Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 108 Investigating the Case

Chapter 108 Investigating the Case (First Order)


"A sense of accomplishment?"

Lu Yanzhi nodded thoughtfully.

"By the way, has CV-16 ever imagined what it's like to be a detective?"

"Hey, really a detective? How is it possible, the policeman in this world is not Lestrade." CV-16 obviously moved.

"If you want to be one, I can help you, and I also like decryption very much."

Lu Yanzhi sat beside him and smiled.

"However, even if you want to be a serious detective, you need to do a lot of things, otherwise, who will tell you the case, please go and solve the case."

CV-16 reasoned.

"Ann, don't worry, by the way, you take the pipe, we go to Haikou City!"


At this moment, in a custom-made clothing store in Haikou City.

"As a detective, equipment must be indispensable. Then, a pipe counts as one, and a windbreaker? Forget the windbreaker! It's too hot, let's get a cloak, and then I need a pair of glasses, and a small vest, and a thin white shirt. OK."

"Hey, now that the equipment is ready, it's time to find the case!"

At this moment, CV-16 was dressed exactly the same as the dress-changing portrait in the game. Dressed like this, the girl was a little shy, and Lu Yanshi stood beside her and comforted her.

"Are you really going to look for it? Or forget it."

CV-16 held Lu Yanshi and said cautiously.

"Don't worry, even if you can't solve the problem, I can help you solve it, don't worry. After all, I have read detective novels."

"Is that so? Then, okay!"

The girl was still looking forward to the feeling of handling the case, so Lu Yanzhi agreed after a little persuasion.

The July sun shows no mercy to passers-by. Just a few steps can make people feel hot and panic.

In fact, there are not many pedestrians. At this time, those who are working are still working, and those who are resting must be lying at home with air-conditioning fans blowing. Therefore, Lu Yanzhi asked the whole street and did not meet a person with a case at home. Instead, he was regarded as a Neuropathy.

"Hey, ma'am, is there anything missing in your house? Do you need us to help you find it?"

The aunt looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously.

Lu Yanzhi tossed his cloak in embarrassment: "Super detective, handle the case seriously!"


Lu Yanzhi was discouraged by the idiot-like eyes of the aunt, and came to the tree next to the street, where CV-16 was sitting under the tree to enjoy the shade, and asked passers-by, how could she do such a shameful thing.

"Huh! It's so hot, I can't do it, I can't take it anymore."

CV-16 said softly: "Let's go back. I'm already very happy to get such a set of costumes. It's nothing like the case."

Lu Yanzhi shook his head, since it was agreed, how could it disappoint people.

"Hey, why am I so stupid? We can go directly to the police station. As an admiral, it shouldn't be difficult for me to get a case with them, right?" Lu Yanshi suddenly thought as he raised his forehead.

"Ah! The police station? Forget it, the police station is all about killing people, can we two?"

CV-16 resisted. Although she is a detective fan, she really didn't want to go to the police station to take over such a big case at the beginning. At most, she wanted to hone her deductive skills by helping to find a lost child. .

"Hey, Ann, at worst, let's find a smaller case to help solve, anyway, it won't disturb the work of the police." Lu Yanzhi said nonchalantly.

"No, no, it can't be like this!" CV-16 looked determined.

"Well, I can only go back first, come back tomorrow!"

In any case, CV-16 did not agree, so Lu Yanzhi had no choice but to agree in a dejected manner.

Seeing Lu Yanzhi like this, CV-16 blushed suddenly: "Actually, I'm really happy that Admiral Lu can bring me to buy this suit. It really doesn't matter what the case is."

Looking at the appearance of CV-16, Lu Yanzhi didn't want to disappoint her more and more. Although the girl said three things, it was obviously an illusion, okay? She is so cute, or what?Three no girls are the cutest?

But today is really hopeless, the weather is too hot, few people go out at all, even if there are a few people, they think he is crazy.

Sitting in the car going back, the atmosphere was eerily silent.

CV-16 didn't talk much, which is normal, but Lu Yanzhi didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't talk to CV-16.

CV-16 seemed to be a bit bored, so he sat on the co-pilot and took out the novel to continue reading.

"Reading in the car is not good for your eyes!"

Lu Yanzhi broke the silence.

"I'm the ship girl!"

"It's because you are the ship's mother that you need to protect your eyes. Otherwise, when you attack, the enemy will not be able to see clearly. What if you use a bomber to bomb your own people?"

CV-16 turned his head to look at Lu Yanzhi, tilted his head and thought for a long time and said, "But, we all rely on radar to find the enemy!"


CV-16 regained the three-none attribute again, and went to concentrate on reading.Lu Yanzhi shook his head and ignored it.

Just as he was about to leave Haikou City, a crying little girl caught Lu Yanshi's attention. He parked the car beside him, and Lu Yanshi rolled down the window.

"Hey, little girl, what's the matter? You're crying so sadly."

"I, I lost my Panda, wow~" The little girl was dressed in a Lolita dress, her small mouth was slightly pouted, and she had an aggrieved expression, which looked extremely cute.

Lu Yanzhi didn't respond yet, but CV-16 next to him became interested.

"Uh, girl, what's your Panda?" CV-16 asked through the car window.

"Panda is Panda!"

"Then how did your Panda get lost?"

"Just now I went there to play and asked her to wait for me, but when I came back, she disappeared. Huh, Panda is lost, what should Dodo do!" Thinking of the sadness, little Lolita cried even more. Distressed.

CV-16 came down from the side, then, walked up to the little loli, squatted down and said softly, "Well, my sister and that brother will help you find Pang Da, okay, my sister is a detective!"

"What is a detective?" Little Loli asked aggrievedly, wiping away her tears.

"A detective is one who specializes in helping people find things. It's very powerful. As long as you answer a few questions for me, I can help you find Panda."

Lu Yanzhi also got out of the car, it was the first time he saw CV-16 so kind and gentle, how could he not appreciate it carefully.

The little loli first glanced timidly at Lu Yanshi who got out of the car, and then said to CV-16, "Can sister really help me find Panda?"

CV-16 pushed the eyes on the bridge of the nose, and said to himself: "Of course, looking for things, my sister is very good!"

"Then, then, please help me find Panda. I like Panda the most." Little Loli finally stopped sobbing and looked at CV-16 expectantly.

"Ann! Then little sister, can you tell my sister what color your fat is?"


"Yes, just like the clothes you wear, the color is white, and your little leather shoes are black, so what color is your Panda?" CV-16 patiently explained to the little loli.

"Ah! My Panda is the same color as me!"

After listening to CV-16's explanation, little Lolita's eyes lit up and she replied.

(End of this chapter)

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