Chapter 287
From the shattering of the ancient world to the present, because of historical faults, no one can tell how many years have passed, except for the existences such as Taoist Xuehai and Taoist Qiankun who have lived from that era to the present.

From the memory of Daoist Qiankun, Chen Tianzhen got an accurate number!An astronomical time span!

In such a long time span, the supreme power of the human race unexpectedly accurately predicted everything about Chen Tianzhen, and also accurately predicted that Taoist Qiankun would eventually fall into Chen Tianzhen's hands.

This is simply incredible!
What is even more inconceivable is that Da Ri, the supremely strong human being who should have existed in the memory of Daoist Qiankun, actually behaved like a normal person when explaining his secrets to Chen Tianzhen, and chatted with Chen Tianzhen like a friend !
Time goes back to the moment when Chen Tianzhen and Da Ri met!
"Chen Tianzhen!" There was a smile on Da Ri's ancient and clumsy face, "I am Da Ri of the human race, one of the nine thousand five hundred ancestors of the human race!"

Chen Tianzhen was horrified to the extreme, because he discovered that just now, he was reading the memory of Taoist Qiankun, and at this moment, he actually entered into the memory of Taoist Qiankun, and came to the scene of the Great Sun killing the powerful people of all races middle!
It even came to this point in time when the Great Sun exterminated the powerful people of all races!This is the real past time and space!

Chen Tianzhen suppressed the horror in his heart, regardless of whether it was true or not, he respectfully bowed to the Great Sun, through the memory of Taoist Qiankun and the narration of Taoist Xuehai, he already knew that in ancient times, human beings were as weak as ants , was regarded as food by all races, and all things were slaughtered wantonly.

Live like a beast!
After the rise of the great sun, he led the human race and the ten thousand races to fight to the death. After millions of years of fighting and killing, the great sun has not yet cultivated to the highest level.
In millions of years, the powerful Celestial Clan, Stone Clan, and Soul Eater Clan were wiped out!
It is precisely because each race was bloody exterminated by the human race led by Da Ri!The status of the human race in the ancient times was improved.

Even if it is a weak human race without cultivation base, there is no need to worry about being eaten by strong people of other races on the spot.

In the end, Da Ri broke through to the supreme level in one fell swoop, becoming the ninth strongman in the world to break through to the supreme level.

It is precisely because of the protection of the great sun that in hundreds of millions of years, the strong men of the human race appeared one by one.

It can be said that the current situation of the human race is due to the great sun. If there is no great sun, the human race may have been extinct long ago!
Although Da Ri has completely disappeared in the future time and space, and has never appeared again, but under the shock of Da Ri's prestige, the ninth-level Taoist mirrors left by other races dare not take action to exterminate the human race.

In addition, during the hundreds of millions of years since the Great Sun cultivated to the Supreme Realm, many Dao Jing powerhouses were born in the human race. Under the shock of these powerhouses, the human race can multiply and survive in the heavens and worlds!
Therefore, when seeing the great sun, Chen Tianzhen will bow down willingly!
"Chen Tianzhen, there's no need to do this!" Seeing Chen Tianzhen bowing down, Da Ri raised his hand, and an irresistible force lifted Chen Tianzhen up, facing Da Ri.

Only then did the whole picture of the Great Sun appear before Chen Tianzhen's eyes.

The black hair is scattered freely, fluttering in the wind, wild and uninhibited!The power possessed by each strand of hair is terrifying to an unimaginable level. The strands of hair continuously cut through the space, and the entire space is shattered under the hair strands of Da Ri!

The ancient and clumsy face looks extremely serious, and the facial features are arranged on the face. In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, it is like the interpretation of the way of heaven.

Dayi's eyes are extremely bright, and the brilliance keeps gathering and dispersing in his pupils, it feels like countless stars are born in his eyes, and countless stars die in his eyes.

Da Ri's stature was extremely high, his body was extremely strong, and he dared with extreme strength. Chen Tianzhen was also very strong, but standing in front of Da Ri, he felt like a small bean sprout.

"Before I reached the Supreme Realm, I always felt that as long as I practiced to the Supreme Realm, I would be able to protect the human race forever!" Da Ri's eyes were far away, and he spoke to himself, falling into a situation that was also a problem for him. and its ancient memory.

"Our human race, at the very beginning, had 500 people! Everyone's cultivation level, at the very beginning, was the ninth level of the fairyland!"

"Appearing in a new world, some people are confused, some people try to decipher the mysteries of this world! There are also people who are stimulated by the unfamiliar environment and start to multiply..."

"For tens of thousands of years, countless ordinary people appeared on the Eternal Continent, and the oldest people like us are called human ancestors!"

"Because there are too many newborn humans, plus the newborn humans are very weak, so they become the livestock of the powerful races in this world, food!"

"At the most miserable time, in one day, the Soul Devourers entered the gathering area of ​​the human race, devouring tens of thousands of my descendants!"

"Resentment is soaring, and the whole sky turns bloody! In front of the Renzu Temple, hundreds of millions of newborn humans are crying, praying to Renzu for survival! Pray for the continuation of the race!"

"Those who are retreating, we all go out, lead the newborn clansmen to practice, and then kill! All races that treat the human race as food are our targets for extermination!"

"Unfortunately, this world is rejecting us! All kinds of disasters have appeared in the human race, and various powerful races in the Eternal Continent, under the guidance of invisible forces, want to completely exterminate the human race!"

"The ten thousand races native to the Eternal Continent were too strong for us at that time! When the strongest among us only reached the divine realm, they already had countless supreme realms!"

"In addition, there are eight other gods that are bred together with the heavens and the earth, breaking through the supreme realm at this time!"

"Heaven and Earth want to use these means to wipe out our human race!"

"It's a pity, it's not human, it doesn't understand how we can survive...! Its newborn wants to control everything and let everything run according to its rules."

"How can we do what it wants? In order to compete for the living space, we used the background of the human race and paid a huge price to let me break through to the supreme realm!" When he said this, Da Ri's eyes flashed A terrifying light that freezes the entire world.

After he became Supreme, under his protection, the human race finally lived a comfortable life for a period of time.

At this time, other races discovered that although the human race is weak, they are naturally suitable for cultivation, and the plasticity of cultivation is even more infinite. Except for a few people who are naturally holy like the blood sea Taoist, there is no race with the potential of human race.

Even the Heavenly Dao clan who reached the fairyland at birth, grew up to the divine realm naturally after adulthood, and reached the ancestral realm with a little practice, the number of superpowers in the supreme realm is not as many as that produced by the human race for hundreds of millions of years.

"It can't sit still! Lead the strong people of all races to besiege me! Take me away from the gathering place of the human race! Except for the strong here, the strong people of the ten thousand races have rushed to the gathering place of the human race and want to destroy my human race!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Da Ri's mouth.

"In the surrounding void, the eight Supreme Realms are hiding and want to kill me!" With Da Ri's words, the flow of time around suddenly accelerated!
Eight supreme powerhouses appeared and surrounded the Great Sun!
"Da Ri, give up yourself and integrate into the rules of heaven and earth, you will be immortal! Human race can also gain a place in heaven and earth!" The voice of heaven and earth resounded from the mouths of eight people, and the power of the whole world was on Da Ri, wanting to overthrow Da Ri completely suppressed it.

The power of the eight supreme realms, even if Da Ri is very powerful, it is not what Da Ri can withstand!

The situation changed suddenly!Chen Tianzhen felt as if he wanted to watch a movie right now, and couldn't help but get anxious about the big day.

He knew that the next scene would definitely be earth-shattering, revealing all the secrets he wanted to know!
Da Ri seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, with a stern smile on his face, he turned his head and said to Chen Tianzhen, "Remember, human beings will never give in!"

"If this world does not allow us to survive and reproduce, we will smash this world and create another obedient world!"

(End of this chapter)

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