I can work indefinitely

Chapter 324 Entering the Renzu Temple

Chapter 324 Entering the Renzu Temple

"There is the supreme sun that breaks the way of heaven and suppresses the eight supreme realms to lay the foundation. I will return the broken heavens and myriad worlds to the only one. While completing the heavens and the earth, I have also accomplished me and the human race."

"This world is no longer the original world!"

"Heavenly...hehe! This world is already the world of my human race!"

"Yuan Shouming handled this matter quite well!" Chen Tianzhen had a smile on his face. He was quite satisfied with Yuan Shouming's handling of the Wanzu. The Wanzu didn't need to be exterminated, because there was no need!

Keeping the Wanzu is more beneficial to the human race. The Wanzu can be used as a sharpening stone for the human race, and it can put pressure on the human race from the outside, so that the human race will not lose the motivation to move forward because there is no external pressure.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen was already standing on the top of Mount Tai, the highest mountain in Dragon Kingdom!

Compared with the current Mount Tai, the previous Mount Tai was just a small hill. Now the main peak of Mount Tai is larger than the entire earth before. The top of Mount Tai reaches ninety thousand feet into the sky.

"Renzu Temple!" Chen Tianzhen straightened his face, and a barrier sealed the entire Mount Tai. Unless it was the existence of the Supreme Realm, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to enter Mount Tai from the outside.

"Another defense!" Another indestructible barrier appeared on the top of Mount Tai, and all living things were isolated from this one-foot-square barrier.

A vast and terrifying divine sense burst out from Chen Tianzhen's body, sweeping over the top of the mountain inch by inch. After confirming that there were no living creatures, Chen Tianzhen's face became extremely serious.

Carefully recalling the prayer taught by the Supreme Sun in his mind, Chen Tianzhen recited it silently in his heart. After confirming that there was no omission, Chen Tianzhen turned around and looked towards the east, with a voice of divine will sounded from his mouth.

"Human Chen Tianzhen, please enter the Human Ancestral Temple today..." Cang Mang reverberated between heaven and earth with ancient, mysterious, sacred, and even transcending power.

A prayer is not long, only about [-] words, and soon Chen Tianzhen read it all.

When Chen Tianzhen finished chanting, in front of him, a silver portal about three meters high appeared in the void and opened in front of Chen Tianzhen.

Through the opened door, Chen Tianzhen saw a piece of silver in the door, and couldn't see anything else.

An extremely ancient aura came from the opened door, giving Chen Tianzhen the feeling that this aura was older than the whole world, more sacred and mysterious than the heavens in this world, and the power contained in this aura was already Beyond the highest realm of this world, the supreme realm!
"It's this breath!" Chen Tianzhen entered into the dreamland of the six-path reincarnation disk, and experienced everything during the gestation process of the six-path reincarnation disk. He traced the past in the dream of the six-path reincarnation disk, and found that when the world was just formed, the Suddenly appearing in nothingness, the silver shuttle that broke into this world also sensed the breath of the silver shuttle. Chen Tian can be sure that that breath is exactly the same as the breath he feels now.

Chen Tianzhen's spiritual thoughts surged out, and he wanted to observe the situation in the portal, but he found that there was a gentle force on the opened door. His spiritual thoughts had already reached the ninth level of Dao Realm. When encountering a clump of tough cotton, no matter how hard you try, it will have no effect.

Chen Tianzhen was not discouraged either, this was within his expectation, if his divine sense could see things in the portal, then it would be really abnormal.

"Da Ri is a human race, so he probably won't harm me!" After finding out that his divine sense had no effect, Chen Tianzhen felt relieved, because the scene he saw now was exactly the same as what Da Ri told him.

In addition, Chen Tianzhen also has his own source of information!

During this period of time, all the innate magic weapons obtained by him have been refined by Chen Tianzhen. During the process of refining, Chen Tianzhen used the dream walker skill on all the magic weapons, and through the dreams of the innate magic weapons, he mastered the innate magic weapons. The power of the law also incidentally saw the development process of the world from a different perspective!

After the creation of the world, the process of thousands of races exterminating the human race was recorded in several treasures. Although it was only a fragment, through these fragments, Chen Tianzhen's understanding of the Great Sun has risen to a new level.

It is precisely because of the fragments in the magic weapon that Chen Tianzhen is absolutely sure that Da Ri will not lie to him!
"Renzu Temple! Da Ri once said that all the secrets are in the Renzu Temple!" Chen Tianzhen walked over like a silver door without hesitation.

Chen Tianzhen has cultivated to the point where he is now, this world is almost in a state of no secrets for him!
If Chen Tianzhen wanted to, Chen Tianzhen could easily obtain the supreme realm that the superiors dream of, but Chen Tianzhen didn't do that!

If he integrates the law of reincarnation into the basic law of the operation of heaven and earth, the way of heaven will be revived, and the eight supreme powerhouses will be resurrected. Although the great sun of the human race will also be resurrected in this process, the risk is too great. Chen Tian really didn't need to take this risk.

For Chen Tianzhen, there are two things that he wants to know very much.

First things first: where did the Terrans come from?Why did you come to this world!

According to the past that Chen Tianzhen saw through the six-path reincarnation disk, the human race suddenly appeared from the void on a silver shuttle. The power of the silver shuttle is so strong that even the Dao of Heaven can't do anything to the silver shuttle.

There is an extremely contradictory place here, since the silver shuttle is already so strong, why come to this world?
The second thing: that is the Bronze God Tree that Chen Tianzhen got!

This bronze sacred tree brought even greater doubts to Chen Tianzhen!

Originally, Chen Tianzhen thought that the Bronze Sacred Tree was related to the Eternal World.

In the past, Chen Tianzhen didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and used the causal skill on the Bronze God Tree, and then something extremely terrifying happened, and Chen Tianzhen passed out directly during the process, and everything he saw Completely forgot.

When Chen Tianzhen became a Taoist ninth-level monk, Chen Tianzhen took out the Bronze Sacred Tree again, and wanted to use the causal skill on the Bronze Sacred Tree. Chen Tianzhen had a feeling somewhere that if he used the Bronze Sacred Tree again If he uses the karma skill, there is a great possibility that he will... die!

"I hope that I can also know the secret of the bronze sacred tree in Renzu Temple!"

"Hopefully, in the Renzu Temple, I can know the true origin of the human race."

Following such thoughts, Chen Tianzhen took a step and directly entered the silver portal.

After Chen Tianzhen stepped into the silver portal, the silver portal suddenly disappeared from the top of the mountain, as if it had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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