand.

With the help of the power of the map of the heavens and ten thousand realms, he came directly from the great world of Qiankun to the original world.

Seeing the light in Chen Tianzhen's eyes, Gu Tianyi laughed at himself, severed the connection with the Map of the Heavens and Worlds, and handed the Map of the Heavens and Worlds directly to Chen Tianzhen.

"This map of the heavens and worlds has been broken, and there are only two coordinates in it, one of which is still imprinted by me in the Qiankun Great World, and the other is the original world!

Moreover, this map of the heavens and worlds is extremely horribly exhausting. I have practiced for 500 years, and the true energy I have obtained is enough to activate the map of the heavens and worlds once!
Each time it is used, only five people can pass through it! "Gu Tianyi said with some disgust.

Chen Tianzhen is not polite, a drop of golden blood drips, any consumption is not a big deal to Chen Tianzhen, with the Blood Sea Realm, no matter how big the consumption is, the Taoists of Xuehai can afford it, "Good thing! "

After reacting with the map of the heavens and worlds, Chen Tian's heart moved, and the map of the heavens and worlds turned into a stream of light, entered Chen Tianzhen's dantian, and then entered the layer where the innate gossip runes were located.

Streaks of silver-white spatial power emerged from the innate gossip formation like mist, and were then absorbed by the diagram of the heavens and myriad realms.

The smile on Chen Tianzhen's face became even stronger!

Gu Tian didn't take it seriously, and continued to speak on his own, "It is impossible to cultivate in the mortal world of the Qiankun Great World. As long as you practice and absorb the spiritual energy, an extremely strange force will enter the body together with the spiritual energy! My The body has been seriously injured and can only recover slowly, and this recovery will take 3000 years!"

"In 3000 years, I have practiced divine arithmetic! With the help of divine arithmetic, I can open void passages, receive the power of stars, restore my body, and practice strength at the same time!"

"After cultivating my body, I tried to return to the fairyland through Tianhe, but every time I tried, I ended in failure!"

"In order to find hope for the people of Xuanwu Kingdom, I used the map of the heavens and myriad realms!" He spent ten thousand years in Xuanwu Kingdom. It takes time to cultivate to the eighth-order mortal realm, but it can only stop at the eighth-order mortal realm.

Once it breaks through, it can only become a strange thing that kills the same kind!

It's a pity that the eighth-level cultivation base only has 5000 years of life essence, and once the life essence arrives, everything will be empty!
Countless eighth-level monks dare not break through before they die, because they know that once they break through, they will immediately become weird. This is a situation that has not changed for hundreds of millions of years.

This is the way of heaven!
The only thing they can do is to come into the black mist and turn all their unwillingness, grief and anger into a shocking self-destruction.

Compress all the cultivation bases that he has cultivated in his life, not even leaving his soul and true spirit, give up the chance of reincarnation, and explode himself in an earth-shattering manner!Just to increase the living space of future generations!
Every monk with an eighth-level cultivation base can push out the black mist in this section of Xuanwu Kingdom by about a finger's distance by self-destructing regardless of everything.

Since the founding of the Xuanwu Kingdom, in 3000 years, the Xuanwu Kingdom has pushed back the black mist for [-] miles!

Millions of amazing and brilliant geniuses die generously before they die. Their greatest hope before they die is to push away the black mist so that future generations can break through to the eighth order!Chengxian, get rid of this hopeless fate!
Although Gu Tianyi is a star tortoise, his ten thousand years of contact has already given him a strong sense of belonging to the Xuanwu Kingdom. Every year, after seeing those who have cultivated to the eighth level in the Xuanwu Kingdom, he no longer dares to make any progress and can only wait Dead Tianjiao, watched them grow old little by little, watched them blew themselves up to death with endless desolation and grief.

Gu Tianyi's heart would also tremble!He wants to change the fate of Xuanwu Kingdom!This is the most fundamental reason why he took the risk to open the map of the heavens and worlds.

In fact, before opening the channel, Gu Tianyi didn't even know where the other end of the space channel opened by the map of the heavens and worlds was!
"In the Divine Algorithm, there is a Fengshui Boundary Breaking Formation, which can open a passage to the Xuanwu Kingdom by consuming the aura of national luck and Fengshui!" At this moment, Gu Tianyi revealed the secret hidden in the Divine Algorithm!
The Fengshui Boundary Breaking Formation recorded in the Divine Algorithm Sutra, the last divine beast to protect the country has already explained its function in the jade slips left behind, but Gu Tianyi couldn't see it because of his aptitude, so he couldn't practice and arrange it.

That's why he was so excited when he discovered that Chen Tian could really read and memorize the sutras!
This represents hope!

Xuanwu Kingdom finally has hope!

"As long as the people of Xuanwu Kingdom come to the original world and leave the weird mortal world, the curse on them will be lifted! They will be able to get rid of the sorrow of being unable to cultivate to the eighth level for hundreds of millions of years!" In Gu Tian's eyes, a flash of extreme of light.

"If you want to arrange the feng shui boundary-breaking array recorded in the divine calculation scriptures, you not only need to consume the dragon veins of the country, but also need to change the heaven and the earth. The heaven and the earth are the array, and the heaven and the earth are beneficial to the people and are indispensable. If you want to arrange it, you must cultivate at least 72 A star!" Chen Tian silently estimated that with his current cultivation base, it is impossible to arrange a Fengshui boundary-breaking array, and it is impossible to do it at all.

"Is it that difficult?" Gu Tianyi's fiery gaze instantly dimmed. In the information he obtained, he only said that this Fengshui boundary-breaking array can open a stable and long-lasting space channel, but the difficulty of the layout is a bit overwhelming. No words came up.

"Well, it's difficult!" Chen Tianzhen nodded seriously, and then continued, "It's very difficult to set up a Fengshui boundary-breaking formation, basically impossible! However, there are other ways..."

"As long as we can find a spatial crack that connects with the world of the universe, maybe..." Before Chen Tianzhen finished speaking, Gu Tianyi understood.

Not long ago, Chen Tianzhen tore open the cracks in space with one hand, like a peerless god who created the world, pulled a world out of the folds of space, and merged it into the original world!
"What do you need me to do, you just tell me directly, as long as Xuanwu Kingdom can be taken over, I will go all out to cooperate!" After more than 1 years of getting along with each other, coupled with the thousands of years of waiting in the original world, Xuanwu Kingdom has become an ancient kingdom. One's demon.

In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, an intriguing brilliance suddenly appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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