I can work indefinitely

Chapter 289 Dividing the Ancestral Dao of Human Immortals and Gods

Chapter 289 Dividing the Ancestral Dao of Human Immortals and Gods

In addition to the real training method of Hunyuan Tiantu, the information passed into Chen Tianzhen's mind at the end of the day also had many secrets.

"The aura of the original world is revived, and the heavens and myriad worlds are merged into one, which is the time when Da Ri completely controls this world!"

"Human race is not the original race of this world!" This information, in fact, when Da Ri was fighting against the world's heaven, Chen Tian had a guess in his heart, and the information passed into his mind by Da Ri clearly proved this point.

However, Da Ri seemed to be doing it on purpose, he only told Chen Tianzhen about this matter, but he didn't mention a single word about where the human race came from.

Da Ri only left a sentence, "If you want to know the history of the human race, go to the Renzu Temple! You will know everything!"

Renzu Temple!
The so-called Renzu Temple is the area where the Dragon Kingdom is now!

As long as you recite a very awkward prayer in this area, you can directly enter the Renzu Temple.

The Human Ancestor Temple is the true heritage of the human race, and the key to the human race's entry into the Eternal Continent to survive and multiply.

Even the Dao of Heaven in the world cannot interfere with Renzu Temple!

Because the Renzu Temple is not something native to this world, but brought by the human race from other places.

After absorbing the memory from the Great Sun, all the information contained in the Qiankun Rune was completely absorbed by Chen Tianzhen.

At this time, Chen Tianzhen opened his eyes.

This time, he absorbed the memory of Daoist Qiankun, and at the same time obtained the inheritance of the supreme powerhouse of the human race, which is logically said to be very rewarding. He has obtained answers to many unknown secrets this time.

Even Taoist Xuehai has been brooding over him, wanting to know the secret of the broken Eternal Continent, Chen Tianzhen knows it all.

But after knowing these secrets, more doubts appeared in Chen Tianzhen's mind.

The origin of the human race, and the Human Ancestral Temple!
And the Bronze God Tree!

Originally, Chen Tianzhen thought that the Bronze Sacred Tree would show its traces when the Eternal Continent was broken, but after a certain period of time, Chen Tianzhen discovered that there was no trace of the Bronze Sacred Tree at all.

Moreover, after experiencing which era, Chen Tianzhen can clearly feel that the aura of the Bronze God Tree is older than the era when the Eternal Continent was broken.

"I will know these questions one day!" Soon, Chen Tianzhen calmed down and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

"Now, the most important thing is to change the rules of the world!" With the help of the Heavenly Book, Chen Tianzhen swept his divine sense across the continent of origin.

He discovered that with the formation of the Tianxin Realm, the universe, and the integration of the Qiankun Great World into the original world, the original world continued to grow, which led to the increasing attraction of the original world to the heavens and myriad worlds.

It would take thousands of years for other worlds to merge with the original world, but it only takes a few days for the fast ones, and only a few years for the slow ones to merge with the original world.

The Blood Sea Realm connected to the ancient battlefield, and the Earth Immortal Realm after the Blood Sea Realm!

The world behind the mass graves in the ancient capital!
The magic pit in the desert!
Through the induction of the heavenly book, there are existences in these worlds that are not weaker than the Taoists of Xuehai, and there are extremely many of them!

Chen Tian really had a vague feeling that most of these Taoist mirror experts were not human!
If all the powerhouses in these worlds are allowed to enter the original world, there will be no way for the human race to survive.

Actually, when Chen Tianzhen was in Qiankun Great World, he had an idea!
That is…

The world of the weak belongs to the weak, and the world of the strong belongs to the strong.

To put it simply, it is to use his Heavenly Dao authority to carry out a small transformation of the original world.

Under the same realm, Chen Tian is confident that the human race is not weaker than other races.

"This world should be divided into five regions!"

"The lowest layer belongs to the creatures of the mortal world, and belongs to the mortal world!"

"The area above belongs to the fairyland. All mortal creatures who have cultivated to the fairyland should enter the fairyland and cannot stay in the mortal world!"

"Above the fairy world, there is the God Realm. All monks who have cultivated to the God Realm must enter this world!"

"By analogy, above the God Realm is the Ancestral Realm, above the Ancestral Realm is the Dao Realm, and above the Dao Realm is the Supreme Realm!"

As Chen Tianzhen's thoughts were introduced into the Heavenly Book, his spiritual power was greatly consumed.

The basic operating rules of the world are constantly changing!
"Fortunately, there is the foundation of the Qiankun Great World, otherwise, the power I have now would not be able to do this at all!" The Qiankun Great World itself has the mortal world, the fairy world, the god world, the ancestor world, and the Tao world!
As for the Supreme Realm, Chen Tianzhen is just talking, let alone him, even if Da Rilai, who has already become a powerhouse of the Supreme Realm, can't do it!
Soon, the rules belonging to the Mortal Realm changed!
All the creatures whose cultivation base was above the mortal realm were locked by an extremely terrifying heavenly power, and everyone felt extremely horrified in their hearts.

Because after being locked by Tianwei, a very clear feeling appeared in their hearts, if they resisted the rules of heaven and earth, they would die and be destroyed by the power of heaven and earth!

Even the Daoist Xuehai, who is a Daojing cultivator, feels icy cold all over his body, and a chill rushes from his tailbone straight to his forehead and heart!

"This is the terrifying power in the original world that forbids the heaven and the earth, and makes the ninth-order powerhouse of the Taoist mirror die of old age!" Taoist Xuehai's face changed wildly. Fortunately, he came this time, still only the clone, not the main body!
"Little turtle, I'll give you some chance, go!" The terrifying power in the Taoist body of Xuehai compressed into a point, disappeared from Taoist Xuehai, broke through the space and fell directly into Gu Tianyi's dantian.

"These energies can supply you to practice directly to the ancestral realm!"

At this moment, Gu Tianyi's face was extremely frightened. His cultivation base was originally in a fairyland, and Taoist Xuehai took most of his cultivation base out of his body and passed it into his body.

His soul cultivation has made a great breakthrough in the process of purifying the mortal world, directly reaching the divine realm!
Now that he has enough ability, his cultivation base is like riding a rocket, rising rapidly. Originally, the attraction of the fairy world to him is already very strong, and he can't bear it at all. The attractiveness becomes even more terrifying.

Moreover, in the sky above his head, the power to destroy the thunder has already gathered, and a force that destroys the sky and the earth locked Gu Tianyi firmly.

Clearly tell Gu Tianyi, either fly to the Immortal Realm immediately, or you will die to me!Soul flies away!


Under the lock of Destroyer God Thunder, Gu Tian didn't even say a word, he complied with the gravity of the fairy world, turned into a bright streamer, broke through the space, and disappeared.

At this moment, in the original world, especially in the mortal realm of the original Qiankun Great World, none of the monks who have cultivated to the fairyland dared to resist, obediently complied with the power of the fairyland, and ascended to the fairyland!

One after another, colorful lights flew up from the earth, densely packed, really beautiful, like a meteor shower, flying into the sky!

Every shooting star is a fairyland cultivator!
Even Chen Tianzhen, who stands in the sky above Changkong City, can see the spectacle of the monks ascending to the Immortal World collectively, which looks very strange and extremely beautiful.

After the reverse meteor shower disappeared, Chen Tianzhen sensed the changes in Tianshu, a surprised smile appeared on Chen Tianzhen's face, "Not bad!"

Originally, forcing all monks above the mortal realm to leave the original world was essentially to protect the human race in the original world and send all the high-end combat power of other races to the upper realm!
But after sending away all the fairyland monks in the original world, Chen Tianzhen discovered an unexpected surprise!

That is, the heavenly authority of the heavenly book in the original world has been increased!
Although the improvement was not much, Chen Tianzhen obviously felt that he had improved, and he gave back from the heavenly book. permissions, you can get a little boost.

"Formidable enemies that will come in from the outside, the upper limit has been locked!"

"Next, it's time to increase the upper limit of human monks!" Before going to Qiankun Great World, Chen Tianzhen's cultivation was at the fourth level of the Mortal Realm. After practicing in seclusion, his cultivation has reached the level of the first level of the Immortal Realm.

This period of time has not improved his cultivation, because Chen Tianzhen does not know the real training method of Hunyuan Tiantu, he feels that Hunyuan Tiantu's cultivation has reached its peak, and he can only raise his cultivation to the first level of the fairyland .

During this period of time, Chen Tianzhen has been thinking about the issue of practicing the exercises next.

In his hands, besides the blood-killing swordsmanship of Taoist Xuehai, Taoist Daoist Daoist Qiankun's Qiankun Good Fortune Kung Fu is the cultivation technique of the Daoist Mirror expert!
Originally, he wanted to use one of them as a practice method, but now he doesn't need it!

Because he has mastered the real cultivation method of Hunyuan Tiantu!
As long as you follow the steps and continue to practice, you can expect a supreme state. The most important thing is that the practice of Hunyuan Tiantu is not in the five elements, it is not in the five realms, it is not in this world, and it is not under the way of heaven. .

This is a terrifying skill that transcends everything. The most important reason why the human race can come to the world of Eternal Continent from other places is this step of skill.

It's just that the information passed down by the Great Sun is incomplete in many places, or some places were deliberately erased by the Great Sun, so Chen Tianzhen only knows it but doesn't know why.

He only knows that this exercise is very powerful, but he doesn't know how powerful it is!

"Deduction!" Sitting cross-legged in the void, Chen Tianzhen activated the skill derivation and entered the derivation space. Taking the Hunyuan Tiantu as the main body, and referring to the cultivation methods of Taoist Qiankun and Taoist Xuehai, Chen Tianzhen started A new round of exercise derivation.

He wants to deduce a simple and solid foundational cultivation method for all human beings in the mortal world!
This skill must be easily decorated by monks who practice Zhan Bingjue!

The practice speed of this exercise cannot be slow!Because the integration of the heavens and worlds into the original world is an irreversible trend of heaven, this process will be very fast!

If the existing human beings in the original world need thousands of years to cultivate into immortals, they are likely to be exterminated by other powerful races integrated into the original world!

This was obviously something Chen Tian really didn't want to see.

"This exercise is called the Hunyuan Heavenly Art!" In the derivation space, with a flick of a finger, a million years have passed. Chen Tianzhen almost exhausted all possibilities, and deduced a book that is only suitable for human cultivation. practice.

Many parts of this exercise refer to the Hunyuan Tiantu, but there is a slight change in key places. This slight change completely reduces the difficulty of practicing the exercise.

"Even a person with ordinary aptitude, with hard work, should be able to become a fairy in 500 years!" If someone with a high aptitude, it is possible to become a fairyland in a few decades!

"This exercise, at the stage of the Mortal Realm, can stabilize at a level even compared with the cultivation techniques of Taoist Xuehai and Taoist Qiankun!" It's just a robbery!

It is conceivable that the Hunyuan Heavenly Art is terrifying!
"My human race, if you practice the Hunyuan Heavenly Kungfu and reach the cultivation level in the fairyland, you can transfer to the true supreme method of the human race, the Hunyuan Tiantu!" Of course, if you want to practice the Hunyuan Tiantu, if you don't have Chen Tianzhen's approval, Absolutely impossible.

One sentence is true, but thousands of books are false!

Even Chen Tianzhen would never know the secrets of the Hunyuan Tiantu if he didn't have the information from the Great Sun inheritance to tell him the real cultivation method of the Hunyuan Tiantu.

"The lord of the dream, hang the Hunyuan Heavenly Art in the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the Dream Kingdom! Send a reminder to all those who rebel, and spread the introduction of the Hunyuan Heavenly Art to the entire human race!" The Lord spoke.

"Yu Ji has also ascended to the heaven!" Sensing the emptiness behind her, Chen Tianzhen sighed, and in the next instant, she appeared at her home in Changkong City.

Xu Min and Wang Muxue were sitting on the sofa at the moment, and they were chatting casually.

It's been a year since Chen Tianzhen left. To these two girls who have just tasted human nature, it's simply...

Fortunately, as monks, they can practice in closed doors. When they reach the level of the two of them, a hundred years is just a moment.

However, because they had an agreement with Chen Tianzhen to talk to each other once, so every month, the two of them would wake up from the retreat on time.

Today, the better day is to make an appointment to talk with Chen Tianzhen!
"It's been one year and one month! When is Chen Tianzhen coming back?" Wang Muxue frowned. When Chen Tianzhen was around, as long as two people cultivated together, their cultivation base would increase like a rocket, and the increased realm The cultivation base is extremely solid.

Wang Muxue and Chen Tianzhen practiced only a handful of times, but they raised her from Tier [-] to Tier [-] within a day!

Chen Tianzhen went to Qiankun Great World for a year. During this year, Wang Muxue practiced desperately, but the results were not satisfactory. She was still at the fourth level without any breakthrough.

According to her current practice progress, if she wants to break through from the fourth level to the fifth level, if there is no other opportunity, it may take ten years.

Xu Min and Wang Muxue are similar!

The progress of the two women's practice is already extremely fast in the original world!The cultivation base of most people is still at the second level!
There are only a very small number of people with extremely high qualifications, and their hard work this year is worthy of entering the third-order level!

According to the information they obtained, among all the rebels, as of now, there is only one fifth-order monk in the Mortal Realm!
This one is Lan Qingsi with shocking qualifications!Her aptitude is extremely high, her practice is extremely hard, and her realm breaks through quickly.

Apart from them, there are only two fourth-order monks in the Mortal Realm.

One is Ji Xingchen!It is said that Ji Xingchen practiced ten times faster than ordinary people because of the blessing of the national fortune!
One is Wu Crazy!Crazy Wu's aptitude is also frighteningly high, his practice is advancing rapidly, and he is even more ruthless when dealing with weird and fierce beasts, and he is absolutely desperate in battle!
(End of this chapter)

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