I can work indefinitely

Chapter 250 Heavenly Dao authority, doubts

Chapter 250 Heavenly Dao authority, doubts

From Gu Tian's mouthful, Chen Tianzhen got a general impression of the great world of Qiankun.

I also know how Gu Tianyi's Hunyuan Tiantu came about!

Before Gu Tianyi practiced to the fairyland, he was an otaku. He had never been out of the territory of the Star Turtle, and he had been practicing hard. Most of his knowledge of the outside world was hearsay.

The place where the Xingchen Xuangui clan gathers is three thousand miles south of the Tianhe River, and the surrounding land is tens of thousands of miles away. According to Gu Tianyi, there are three superpowers.

Void Sword Sect!Inheriting the Void Sword Sutra, most of the disciples are kendo geniuses of various races in the fairy world.

Wan Yao Palace!There are all kinds of races, and they practice the origin of the sky demon, take the ancient road of demon cultivation, condense the blood of the demon, and return to the original!
Myriad Magic Immortal Gate!In this force, there are mainly twelve kinds of inheritance, and there are countless other inheritances. As long as the aptitude is reached, one can enter the Ten Thousand Laws Sect to practice.

Gu Tianyi's Hunyuan Tiantu was obtained from a strong man named Di Tian in the Wanfa Immortal Sect.

After obtaining the relevant information, Chen Tianzhen had a thoughtful look in his eyes, and then communicated with Taoist Xuehai with his spiritual thoughts.

"What Gu Tianyi said should be true. The moment Emperor Zun disappeared, the breath coming out of a crack in space was extremely strange. It was very similar to the mortal realm of the great world that Gu Tianyi described! I guess, Emperor Respecting the Divine Sense has already gone to the mortal realm of the Great World of Qiankun." Although Taoist Xuehai was not there, even through the observation of the killing sword, he was aware of the movement of the Emperor's Thought, but he didn't take it seriously at the time That's all.

"The inheritance of the Hunyuan Tiantu comes from the Wanfa Immortal Sect! It comes from Ditian! If I expected it to be correct, the Ditian of the Wanfa Immortal Sect is definitely a clone of Emperor Zun!" The Taoist Xuehai's voice was extremely affirmative. Combining the name and inheritance, he has nine layers of confidence.

"Gu Tianyi, in the great world of Qiankun, the only path from the mortal world to the immortal world is Tianhe, right?" Chen Tianzhen felt that the judgment of Taoist Xuehai was correct.

"That's right! The only way to go from the mortal world to the immortal world is Tianhe! However, ordinary people will never be able to go up!" If ordinary people can go up, Gu Tian will return to the immortal world as soon as he recovers from his injuries. Still struggling.

"Tianhe fell from the fairyland with extremely powerful power. If he wants to go upstream to reach the fairyland, his physical body must first be extremely strong! At least the cultivation base of the seventh-order fairyland can withstand it! Of course, if there are sixteen forbidden defensive types It doesn't matter if you have the fairy artifact!"

Gu Tian opened his mouth with regret in his eyes. His cultivation base is only the third-order fairyland, and it seems that he is not far away from the seventh-order fairyland, but in fact he is like Tianyuan. can break through.

"Is that so! I understand!" Chen Tianzhen nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Blood Sea Taoist, can your killing sword..." Chen Tianzhen sent a message from his spiritual sense.

"It's ridiculous, you can go up to the seventh-order fairyland. For the killing sword, this kind of power will not be much stronger than the breeze!" Gu.

"Yeah!" Chen Tianzhen nodded, and after hearing the words of Taoist Xuehai, he was completely relieved.

Because Gu Tianyi said before, in the map of the heavens and worlds, there is a coordinate that he branded, and by communicating with the coordinates, he can open a one-way channel directly to the mortal world of the universe.

"Gu Tianyi said that the great world of Qiankun is extremely vast, and the entire land is basically shrouded in a strange black mist. Only the area around Tianhe is relatively safe. In other areas, there are only a very few places where there are extremely mysterious existences that protect the living beings."

"During the day, when the sun shines on the world, the mortal world is relatively safe. At night, even Gu Tianyi dare not go out!"

"Although Dizun is powerful, but Dizun is just a thought, it is impossible to be stronger than Gu Tianyi! Dizun's thought wants to go upstream through the Milky Way, even if his body is astounding, it will take time!"

"In the map of the heavens and worlds, the time-space coordinates branded by Gu Tianyi are only a hundred thousand miles away from the source of the Tianhe River!" Chen Tian thought carefully.

"Gu Tianyi, come to see me at noon tomorrow! Come with me to the Great World of Qiankun! I still have something to do today, so I won't keep you guys!" After Chen Tianzhen made the arrangements clearly, he directly issued an order to evict the guests.

After breaking the precept just now, Shisui Zhiwei separated from Xu Min and Wang Muxue for about a month, and didn't really think about it when they didn't see each other.

"Now in the original world, the concentration of aura is increasing. The strength of Xu Min and Wang Muxue must be strengthened!" Seeing a few people walking out of the villa, Chen Tianzhen smiled and waved his hand. Cover without leaving a trace.

Day and night, thunder and fire hit the ground...

When Gu Tianyi came over the next day according to Chen Tianzhen's instructions, he found that the Xiantian gossip array rotated, covering the location of the small villa.

The cottage is gone!
Looking inside, you can only see the tumbling...

White mist!

Can't see anything else!
Gu Tianyi thought that Chen Tian was really cultivating, so he didn't dare to disturb him, so he meditated and practiced before sitting cross-legged!
Two full hours later, the innate gossip array in front of him suddenly shrank and disappeared rapidly, and what disappeared was the billowing white mist.

Chen Tianzhen walked towards Gu Tianyi with a happy smile on his face.

Xu Min and Wang Muxue had water in their eyes, and their faces were pink, full of various amorous feelings, just like a flower that has been watered so delicately.

The clothes on them were vaguely messy.

"Chen Tianzhen, where is your house?" When Gu Tian saw Chen Tianzhen coming out, he quickly stood up, glanced at the original location of the small villa, and found that there was nothing there, he asked with a puzzled face.

"Hehe... for the convenience of cultivation, I ruined it!" Chen Tianzhen slapped a haha, Wang Muxue and Xu Min had a flash of shyness in their eyes, and then glared at Chen Tianzhen viciously.

"What a powerful method! I remember that Xu Min and Wang Muxue were still at the third level of cultivation yesterday, and their cultivation was still unstable! It's only been a night, and the two of them have reached the third level of perfection. It only takes a little accumulation to break through to the fourth level! Moreover, the foundation is incomparably complete without any flaws." Gu Tian admired Chen Tianzhen's methods with all his heart.

He even wanted to ask Chen Tianzhen if he could take him to practice together!
"It's almost time, you all go back! Among the swords I left for you, there are three sword auras of life-killing swords. In times of danger, use them as needed! A single sword aura can kill any monk below the divine realm!" Blood The people of Haidao said that in the real world, any existence beyond the fairyland, as long as it appears, it will be crushed by the power of the original world!
With these three sword qi at their side, Xu Min and Wang Muxue's safety in the real world is guaranteed.

Chen Tianzhen can also go to the Great World with peace of mind!
That's right, Chen Tianzhen is ready to directly enter the world of Qiankun!

When integrating the Tianxin Realm into the original world before, Chen Tianzhen obtained a power that transcends everything. That kind of power is called the authority of the Dao of Heaven!

With the power of heaven, Chen Tianzhen can obtain short-term omniscience and omnipotence!Obtain the authority to mobilize part of the power of the world!This terrifying source of power allows Chen Tianzhen to directly integrate a world into the real world.

However, using this power is conditional!
In addition to the driving energy, Chen Tianzhen also needs to go to other worlds in person, so that the Heavenly Dao Authority can have a comprehensive understanding of the world that needs to be integrated, just like the Tianxin Realm...

And it didn't know when it appeared, and it was integrated into his instincts. It was like the authority of the heavenly power, which only existed in Chen Tianzhen. His clone and soul didn't have this ability.

"In Tianxin Realm, after I used the causal skill on the Bronze God Tree and lost consciousness, something must have happened!" Chen Tian was sure that his Heavenly Dao authority was obtained during the period of coma.

However, he didn't dare to explore it!Because he has a feeling that if he explores, he will die...

Completely disappeared!
Just like the life that was wiped out by Dao Jie's move.

(End of this chapter)

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