Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 105 The Restless Little Lolitas

Chapter 105 The Restless Little Lolitas (Please order first)


"Well, that's the way it is. I feel that Helena's proposal is not bad. Therefore, I want to arrange a good show in the tutelary mansion. Even if I can't get CV-16 successfully, at least it can make her interested in our tutelary mansion. After all, she has almost finished reading Sherlock Holmes."

In the office, apart from Helena and CV-16 reading novels in the dormitory, and Lingbo Fubo playing outside with his new friend, Firefly, Prestige, San Juan, Yixian, Shuanghai, Tennessee, and Atlanta are all there.

As soon as Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, Atlanta stopped him.

"Heh, do you really think it's okay to deceive a ship girl like this? The ship girl is not a fool."

Lu Yanzhi looked at Atlanta suspiciously: "Isn't that why you joined our tutelary mansion?"

Then, Atlanta exploded instantly: "Me? Join your tutelary mansion? How is it possible? Who told you that I'm only staying for two months, who wants to join your tutelary mansion!"

Everyone in the tutelary, including Tennessee, turned their attention to San Juan.

San Juan suddenly panicked, looked at his sister, then at the admiral, opened his mouth, but didn't know how to explain.

Atlanta was not happy anymore, and pulled San Juan behind him, and said viciously: "I tell you, Admiral Lu, even if I don't join your tutelary fort, you can't bully my sister, look at my sister, for you, everything Thinking of lying to my sister."

Lu Yanzhi laughed and said: "No way, sister may have another one, but I am the only admiral, and you didn't join our tutelary mansion, at best you are San Juan's cousin, in case we After the tutelary, there will be Atlanta, which is San Juan's real sister."

"you dare!"

Atlanta stared and threatened.

"It's a bit too much for Atlanta. Could it be that you don't join our tutelary fort, and won't allow our tutelary fort to have Atlanta?"

Ever since Tennessee recognized Lu Yanzhi, although he was not called Admiral Lu Yanzhi, he behaved, even talked, as if we were the guardian of the town. At this time, he naturally wanted to gain benefits for the town guard.

After being stunned by Tennessee, Atlanta was speechless, but just stared at Lu Yanzhi angrily, not knowing how to abuse Lu Yanshi in his heart to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Although Atlanta didn't join our tutelary mansion, I agree with her. You can't lie to the homeless ship girl like this. If you really want to get it, you can only rely on your skills, Brother Lu."

Ignoring Atlanta, Tennessee expressed his opinion to Lu Yanzhi again.

"On my own?"

Lu Yanzhi frowned and said, "If you are a ship girl like you, Tennessee, then I still have something to do, but CV-16 Sanwu, after so long, I don't care about anything except that detective novel." look."

"Although you are telling the truth, why do I always feel uncomfortable? What is a ship girl like me?" Tennessee looked at Lu Yanzhi and smiled kindly.

"Uh, I mean, approachable, easy to get along with!"

Tennessee gave Lu Yanzhi a white look, and then said: "You can let her live in the tutelary mansion for a few months, then there will always be a chance."

"But it's not easy for her to live here."

Yixian said softly beside him.

Lu Yanzhi also echoed: "That's right! It's really hard to keep that guy."

"In this regard, it's actually the easiest. You just need to apply with Nelson." Tennessee said lightly.

"What's the reason? There's no reason for Nelson to agree." Lu Yanzhi continued.

"You can directly apply to the Ship Girl Alliance to help clean up the nearby waters."

"Is that so? Is it possible?" Lu Yanzhi asked uncertainly.

Tennessee said impatiently: "Oh, why are you so troublesome? Generally, the novice governor's tutelary mansion wants to clean up the sea area. The one who doesn't apply for the help of the Ship Girl Alliance, the reason why those novice supervisors can get the ship girl of the Ship Girl Alliance, no It’s just the opportunities found in these daily interactions.”

After listening to Tennessee's explanation, Lu Yanzhi finally understood. Before his relationship, he had been caught in a misunderstanding, thinking that if he wanted to get CV-16, he could only rely on Sherlock Holmes. As everyone knew, Holmes was just an introduction, and he really wanted to get In the Sherlock Holmes collection, what you need is yourself.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Yanzhi felt resentful towards the system again. He thought that a book of Sherlock Holmes and a pipe would make CV-16 yearn for his tutelary mansion, but in the end, he still had to rely on himself, feeling tired!
No one noticed, outside the window, three sneaky little figures slipped away cautiously after listening to the conversation of the adults.

In the small amusement park of the tutelary mansion.

Sitting on the rocking chair, Ling Bo muttered: "Hmph, since the Admiral has more and more wives, they don't pay any attention to our children."

"No way, we don't have much fighting power." Fu Bo said of course.

"Hmph, how is it possible, I am the great Limbo, how could my fighting power be weak?" Lingbo said angrily.

Firefly is full of envy for the friend named Ling Bo that she just met. The commander's first ship girl is equipped with super powerful anti-submarine equipment and colorful torpedo guns. She is simply an admiral. Thousands of pets in one.

"However, there is nothing now, the current admiral has a big ship!"

Firefly thought gloatingly, she didn't experience the feeling of being overly pampered by the admiral, but luckily the current admiral treats them all equally.

"No! I want to help the admiral keep sister CV-16!" Ling Bo jumped off the rocking chair and said firmly.

"Don't be stupid, sister, didn't you listen to what they said? They have no way to keep that sister."

Fu Bo mercilessly poured cold water on Ling Bo.

"I have a plan, but you two have to help me!"

Ling Bo's eyes were burning, staring at Fu Bo and the fireflies.

"Then you have to tell me what the plan is first."

Firefly was not easily fooled, but asked cautiously first.

"It's easy!"

With his back to the two of them, Ling Bo put his arms around him, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't they discuss a case in the tutelary mansion, then we will create a case for her!"

Firefly was startled, covered her mouth with both hands, stared at the boss, and whispered, "Murder is against the law!"


Firefly clutched her head aggrievedly, turned her head to see that it was Fu Bo, and suddenly she didn't want to.

"Fu Bo, why did you hit me?"

Fu Bo patted the firefly again and said, "Are you stupid? There is no one in the guard house, how could my sister kill someone?"

Ling Bo nodded in satisfaction: "You still understand me, younger sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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