Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 107 Leaving CV-16

Chapter 107 Leaving CV-16 (seeking the first order)


Let alone the education of the little lolitas, Lu Yanzhi first came to the Haikou City Ship Girls Alliance with prestige.

"To sum up, I hope that you, Nelson, can assign me an aircraft carrier to prevent me from encountering the dilemma of deep-sea aircraft carriers when I explore the sea."

Lu Yanzhi did not blatantly call for CV-16, but according to Lu Yanzhi's thinking, Nelson must know who he most wants to go.

Sure enough, Nelson pondered for a moment and said, "Aircraft carrier? It seems that only CV-16 is idle in the Ship Girl Alliance recently!"

When Lu Yanshi walked into Nelson's office, Saratoga followed. At this moment, hearing Nelson's words, Saratoga said to Nelson: "Hey, Nelson, who said that the only idle ship girl is CV-16 Well, then Kaga and Zeppelin are also idle!"

Nelson laughed and said: "Kahe Zeppelin is an old man, and his practice level is not low. Letting CV-16 pass by just happened to hone his training. I have been practicing the progress of the carrier-based aircraft with you guys. It is also time for actual combat."

Saratoga muttered and wanted to say something else, but Lu Yanzhi said first, "By the way, Saratoga, why don't you let CV-16 come to my tutelary mansion? I won't eat her."

Saratoga said: "Hmph, you admirals, who knows! CV-16 is my half-disciple after all, so I must be responsible to her."

"Then what if CV-16 meets a suitable admiral in the future and wants to join the tutelary mansion?"

"Then I will naturally encourage her to join."

"Then why do you always object to me getting CV-16? Logically speaking, there is no conflict between me getting her and you, right?"


Asked by Lu Yanzhi, Saratoga's expression froze.

"Look, you can't tell yourself, right? If this is the case, then don't stop it, okay? What's wrong with CV-16 joining the tutelary mansion? No matter what you do in the future, the admiral will help you."

Lu Yanzhi looked at Saratoga and asked sincerely.

After listening to Lu Yanzhi's words, Saratoga realized it, and said to Lu Yanshi: "I think you said you want to get CV-16, but you just fancy the ability of CV-16. After all, your guard There is no aircraft carrier in the government, and CV-16 can do a large part of the work for you."

Lu Yanzhi smiled slightly: "Every admiral who wants to salvage a boat should think so!"

Lu Yanzhi's smile made people angry, and Saratoga ran out of Nelson's office angrily.

"Then, since this is the case, CV-16 should be able to help us in our tutelary mansion first!" Lu Yanshi turned his head and said to Nelson with a smile.

"Okay, I'll write her a letter of appointment right now. She should still be in your tutelary mansion. You can just take it back to her and give it to her."

Let CV-16 stay in the tutelary for the time being, and finally get it done.

Lu Yanzhi was a little happy for a while.

In this way, Prestige, Tennessee, San Juan, Yixian, Ninghai Pinghai, Lingbo Fubo, Firefly.This is the ship's wife of his own tutelary mansion. In addition, Atlanta and CV-16 temporarily live in the tutelary mansion. As long as they work hard, they will all join the tutelary mansion, which is already quite a force.

Back at the tutelary mansion, CV-16 accepted the appointment document from Lu Yanzhi in doubt.

Even if the girl was silent again and again, she still understood Lu Yanzhi's thoughts, so the girl was a little confused for a while.

"Ha, CV-16, I hope you can help us a lot when we open up the sea in the future." Lu Yanzhi smiled and stretched out his right hand to CV-16.

The girl panicked for a moment, and ran back to her room with the documents in her pretty face.

Lu Yanzhi looked at the reputation, then scratched his head in doubt, a little confused about CV-16's reaction.

Letting Shengfu go about his own business, Lu Yanzhi came to the office.

Seeing Lu Yanshi approaching, Yixian got up from the office chair and asked, "Admiral, did you succeed?"

"It worked! By the way, why didn't I see Ling Bo and those little guys when I came back today!"

"San Juan is giving ideological and political lessons to those few." Thinking of the reluctance of the little guys, Yixian smiled knowingly.

"Phew! It's time for you to have a good class. I said before that I would give Ling Bo ideological education, but in the end, I was busy all the time, so I forgot!"

"By the way, what's the matter with the admiral?"

"Oh, yes, I plan to organize the First Fleet, and then let them attack."

"The admiral came a bit late, Atlanta and Helena have already left..."

"Going out? Fighting? Where did you go? Nonsense!" Lu Yanzhi interrupted Yixian before he could finish speaking.

"Admiral, listen to me!"

Yixian smiled softly and said: "The ocean shipping company has a batch of goods going to St. Maarten, and the two of them used to serve as frigates."

"So that's what happened, I almost forgot, we signed a contract with him."

"I went directly to St. Martin City, and it will take at least a month to go back and forth!"

Lu Yanzhi frowned. In that case, what can he do this month?Without Helena, I don't even have a wingman to talk to CV-16.

After coming out of the office, since the First Fleet will not be formed until a month later, Yixian can handle those trivial matters by himself, so how could Lu Yanzhi stay in the office for a long time.

Outside the classroom that was open for a few little girls, San Juan was speaking seriously on the stage.

Firefly was drowsy, but still tried to take notes with a pen.Fu Bo listened seriously.

The most restless one was Ling Bo. As soon as Lu Yanzhi showed up outside the window, Ling Bo saw him. Lu Yanzhi smiled and waved his hands. Thinking of what happened yesterday, Ling Bo turned his head and ignored it like a puff.

With only three students, San Juan could clearly see all kinds of tricks, and naturally had a panoramic view of Ling Bo's behavior.

"Ling Bo, copy this homework today, and I will ask questions tomorrow."

Hearing San Juan's words, Firefly shuddered and became sober.

Ling Bo stared angrily at Lu Yanzhi outside the window.

If it wasn't for the admiral, how could she have been punished? It was all the admiral's fault.

Naturally, Lu Yanzhi didn't know Ling Bo's little thoughts, or even if he knew, he would just hug her up, rub her head, and then mercilessly laugh at her.

Abandoning the third elementary school, Lu Yanzhi came to the bottom of the dormitory again. CV-16 was sitting under an unknown palm tree and flipping through books, still holding that pipe in his mouth.

Walking over, Lu Yanzhi carefully sat next to CV-16.

"It's really strange that CV-16, who doesn't care about anything, would actually like detective novels."

Lu Yanzhi wanted to try to find out what other hobbies this guy has by making indirect remarks.

He didn't notice when someone was sitting next to him, so Lu Yanzhi's sudden question obviously surprised CV-16.

Looking up, it was Lu Yanzhi. The girl blushed and buried her head in the book again.

After a while, he whispered: "I just feel that detective novels are very interesting. It allows readers to decipher the detective cases with the detectives in the book, which makes people feel a sense of accomplishment!"

(End of this chapter)

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