I can work indefinitely

Chapter 325 The Truth About the Unlimited Inauguration Panel

Chapter 325 The Truth About the Unlimited Inauguration Panel

Chen Tianzhen stepped into the Renzu Temple, and in the next moment, he was suspended in the endless void.

"Is this the real Renzu Temple?" Not far in front of Chen Tianzhen, a blue planet floated in the void with endless vitality. In this huge space, apart from the Beyond the blue planet, there are still dead planets suspended in the void.

In the center of this world, a star that has reached its old age is emitting a dim light, maintaining the vitality of the blue planet.

"Leadership module, you have finally returned to Renzu Temple. If you don't come back, the inheritance of Renzu Temple will be completely cut off." Just as Chen Tianzhen was looking around at the surrounding situation, an incomparably vast voice came to Chen Tianzhen. in mind.

Immediately afterwards, everything in front of Chen Tianzhen's eyes changed.

Originally, the surroundings were pitch black, and in space, even the air did not exist. The next moment, Chen Tianzhen came to a very huge room.

In the huge room, a phantom stood in front of Chen Tianzhen, with an old and clumsy face, a silver beard on the chin that exceeded the length of a palm, and a majestic face looked at Chen Tianzhen who appeared with great excitement.

"Who are you?" Chen Tianzhen looked at the person, and his face became serious. At his level, he was transported to a strange place without feeling anything. This method is simply appalling and inconceivable.

"I am the Wisdom Elder of the Renzu Temple, and I specialize in inheriting the wisdom of the Human Race. When the Supreme Artifact of the Human Race Temple lacks the leadership module, I can temporarily replace the leadership module to manage the Renzu Temple." Wisdom Elder said The voice came out.

"Leadership module, you came back in time! After you come back, the artifact of Renzu Temple will be safe!" Before Chen Tianzhen could speak, Elder Wisdom waved his hand self-consciously, and a phantom of the sun appeared in the In front of Chen Tianzhen, the sun's brilliance was dim, like a remnant flame in a candle, which might be extinguished at any time.

"Look, this is the ancestral land of our human race." With the voice of the wisdom elder, the picture in front of Chen Tianzhen changed again, and it became the blue planet he had seen in the void, but what he saw now was the same What he saw in the void was very different.

When he was in the void, Chen Tianzhen saw the blue planet full of life, but through the image displayed by the wise elders, what Chen Tianzhen saw was snow-white, and the entire planet was extremely cold due to the insufficient energy of the sun.

"The energy module of the Renzu Temple has provided energy for the Renzu Temple since the last era. After the era was destroyed, the energy of the energy module was almost exhausted. At the beginning of the new era, the leadership module controlled the Renzu Temple. In the process of entering this world from the void, I encountered fierce resistance from the Dao of Heaven in this era."

"Although the leadership module controlled the Renzu Temple and killed one of the innate deities in this world, the Heavenly Dao of this world also took the opportunity to strip the leadership module from the Renzu Temple." If there is enough energy in the Renzu Temple, The Dao of Heaven in a mere newborn world will naturally not be taken seriously by Renzu Temple.

"Originally, I thought that the human race would be cut off in this era, but I didn't expect you to come back directly from the leadership module!" Wisdom Elder had extreme surprise in his eyes. Over the years, Wisdom Elder has done a lot to find the leadership module. The temple is almost in a state of paralysis, and the world has not relaxed its suppression of the Renzu Temple, so the wise elders can't do much.

All he can do is spread the seeds of the human race in this world.

"Wait, I'm not the leader module you said! I'm just an ordinary human race." Chen Tianzhen frowned, with 1 disbeliefs in his heart.

"The leadership module is the core of the Renzu Temple. I have accompanied the leadership module through thirteen eras, witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations, and witnessed the destruction and rebirth of thirteen time and space. I will not admit it." The wise elder spoke with a full face of affirmation.

Chen Tianzhen shook his head, the words of this wise elder were like a fantasy, without any credibility, he didn't believe a single word.

"I have a way to make you believe it." Seeing Chen Tianzhen's unbelieving expression, Elder Wisdom seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He glanced at the sun that was like a candle in the wind, and with a thought, he directly used the Renzu Temple The only energy left activated the Renzu Temple, a supreme artifact that had been dormant since entering this world.

Suddenly, the sun at the center of the world went out, and the whole world became dead silent.

At the moment when the sun went out, an extremely special feeling appeared in Chen Tianzhen's heart.

For a long time, the infinite inauguration panel that had been displayed in front of Chen Tianzhen's eyes suddenly changed the content displayed on it.

The words on the infinite inauguration panel changed into the leadership module of Renzu Temple in a sudden change.

At the same time, in the leadership module, one after another information appeared, and it was constantly instilled in Chen Tianzhen's memory. The information was incomparably vast, from the time when the supreme artifact, the Renzu Temple, was mastered by the human race, until the beginning of the world's creation. The memory of time appeared in Chen Tianzhen's mind in an extremely fine manner, until the leadership module and Renzu Temple were separated.

The Supreme Artifact Human Ancestral Temple was born countless times ago, and no one knows whether he was created by man or by heaven and earth.

If it is divided according to the level of the current era, the level of the Supreme Artifact Human Ancestral Temple is 80 forbidden artifacts. If it is converted into a monk, it is equivalent to a top existence in the ninth realm. And the world Chen Tianzhen lives in now, even the Heavenly Dao It is only the peak of the five realms, converted into the prohibition of divine artifacts, the heavenly dao is equivalent to 45 forbidden divine artifacts, one can imagine the power of Renzu Temple.

As for Ji Yuan, through the knowledge passed down from Renzu Temple, Chen Tianzhen finally understood the meaning of Ji Yuan.

The so-called era is the process from the creation of a world to its demise in the endless void!
Thirteen epochs ago, the Human Ancestral Temple fell from the endless void into the world at that time, and was acquired by the human race. With the help of the Human Ancestral Temple, the human race became the lowest slave race in just 10 years. Became the master of which era.

The most powerful human race has even reached the ninth realm after 10 years of practice.

After countless years have passed, the era has come to an end. Under the terrifying power of era destruction, everything will be reduced to nothing, even the ninth-level monks of the human race.

After discovering this situation, the strongest of the human race gathered together. In order not to exterminate the human race, the supreme artifact of the Human Ancestral Temple was taken out again, and the strongest of the nine realms sacrificed themselves. Integrate your own supreme power into the Renzu Temple, and then carefully select a group of people as seeds to enter the Renzu Temple.

At the end of the era, everything returns to zero, even time and space will be destroyed at the end of the era.

Only Renzu Temple can be in a state of being in nothingness.

This is a supreme artifact that can cross the destruction of the era, but the Renzu Temple is not an invincible artifact. Every time it crosses the void, it will cause irreparable damage to the Renzu Temple.

After thirteen epochs, the strength of Renzu Temple has dropped from 80 to 73 bans.

In addition, the energy core sun in Renzu Temple was almost exhausted, so the leadership module was lost.

(End of this chapter)

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