Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 109 Salted Fish's Motivation to Turn Over

Chapter 109 Salted Fish's Motivation to Turn Over (First Order)

Lu Yanzhi stood behind CV-16, the corner of his mouth twitching.

"Same color as me!"

This little loli really can express.

However, CV-16 obviously reacted, and said softly: "Do you mean black and white?"


Little Lolita nodded heavily.

"Then at home, what do you and your mother feed him?"

CV-16 asked another inexplicable question.

"What mom doesn't feed, dad and Dodo are feeding."

"Then what are you feeding?" CV-16 asked.

"Well, it's chocolate beans!"

This question about CV-16 is obviously a bit difficult for the little Lolita. After thinking about it for a long time, the little Lolita finally answered.

"Chocolate beans?" CV-16 was stunned. He thought that the little loli would answer cat food and dog food to find out what kind of animal Panda is, and what kind of animal is this chocolate bean eater.

Little Lolita ignored CV-16's expression, shook her short legs and said nonuo: "Yes, chocolate beans, father and mother are the worst, I want to eat them and they won't let me eat, saying that only Fat Da to eat."

"Is that so?"

CV-16 shook his head with difficulty, this little guy doesn't know anything at all, how to find clues.

Standing behind CV-16, Lu Yanzhi smiled at the little loli Duoduo: "Then? How tall and how big is Fat Da? Does Doduo know?"

"Well, Fatty is so tall and big, and she can let me sit on her back, just like riding a big horse!"

"A dog?" After hearing Dodo's answer, Lu Yanzhi looked at CV-16 and said.

"It should be!"

CV-16 keenly saw a dog hair on the edge of Duo Duo's skirt.

"A dog disappeared mysteriously. It's strange. This place is almost out of Haikou City. Where are we going back?"

CV-16 stood up, pretending to hold the pipe in his mouth, and said to himself.

"By the way, Dodo, is Panda good when he's at home?"

CV-16 seemed to think of something and asked.

"Very good!" Little Loli replied without hesitation.

"Very well-behaved? But she disappeared mysteriously while waiting for her master here."

CV-16 raised his head and looked around the little loli for a few meters.

There was nothing on the red brick floor.

"Any thoughts?" Lu Yanzhi looked at the frowning CV-16 and asked.

"It's not sure yet, I just know it's a large dog."

"Is it possible that someone took him away?" Lu Yanzhi continued to ask.

Hearing Lu Yanzhi's question, CV-16's eyes lit up.

"By the way, Dodo, did you see any strangers when you were playing here?"


"It's someone Duoduo doesn't know!" Lu Yanzhi explained beside him.

Dodo put her hands on her mouth, frowned and said, "No, a car drove away, and there were no more strangers, oh, and big sister and big brother!"

Lu Yanzhi finally began to face up to this problem.

Raising his head, CV-16 was obviously aware of the situation, and his brows were tightly knit together.

Lu Yanzhi squatted down and said to Duoduo: "Duoduo is good, do you want my brother to send you home first and then send you back when he finds the dog?"


Dodo ignored Lu Yanzhi, turned around and shouted at a tall man.

The man came over, hugged Duo Duo and said, "Baby girl, why are you here alone? Where's Fat Da?"

Hearing her father's question, Duoduo curled her mouth and couldn't help sobbing again.

"Pang Da, Fat Da, Fat Da is lost, wow~"

"Pang Da lost? Hey, Dodo, be good, Dodo don't cry, why don't you call the police now."

"The big brother and big sister said they could find it for me."

Dodo pointed to Lu Yanzhi and CV-16 Xiaotong.

The man looked at Lu Yanzhi suspiciously, then left with Duo Duo in his arms.

"Don't talk to strangers after Dodo is good. They are all bad people. Without Pang Da, Dodo will be in danger."

CV-16 and Lu Yanzhi looked at each other.

"What should we do now?"

"If Admiral Lu is busy, then go back!"

CV-16 knew that as an admiral, he was busy with this and that every day, so he didn't have much free time, so he said considerately.

CV-16 is like this, Lu Yanzhi is embarrassed to go back again, originally he came out to let her experience the feeling of being a detective, but now, after finally encountering a case, he finds it troublesome.

"Ding, side mission, assist CV-16 in investigating the disappearance of Panda, reward CV-16 with +5 favorability, [-] points for each of the four-dimensional resources, or a fighter jet of the Sea Venom Fang!"

Although this ship girl system usually has a poor sense of existence, it can always give Lu Yanshi, a salty fish, a little motivation to turn around at critical moments.

For such a simple side mission, the reward is not enough to describe it as a rich one.

Therefore, after being prompted by the system, Lu Yanshi rushed to CV-16 and said, "Get in the car! It's not easy to come across a case, so we have to investigate it no matter what."

"Hey, is it true? Really? Will it not delay Admiral Lu's work?"

Lu Yanzhi had already started the car, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, everything will be handled by Yixian and Renmin, and there won't be many problems with the town guard."

Received an affirmative answer from Lu Yanzhi, CV-16 happily sat on the co-pilot.

"By the way, what do you think about this case?"

While driving the car, Lu Yanzhi asked.

"It should be a gang that specializes in catching dogs, and it is very likely that the car that the little girl saw is the suspect."

"Then the most urgent task now is to find that car, but there are no clues around here at all."

"No, according to Sherlock Holmes, since the crime was committed with a purpose, there must be traces, but we haven't found it." CV-16 treasured the collection of Sherlock Holmes' cases in his hand.

Lu Yanzhi chuckled and said, "If that's the case, then? Detective, should we go down and have a look, in case there are any details that we missed."

Regarding the change of Lu Yanzhi's title, CV-16 felt a little shy, but it was very useful. Therefore, he also substituted himself in the role of detective, and said like directing his deputy: "No, I have already read it just now, basically You can’t find any more clues on the road, so you drive along this road first, hoping to find a breakthrough.”

Lu Yanzhi didn't ask any more questions, and began to concentrate on driving the car.

"Wait, stop, stop!" After traveling about four to five hundred meters, the car came to a section of dirt road entering the city from the concrete floor, and CV-500 asked Lu Yanzhi to stop the car.

Two clear ruts remain on the ground.

CV-16 got out of the car and stared carefully at the ruts on the ground.

"Extending from the place where Pang Da lost, there are only two roads, one is to enter the city and the other is to go out. If it is really a gang of dog thieves, then they must catch the dogs and sell them in the city, otherwise they will have nothing to do if they catch the dogs. meaning."

"You mean, the rut was probably left by the gang that stole the dog?" Lu Yanshi played the role of Watson very well.

"It's possible, but the dog-stealing team may also take the dogs to other cities for sale." CV-16 explained to Lu Yanzhi.

"It's a pity if we had just asked that little girl clearly which direction the car was heading." Lu Yanzhi said regretfully.

"No problem, all criminals will not escape my eyes!" CV-16 adjusted his glasses and said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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