Chapter 264
When Chen Tianzhen was relenting in collecting the treasures, Gu Tianyi, who turned into a blood jade sword energy and flew towards Xuanwu City, finally arrived outside Xuanwu City with ultimate murderous intent.

In the sky in the center of Xuanwu City, the evil spirit covered the sky and the sun, and in the evil spirit, the blood was soaring!
The evil spirit formed a black cloud, covering almost the entire Xuanwu City.

"What a terrifying evil spirit!" Gu Tianyi's pupils suddenly shrank.

"What a terrifying snake demon, who can practice the Heavenly Demon Arts to such an extent in the mortal world. If he was born in the fairy world and accepted into the Ten Thousand Demon Palace, with his aptitude, he may be able to do it for at most a thousand years. Cultivate into the body of a sky demon, and become the existence of the supreme level in the fairyland."

In the mortal world, no creature can break through to the ninth level of the mortal world!This snake demon has reached the current state with an eighth-level cultivation base, which can be called the talent of heaven.

"It's a pity that you met me, it's a pity that you moved the queen of Xuanwu Kingdom!" Gu Tian's eyes were filled with extreme murderous intent.

If it was before, Gu Tianyi might not be the opponent of this gifted snake monster!
However, now, he is no longer with him. Under the methods of Taoist Xuehai, his cultivation base has regressed, but his combat effectiveness is more than a hundred times that of before.

On Gu Tianyi, the fairyland aura that surpassed the limit of this world was no longer suppressed in the slightest, and it was released with extreme rage, "The star-killing sword aura!"

In Xuanwu City, sitting on the throne, his eyes were long and narrow with a cold aura, and his body smelled of burning lust.

Not far in front of him, a middle-aged young beautiful woman was blocked by a basalt barrier. She looked at the snake demon with determination in her eyes.She is the contemporary queen of Xuanwu Kingdom, and she belongs to Langu!
The appearance of the snake demon is very strange. He is very tall and thin. His skin color is blue with snake-like lines. His face is very long. It looks like a giant snake standing up. .

"What a terrifying breath!" The snake demon's voice was hoarse, with the slightest sound of the snake spit out its forked tongue.

"However, with this level of cultivation, it's not enough to behave wildly in front of me! This level of strength is only worthy of being food." The words of the snake demon carried an extremely cold aura.

In the next moment, the snake demon who was sitting on the throne disappeared.

When Gui Langu saw the snake demon disappear, she suddenly slumped on the ground, and then she quickly got up, "No, the snake demon will come back soon, I must hurry up to recover my spiritual energy."

"If it weren't for the basalt tortoise shell that Gu Tianyi left for me before he left, I'd have been insulted by the lewd snake demon, and I'd have killed him by harvesting it!" Gui Langu's eyes flashed with extreme fear, from Since the snake demon came to Xuanwu City, it has shown extreme tyranny.

All women, if they are insulted by this snake demon, will definitely be absorbed by this snake demon, and even their souls will be absorbed by the snake demon.


Outside, Gu Tianyi released the star-killing sword energy that could tear apart the void.

This sword qi was revealed outside the void, absorbing the extremely dense aura around it. This sword qi stood up high, and then with the terrifying aura of extinction of all things, it slashed directly towards the Xuanwu City.

"All the demonic aura that fills the sky will be dissipated by me!" Gu Tian roared, and the sword aura swept across the sky, and the aura of destroying everything was completely aroused.

The dark clouds of monster energy before the sword energy looked extremely terrifying. At the moment when the power of the sword energy was activated, these dark clouds of monster energy also changed rapidly.

"Roar!" With a roar that opened up the world, the demonic aura that covered the sky and the sun gathered together in an instant, and in the next instant, a giant python that was always blue and looked like a pillar of heaven appeared in front of Gu Tianyi.

"Huh..." The giant python opened its mouth and exhaled violently, green and foul-smelling smoke that eroded all auras spewed out.

Gu Tianyi's bloody jade-colored sword energy was wrapped in the green smoke in the next moment, and under the corrosion of the smoke, he made an unpleasant sound of chi chi, and the smooth surface was corroded into pits and pits.

"What a snake demon, it's really capable!" Gu Tianyi frowned. Although this star-killing sword energy was just done by him casually, Gu Tianyi's cultivation had already reached the fairyland.

There is an essential difference between the power of the fairyland and the power of the mortal realm. Logically speaking, no matter what the power of the mortal realm, it is impossible to pose a threat to the power of the fairyland.

But now, the snake demon has broken this iron law.

"Hehehe... What a fat old tortoise, actually has the strength of the fairyland. It seems that you came down from the fairyland! Today, as long as I eat you, I can purify a drop of fairy blood, and the body will transform into A demon at the level of a fairyland!" The snake demon's eyes were filled with extreme greed.

As long as his demon body is strong and reaches the fairyland, according to the records of Tian Yaojue, as long as he eats up all the living creatures within a radius of [-] li, he can increase the strength of his body to an incredible level.

At that time, his body will be strong enough to compete with Tianhe's impact, and then he will be able to pass through Tianhe and step into the fairy world.

"A mere little monster, you really don't know how to adjust the height! You want to die!" Gu Tian's voice was extremely cold and stern, and this snake monster actually wanted to eat him, it was just a dream come true.

"Star-killing sword qi!" Nine sword qi flew out from Gu Tianyi's body, the sword qi connected to the stars, the void channel opened, and the silver-white power of the stars flowed down from the void.



With the ultimate killing intent!
In the next instant, the nine sword qi blocked all the escape routes of the snake demon, carrying a terrifying aura of killing everything.

"Hey... old turtle, I feel your aura on the empress of the Xuanwu Kingdom, is she your match?" Even though all escape routes were blocked by the Nine Dao Sword Qi, the snake demon still didn't panic, his smile The voice was extremely cold.

No matter it was the empress, or the basalt barrier that protected the empress, there was Gu Tianyi's aura.

"Old turtle, look what this is?" The snake demon flicked its tail, and Gui Langu appeared in the snake demon's mouth.

"Lan Gu!" Gu Tianyi's complexion suddenly changed, and at this moment, there was a flaw in the nine sword qi that blocked all the snake demon's escape routes.

"Old tortoise, you can go to hell!" The snake demon's vertical pupils showed no emotion at all, and his extremely huge body was extremely fast.

It actually pulled out countless phantoms in the air!
Gu Tianyi's extremely strong instinct grasped this slight flaw that appeared.

In fact, for the snake demon who has practiced the Heavenly Demon Art, his most powerful thing is actually his body!The sky demon refines the body, the body of the sky demon is even more terrifying than magic weapons of the same level.

The snake demon rushed over, facing the three star-killing sword qi!
When the snake demon encountered the three star-killing sword qi, a cyan light flashed on the surface of his body, and then was directly pierced by the terrifying power of the star-killing sword qi.

"Roar!" The roar was like thunder, and the snake demon slammed into the sword energy.

A terrifying loud noise came from the location of the impact.

Gu Tian cut off the star-killing sword energy of Jin Duanyu, but it only cut a finger-deep wound on the skin of the snake demon, and he couldn't get any further, being blocked by the snake demon's body that was stronger than a fairy weapon.

"Old turtle, die to me!" From the opened mouth of the snake demon, a puff of green smoke was sprayed out towards Gu Tianyi's face.

Even Gu Tianyi felt dizzy when he smelled the stench from afar.

"Old man, let me see how you can escape!" A smug look flashed in the snake demon's eyes, because his methods are more than that.

A golden rope was hidden in the green poisonous mist. When Gu Tianyi was dizzy by the green poisonous mist, it flew out suddenly. side.

Before Gu Tianyi could react, the rope revolved around Gu Tianyi like a living thing, like lightning.

In the next moment, Gu Tianyi was tied up like a zongzi.

"Damn it, how could this happen?!" Something that Gu Tianyi couldn't believe happened. Originally, he thought that this rope-like magic weapon was just a mortal treasure. It's just a matter of thought.

Now after being tied up with a rope, he realized that this rope is not easy!
After being bound by the rope, the strength in his body seemed to be sealed, unable to mobilize even a single bit.

The body of the snake demon swayed, and it became tall and thin. With a move of his hand, Gu Tianyi fell into his hands.

"Old tortoise, you said that if I use your life to force Gui Langu, will she come out of the tortoise's shell and let the demon pick it up?" There was evil in the snake demon's voice.

As soon as Gu Tian heard this sentence, his pupils constricted suddenly, and he stared at the snake demon. He felt that the snake demon was really capable of doing this.

"Snake demon, how dare you!" Gu Tian shouted sternly.

(End of this chapter)

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