Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 106 The plan to die prematurely

Chapter 106 The plan to die prematurely (seeking the first order)

"So, this is the case, do you two understand?"

"Understood, Fu Bo firmly supports sister's decision!"

"But, in this case, in this case, aren't we thieves?"

Firefly hesitated.

"It's not good to be a thief."

Ling Bo glared at Firefly: "What kind of thief! We take things from our own guard house, can it be considered stealing?"


"You guys, what are you doing here if you don't go back to the dormitory to sleep?"

Startled, Ling Bo raised his head and saw San Juan's smiling face, with the admiral and others behind him.

After finishing the conversation in the office, Lu Yanzhi and the girls were about to go back to the dormitory, when they saw the third child whispering here.

"Sister San Juan, Ling Bo, she wants to..."

"Ah! Firefly, have you forgotten our agreement?"

Before the firefly finished speaking, Ling Bo screamed and stopped her.

San Juan squatted down in front of Ling Bo, and said with a smile, "Ling Bo, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, don't listen to the fireflies talking nonsense, um, I'm so sleepy, we're going back to sleep."

As Ling Bo said, he dragged Fu Bo and Firefly to the dormitory.

In order to allow the fireflies to integrate into the tutelary mansion, Lu Yanzhi purposely let the couple live together.

San Juan looked at Ling Bo who ran away in a hurry, and shook his head.

Here, Ling Bo and Fu Bo are criticizing and educating Fireflies.

"Firefly, you almost betrayed us."

"I'm sorry!" Firefly said aggrievedly.

"I'm sorry, it's over? I will punish you, and you will complete the mission this time."

"Ah! Not good." Firefly hesitated.

"There's nothing to discuss, you need to show me your loyalty!" Ling Bo said seriously.

"If you are not faithful, then you will commit seppuku!" Fu Bo said beside him.


Firefly dissatisfied, seppuku?No, why do seppuku.

"If you don't want to cut seppuku, then only you can complete this task." Ling Bo's tone was non-negotiable.

"Well, that's fine!"

The form is weaker than people, so Firefly had no choice but to agree.

It was around one o'clock in the morning.

"Sister, sister, wake up soon!"

Fu Bo stepped on the ladder of bunk beds to the upper bunk where Ling Bo was sleeping.

"Oh! What's the matter, Fu Bo, you're sleeping, don't make trouble!" After being shaken by Fu Bo for a while, Ling Bo turned over and said dissatisfied.

"Hey sister, have you forgotten our plan?"

"What's the plan, go to sleep!"

Ling Bo shook his head in a daze, he was sleeping comfortably, so he didn't want to get up, for planning or something, can't we talk about it tomorrow morning?

Trying to wake up Ling Bo failed, Fu Bo ran to the bed next to him to wake up the firefly, but her sister couldn't wake up, so she and the firefly were left to complete their great plan.

"Firefly, firefly, wake up, wake up!"

Facing the firefly, Fu Bo was not as careful as his sister, and sat directly beside the firefly's bed, pulling the firefly's arm up.

"Oops! Do you want to try Firefly's head hammer?"

The firefly was pulled up, and lay down in Fu Bo's arms again, murmuring.

No matter how Fu Bo shakes, the firefly just won't wake up, and Fu Bo suddenly feels very tired. How could that plan be completed with just two teammates.

"Forget it, don't care, I'll sleep too!"

Thinking of this, Fu Bo returned to the bed in a fit of anger, hugging the quilt in a daze.

In the end, I was in a daze until the prestige came over and shouted to get up and eat.

The first plan of the little lolitas in the tutelary mansion failed because they couldn't get out of bed.

In the restaurant, Ling Bo gritted his teeth and bit the deep-fried dough sticks brought by Sheng Yuan.

The fireflies eat and eat carefully, not daring to make any rash moves.

"What's the matter with you guys?"

Lu Yanzhi came over to ask.

"Admiral, when will sister CV-16 return to the Ship Girl Alliance?"

Ling Bo asked instead.

Lu Yanzhi patted Ling Bo's head amusedly and said, "She's going back tomorrow, what's the matter? Can't bear it?"

Ling Bo shook his head: "It's nothing, how could it be possible."

"Then what's going on with you and the firefly? I think you're being cold towards the firefly."

"Don't worry, Admiral, Ling Bo won't bully the weak."

Watching Lu Yanzhi leave, Ling Bo turned his head and said to Firefly: "I'll give you another chance tonight, if it doesn't work, hum!"

The more Firefly thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved and sadder, and finally couldn't help crying out with a "wow".

Lu Yanzhi, who had just left, heard the movement and ran back quickly, only to see the firefly crying aggrievedly. The heartbroken expression made people feel distressed. Ling Bo and Fu Bo looked at the firefly in a daze.

Holding the firefly in his arms, Lu Yanzhi comforted him softly.

"Okay, Firefly is good, Firefly is good, did Ling Bo bully you? Tell the admiral, and the admiral will help you teach her a lesson!"

"Woo, Lingbo, Lingbo, woo!"

Sitting in Lu Yanshi's arms, Firefly stretched out her hand to wipe her tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

Lu Yanzhi felt distressed again, stopped asking, and hugged Lori in his arms and comforted her in a low voice.

The movement of fireflies alarmed everyone in the restaurant.

San Juan and Shengsheng came over, with a tacit understanding, separated Ling Bo and Fu Bo, and went with inquiries one by one.

"Ling Bo, tell me the truth, why do you bully Firefly?"

"Sister San Juan, I didn't bully her, she didn't know why she was crying."

"You want to cry? Ling Bo, you didn't learn well at such a young age, and you actually lied. I heard that you beat him because of your good equipment and high training."

"Who beat her, I just asked her to steal books from CV-16's sister's room."

San Juan laughed secretly, interrogating little Lolita was not too easy, but he was a little confused.

"Stealing books? Why are you stealing books? Do you know all the words?"

"Of course I want the aircraft carrier sister to stay in our tutelary mansion." Ling Bo took it for granted.

"But, if you want that sister to stay, you don't need to steal books, and, don't you know that stealing is against the law?"

"How can it be said that I broke the law by taking the things belonging to my guard's mansion?" Ling Bo spoke eloquently.

San Juan shook his head: "However, it's wrong for you to break into other people's rooms to take things, even in our tutelary mansion."


Ling Bo didn't want to understand why, why the admiral could enter anyone's room as he wanted, and why she couldn't enter other people's rooms, but at this moment, she knew that if she tried to force her words, there would be a big problem, so she just left Nodding his head, he ignored San Juan angrily.

After a long time, San Juan and Shengfu came to Lu Yanshi's side, Firefly finally stopped crying and sat on Lu Yanshi's lap, drinking soy milk slowly.

"I've already heard what Firefly said. These two guys are just messing around!"

"Now that you know, Admiral, what are you going to do?" San Juan asked.

Lu Yanzhi had some headaches again, he was all in his heart, he couldn't be beaten, he couldn't be scolded, he didn't listen to reason, why is the brat so difficult to discipline.

(End of this chapter)

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