I can work indefinitely

Chapter 288 Rebuilding the Universe

Chapter 288 Rebuilding the Universe
If this world does not allow our human beings to survive and reproduce, we will smash this world and create another obedient world!

How overbearing is this sentence!
When Chen Tianzhen heard this, his blood couldn't help but boil!He stared at Da Ri intently, wanting to see what kind of means Da Ri would adopt next.

"Heavenly Dao, do you know why I am named Da Ri?" Although he was crushed by the terrifying power of the eight supreme realms, Da Ri's eyes were full of extreme arrogance and unyielding!
There is even a trace of incomprehensible disdain!He despises the existence of the eight supreme realms!
It gives people the feeling that even Tiandao is not in his eyes.

"Arrogance! Da Ri, I will give you one last chance to give up on yourself, integrate into the heaven and earth, and become a part of the heaven and earth!" The eight supremely powerful men spoke at the same time. Only the tone was different, but the tone, speed, and tone were exactly the same, just like It's a person who speaks normally.

The voices of the eight people were mixed together, and the tone was very strange, like thunder between heaven and earth, like the sound of the earth collapsing and cracking, like the roar of living beings...

Heaven still hopes that the Great Sun can be included in the world's operating system, because other supreme powers come from it, but the power of the Great Sun is a strange force that it does not know.

If one can obtain this power and study it thoroughly, the world will be more perfect.

Although Tiandao has no emotions, he has an instinct to strengthen himself.

Seeing that Tiandao didn't answer his words, but continued to threaten, Da Ri didn't care, his face showed an extremely fanatical light, "Even if you don't ask, I will tell you!"

"The reason why I am named Da Ri is because I am Da Ri!" Da Ri roared, and infinite light was emitted from his body, and this radiance directly opened up the space around him in an instant.

Even the power of the eight supreme realms couldn't resist the power of the light, and was pushed away by the light!
"Incarnation of the Great Sun!"

Blue flames emerged from Da Ri's body, and the temperature of this flame was unbearable even by time and space.

In front of the flames, the space turned into a translucent material layer by layer, which was then melted directly by the terrifying temperature, turning into silver droplets and flowing down.

With each drop of silvery liquid, a place on the Eternal Continent collapsed from its original position and fell into the void beyond the world.

The eternal flowing river of time was burnt out by the flames of the great sun from a conceptual state, and then the small section of river around it was directly evaporated dry by the power of the great sun!Time freezes around the big day!
But he was not affected in the slightest, and the flames on his body were getting higher and higher, and the eight supreme monks were about to be included in it!

The two most basic operating rules of the world, space and time, have been completely destroyed under the power of the great sun, and other rules that maintain the world rely on the power of time and space to exist.

Time and space are like a fish tank, and the rules of other worlds are like water, sand, and coral in a bathtub.

When the fish tank is gone, other things will naturally cease to exist!
Therefore, as the two basic rules of time and space were melted and evaporated by the flames of the great sun, other rules around were revealed and disappeared!

The void outside the world, after the space is burned through, is revealed, a piece of gray, nothing is collected.

"Da Ri, you dare to destroy the Eternal Continent, you are looking for death!" The eight supreme powerhouses were furious, their power tearing apart the void, and the rules of the world became weapons in their hands.

Eight people no longer have the slightest reservation!The terrifying power of the law bombarded the past towards the great sun!

The world collapses, the way of heaven manifests, and the power of the whole world goes to the great sunset!

"Stupid things, the power of the great sun, has completely emptied the power of the rules around it!"

"You mobilized the power of the world to kill me!" Da Ri's violent voice pierced through the flames, and the power of this blue flame became stronger and more terrifying as time accumulated.

"Chen Tianzhen, do you still remember what I just said?" Da Ri's voice came, with strong confidence and absolute domineering.

"If this world does not allow us to survive and reproduce, we will smash this world and create another obedient world!"

"Yes, that's the sentence! Look!" The big sun laughed wildly, and he said that in the changing blue big sun, a group of blue big suns that were only ten times the size separated.

"Blast me!"

The separated blue sun erupted like a big bang, and that terrifying ability swept the entire eternal world in the next instant!
The power of the blue sun is unparalleled and extremely fast!
Before this absolutely pure power, the rules of heaven and earth's operation were directly shattered!

Even the eight supreme powerhouses who besieged the Great Sun, in front of this supreme force, only resisted for a moment, let alone the power of the Great Sun, disintegrated, eliminated!
However, these eight supreme powerhouses were cultivated together with the heaven and the earth. They were originally a part of the heaven and the earth. As long as the heaven and the earth are not destroyed, they will be immortal!It only needs Tiandao to consume a little energy, and it can be solidified again!

After temporarily destroying the bodies of the eight supreme powerhouses, only about half of the bursting power of the blue sun was consumed!
At this time, the remaining half of the power, no one can stop it, fell fiercely to the Eternal Continent!
In the next moment, the Eternal Continent, which has been suspended in the void since the world was born, is torn apart!The power of this big blue sun exploded directly into countless pieces.

The apocalypse broke out, and even the gathering place of the human race was not spared this time!Split into countless pieces and fly into the void!

Da Ri's face was extremely cold and stern, with a vast divine light in his eyes, and his mind followed the blue light of the explosion to sweep across the fragmented continents in an instant, flying to the void piece by piece continent!

"Heaven, finally let me find you!" Suddenly, Da Ri laughed wildly as if he had discovered something, and his body braving blue flames disappeared!

"Don't allow me to survive and reproduce, then I will wipe you out!" The next moment, after the Eternal Continent collapsed, a big sun suddenly appeared in the center of the largest fragment!

"Day, I grow with the heaven and the earth, unless it is the power that can return the world to chaos, otherwise there is no power that can kill me!" The heavenly way vibrated, and a ruthless voice like thunder sounded.

"You smashed the Eternal Continent, you committed a heinous crime, and your soul flew away!" Immediately afterwards, in a thunderous voice, the strongest power that Heavenly Dao can mobilize was mobilized by it.

The terrifying thunder filled the void!

Then they merged into a thunderbolt the size of a fingernail, "Destroy thunder and punishment! Destroy everything!"

"Heaven, you dare to fight against our human race and want to kill our human race, you deserve to die!" Amidst an extremely violent shout, Da Ri's eyes swept across the heavens and worlds, and he saw the Human Ancestral Temple, I saw the human race scattered across the fragmented continents.

I also saw a strong man of the human race protecting his people!
A look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes!
"Death to me, and rebuild the human race's living world! This deal is a good deal!"


"The way of heaven, the power of the world's withering silence, and the final destruction of the world's complete extinction, my human race can survive. You are a mere world of heaven, and if you want to destroy my human race, it is simply a mayfly shaking a big tree. It is too pitiful!"

"Let you see the ultimate power that can kill everything!"

"World-destroying black hole!"

Following the words of Dainichi, the blue flames collapsed crazily, and Dainichi came to be like a blue sun suspended in the void, shining on the boundless world.

In just an instant, the blue sun was compressed to the limit, and then disappeared directly!

An infinitely small black spot appeared!
Terrible to the extreme attractiveness emerges from this one black spot!

At this time, under the terrifying power of the black dot, the destruction thunder penalty of heaven directly merged into the black spot. After absorbing the destruction lightning penalty, the black spot's suction increased again!

The vast continent below the black hole, under the power of the black hole, disappeared into the black hole in an instant.

The terrifying aura that destroyed everything came from the black hole.

Although Tiandao of the Eternal Continent has no emotion, his instinct drives him to leave here. Tiandao's instinct tells it that this kind of power is the ultimate force to destroy the world.

Even Tian Dao can't escape from the power of the end!

Unfortunately, it's too late!
The black hole that engulfed the largest continent after the shattering of the Eternal Continent, the incarnation of the Great Sun, has completely dominated this range of time and space.

Whether it's tangible matter, invisible rules, or even the Dao of Heaven, they are all held back by the black hole standpoint!

"I said before that the heaven and earth do not allow me to survive and reproduce, so I will smash this heaven and earth and create an obedient one!" The voice of the great sun suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, the stand of the black hole suddenly retracted, and everything in the stand of the black hole, tangible and intangible, time and space, rules, and the way of heaven, were all pulled into the black hole by the power erupted by the great sun.

Then it was directly torn apart by the final power of the black hole!Then burst!

The sky fell, and the heaven and the earth mourned together. Blood rained on all fragmented continents at this moment. Unspeakable grief appeared in the hearts of all living things. All living things couldn't help but kneel down and cry loudly.

Except the human race!The human race has no feeling, and the fall of heaven has no effect on the human race.

In the void, after the terrifying black hole swallowed the heavens, it suddenly expanded!

The big day appears again!

He was shining with extreme brilliance, and the radiance was accompanied by energy, constantly overflowing from his body, "Chen Tianzhen, my Supreme Realm was achieved by using the foundation of the human race! It is different from the Supreme Realm in this world!"

In fact, there is no need to say it, Chen Tianzhen has already seen it!

The power of the other eight is the deduction of the rules of the way of heaven, and the power that complies with the way of heaven.

And the power displayed by Da Ri is destruction and destruction!

"Just now, in order to explode the power that can destroy the eight supreme realms and the heavens, all my vitality and the human heritage integrated into my body have all exploded."

Using the incarnation of the sun and the world-destroying black hole are also taboo moves for Da Ri.

Once he used the incarnation of the sun, for him, there was no possibility of turning back!He must die!
The world-destroying black hole has the power of final destruction. Even the world cannot bear this power of destruction, let alone human beings!
Although Da Ri is in the Supreme Realm, he is also a human being, and his body naturally cannot bear this force!

The essence of the radiance that continuously emanates from the Great Sun is the vitality of the Great Sun!
"I will disappear soon!" Knowing that he was going to die, Da Ri had a calm face.

"If a world does not have the way of heaven, it is destined to become dead, just like a person without a soul will rot soon!"

"I told you before, if this world does not allow me to survive and reproduce, I will smash this world and create another obedient world!"

"Heavenly Dao has been killed by me!"

"I will also incarnate in the way of heaven, and seek a place for the human race to cultivate and live!"

"This is also where my only vitality lies!" While speaking, countless cracks appeared on Da Ri's body, and from the cracks, extremely bright rays of light continued to emerge.

The potential has been exhausted, and all the vitality of the body has exploded, and it can no longer control the world-like stalwart power in the body.

"Renzu Temple!" At this moment, Da Ri didn't care about the consumption of power at all, and pulled his hand towards the void, and he directly captured the area where the Renzu Temple was located from the endless void.

Rubbing his hands together, this piece of broken world became a planet hanging in the void. Most of this planet was covered by blue ocean.

Looking at this scene, Chen Tianzhen opened his mouth incredulously, because the blue planet created by the big sun is the original world before the spiritual energy recovered!
"Restriction!" Another force emerged from the hands of the great sun. After this force entered the original world, it formed an extremely complicated restriction. effect can be brought into play.

"With this restriction in place, our human seedlings will never be cut off!" Da Ri nodded in satisfaction!With the existence of this prohibition, even if the worst happens, the human race will not be extinct!

What is the worst case?

That is, from now until he truly becomes the world's god, all his consciousness will only pay attention to the operation of the world's laws, and he can't care about other things at all.

During this period of time, if all races unite and want to destroy the human race, there is nothing he can do!

In addition, in order to allow Da Ri to break through to the Supreme Realm, the other human races paid a too high price, they could only sleep in the Renzu Temple and could not help human beings.

"Incarnation of the Great Sun! Shine the world!" In the end, the Great Sun once again burst out with taboo power, transformed into the Eternal Great Sun, and stood above the original world.

Driven by mysterious power, the original world revolves around the great sun!
The shattered island-like fragments hanging in the surrounding void began to gather under the power of Xuan Ao, and they also revolved around the great sun.

"Chen Tianzhen, the Hunyuan Tiantu is a practice method brought by our human race from..., which can create the strongest foundation! It is also the reliance for us humans to survive the destruction and creation of the world in the end!"

"I'll pass on the real training method to you!" The sun had already disappeared, and the voice rang directly in Chen Tianzhen's soul.

A torrent of information entered Chen Tianzhen's mind!

Chen Tianzhen's eyes suddenly widened!He never expected that the real mystery would be so simple!
"It turned out to be so!"

(End of this chapter)

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