I can work indefinitely

Chapter 263 He will not be able to practice in the future

Chapter 263 He will not be able to practice in the future

Ninth level, the realm that everyone in the mortal world dreams of!
For thousands of years, no one has broken through to this level.

As long as anyone dares to break through this realm, they will be wrapped in a strange breath and then disappear. There has never been any accident.

But now, right in front of their eyes, someone broke through to the ninth level!
It didn't go crazy, it didn't get weirdly wrapped, it didn't disappear, it was very normal!
This simply surpassed the cognition of the surrounding people!
"It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible!" The people around had the same first reaction as Nalan Mingji, they thought it was impossible.

However, looking at Ning Jianghua, who is so charming and charming, and feeling her aura that is a hundred times stronger than that of the eighth-order perfection, and feeling that she is absolutely different from other people, she is like an immortal aura, even if you don’t believe it There is no way for people to continue to doubt at this moment.

"Someone has broken through the ninth level, and someone has broken the curse of the mortal world!" When they accepted the fact that Ning Jianghua broke through the ninth level, everyone's hearts were filled with extreme shock and longing.

"Since this woman can break through to the ninth level, I can also break through to the ninth level!" This sentence appeared in the hearts of almost everyone present.

"As long as he helps me, I can succeed!" Just now, they heard very clearly that the woman who broke through the ninth level thanked Chen Tianzhen.

Although, in their feeling, Chen Tianzhen was only at the fourth level of the Mortal Realm, but since the existence of the ninth level, they all expressed their gratitude to him.

Supernatural powers to watch the gods!
Treasures, supernatural powers!
When Ning Jianghua broke through, Chen Tianzhen deliberately spoke loudly, which was clearly heard by many people.

Before, they were in the attitude of watching a joke and didn't care much. Seeing that Ning Jianghua had really broken through to the ninth level, everyone was thinking hard, wanting to understand every word Chen Tianzhen said, even any pause in the sentence. , all remember clearly.

mark!Kong Jingwen can mark anyone, and only after agreeing can she proceed to the next step.

Rebel panel!After marking, a Destiny panel will appear in front of you.

integral!Points can be exchanged for points from Chen Tianzhen by using supernatural powers, exercises, and treasures of heaven and earth.

Supernatural powers!The points obtained can be exchanged for supernatural powers in the Destiny Panel. Using supernatural powers can completely remove the demonic energy in the body. This day's demonic energy is the culprit that prevents all creatures from breaking through to the ninth level!
After understanding all this, many people's eyes immediately turned to Kong Jingwen!

The source of everything lies in Kong Jingwen, and only after Kong Jingwen uses the mark can the next steps be carried out.

Among the crowd, there was an eighth-rank monk at the moment, his face was wrinkled, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

"I, Zhang Lingtian, have finally waited for this day! I have finally waited for the day when the curse of the mortal world will be broken!" The old-looking Zhang Lingtian, with irrepressible ecstasy in his eyes, walked towards Kong Jingwen respectfully. .

"Please mark me! As long as I can break through the ninth step and break the cursed fate, I am willing to do anything!" Zhang Lingtian said, with determination in his voice.

Kong Jingwen sensed Zhang Lingtian's cultivation, and looked at Chen Tianzhen involuntarily, "Master, there is an eighth-level monk here, do you want to mark him?"

In Kong Jingwen's view, each quota is a priceless treasure at the moment, so after Ning Jianghua broke through to the ninth rank, he immediately stopped distributing Mengyin.

"Just now, I shouldn't have used Meng Yin on other people. This is an opportunity, a chance to break through to the ninth level. Meng Yin is priceless." Kong Jingwen was so distressed that if this Meng Yin could be taken back, he would He has already rushed out and took back all the Mengyin that had been sent out.

At this moment, in front of Kong Jingwen, Nalan Mingji, whose practice basis had been completely abolished, couldn't help crying anymore, feeling miserable to the extreme.

Breaking through to the ninth level is the dream of all monks, and naturally it is also his dream. Originally, he was no longer far from realizing his dream, but because of his own greed, not only did he miss a great opportunity, but he also made a thousand years of hard work in vain.

"Forgive me, senior, forgive me! I was wrong, I am willing to accept any punishment, please forgive me." Nalan Mingji knelt in the direction where Chen Tianzhen was, kowtowing continuously, he scratched his forehead, bleeding profusely, But it's like they haven't found it.

"Hua'er, please help me to plead with my senior, please help me! I also want to break through to the ninth level. After I break through to the ninth level, I will have endless life, and I can stay with you forever and never be separated." Ning Jianghua, who was standing next to Chen Tianzhen, looked over, and Nalan Mingji's eyes suddenly showed hope.

In fact, the moment he discovered that Ning Jianghua had broken through to the ninth level, Nalan Mingji wanted to open the panel of the rebel. At that time, he had already discovered that at some point, the panel in front of him had disappeared, no matter what he did. Call, the screen just now will not appear.

That's why he knelt down and begged for mercy the first time.

"Senior, can you spare him once? I can agree to any conditions!" Ning Jianghua's eyes flashed a hint of unbearable color. In fact, she had already discovered Nalan Mingji's situation the moment she broke through to the ninth level, but faced with Chen Tianzhen, she didn't dare to save her!

Chen Tianzhen pierced out a sword qi, even when she was in the process of breaking through, she could feel the destructive aura.

At the eighth level, before this sword qi, she could only wait to die. Now she has broken through to the ninth level, which is unprecedented in the mortal world. After recalling it, she found that even if she broke through to the ninth level, in front of that sword qi, there is no Any difference, if the sword energy is used against her, she will have to wait for death!
"I won't take his life, don't worry! You can take him away, I will definitely not stop you." Chen Tianzhen had a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were extremely cold.

He really won't take Nalan Mingji's life!

Because the life-killing sword qi he kept in Nalan Mingji's body would directly destroy any true qi that appeared in Mingji's body!

This is how Chen Tianzhen broke the foundation of Nalan Mingji's practice.

In the future, as long as there is enough aptitude, anyone can break through to the ninth level of cultivation in the mortal world, and Nalan Mingji can only watch, with extreme regret and resentment, like an ordinary person, dying of old age!

This was the punishment Chen Tianzhen gave Nalan Mingji.

If Nalan Mingji was killed directly, it would be too cheap for him.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, Nalan Mingji's eyes were filled with uncontrollable ecstasy, "Thank you for not killing me, senior, and thank you for letting me go."

"Senior, thank you Ning Jianghua for this great kindness!" Ning Jianghua saluted respectfully, and under Kong Jing's unrefusing eyes, she took Nalan Mingji, who had lost his cultivation, away.

They are going to find a place to restore Nalan Mingji's cultivation!
"With the help of Ning Jianghua who has already reached the ninth-order extraordinary realm, I only need ten years to practice again to the eighth-order consummation realm. With the relationship between Ning Jianghua and this senior, I will prepare a lot of treasures to intercede at that time. This senior should let Kong Jingwen mark me again!" Nalan Mingji was full of confidence.

At this moment, he didn't even know that all of this was just his dream.

With the sword energy that Chen Tianzhen left on him, it is absolutely impossible for him to cultivate a trace of true energy, and he has already lost the qualification to practice.

"Master, how could you let him go so easily, if it were me, I would definitely kill her!" Kong Jingwen said with murderous intent in his eyes, he was very puzzled by this arrangement of Chen Tianzhen.

"He won't be able to practice in the future!" Chen Tianzhen said lightly, and then told Kong Jingwen, "Don't stop what I told you before, keep doing it, if you don't want to do it, I'll replace it with someone else Do."

Kong Jingwen's complexion turned pale after hearing Chen Tianzhen's words!Cold sweat broke out in an instant.

From now on, he will not be able to cultivate!A simple sentence made Kong Jingwen feel like falling into an ice cellar!

If you don't want to do it, I'll do it with someone else!

These words made Kong Jingwen tremble even more.

After seeing Chen Tianzhen's methods and supernatural powers, he just wanted to hug Chen Tianzhen's thigh tightly, and under Chen Tianzhen's protection, rebuild the Kong family!

"Senior, please give me a mark, as long as I can break through the ninth step and break the curse, I can accept any price!" Zhang Lingtian turned around, his eyes glowed with burning brilliance, and his voice was filled with extreme desire, and he spoke again.

"Dreams lead to souls!" Kong Jingwen looked at Chen Tianzhen's cold eyes and her heart skipped a beat. Although he didn't understand why Chen Tianzhen did this, he didn't dare to say anything more.

Countless dream guides flew out of Kong Jingwen's hands and landed on everyone present!
(End of this chapter)

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