Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 149 The Difficulty of Letting a Lazy House Go Out

Chapter 149 The Difficulty of Letting a Lazy House Go Out

Speaking of the comic culture in this world, it really has a long history. Well, it has been like it for more than twenty years. However, there are not many entertainment facilities in this world. The only spiritual entertainment is novels and comics.

However, the main tone of this world is conservative and closed. Therefore, comics, comic exhibitions and fan figures are still a rare thing for most people.In those small cities, not to mention holding comic exhibitions, even comics can only be found and sold in small corners of some large bookstores, and they are often left wherever they are placed. Few people will buy them, even if they are Some big cities have a better attitude towards comics, but they still only think that comics are comic books, things for children to read.

The development of comics is like this, and there are very few cities that can organize comic exhibitions. At least, Lu Yanzhi has been in this world for so long, and he has only heard that Luyang City held a comic exhibition.

As an otaku, Tirpitz must be very interested in comics, especially books.Lu Yanzhi's idea is to look forward to, looking forward to the old Siji in Bondle City holding a comic exhibition. At that time, maybe they can meet Beizhai who came out to hunt.

"Admiral, since you said that Tirpitz likes to draw some fanbooks, why don't you go to a bookstore or something? Maybe you will gain something?"

Yixian didn't know Bei Zhai's personality. As a senior house girl, she might not know where to sleep at this time. After all, it was already afternoon. Oh, no, for Bei Zhai, it should be dawn soon.

However, it's not too late now, it's also pleasant to go around with Yixian.

After asking a little girl nearby, I learned that the nearest bookstore was just two streets away, so Lu Yanshi and Yixian walked over slowly, as if they were taking a walk after dinner.

A relatively large bookstore, at least astronomy and geography, poetry and literature, and life encyclopedias are available.

Yixian followed Lu Yanzhi closely, and she was still curious about what the book was.

In a hidden corner of this bookstore, Lu Yanshi saw a small bookshelf, on which were scattered a few comics.

"Is this the book? Isn't it just a comic book? Tirpitz likes this?"

Yixian flipped through those comic book albums and glanced casually, then said disappointedly.

"This is not a book, nor is it a comic book. It's a comic, which is different from a comic book. You see, this is still being serialized." Lu Yanzhi corrected with a smile.

Anyway, Yixian lost interest, and thought it was something mysterious, and the admiral didn't explain it clearly to himself. I didn't expect that it was these things that children liked to look at those colorful villain paintings. Could it be that Tilby Zi is a loli?

Lu Yanzhi was reading a comic and commenting: "What the hell is this? Is this a giant dragon? I'm afraid it's not a big lizard. The author's style of painting is terrible!"

"Hey, what is this? Is it also a comic?"

The bored Yat-sen saw that there were comics at the bottom of the bookshelf.

The cover is just a two-dimensional girl with a sexy posture and blurred eyes.

"The confused Prince of Wales?" Yixian muttered what a strange name.

"Hiss, don't look at Yixian!"

What is the thing hidden at the bottom of the bookshelf?The old driver knew it all, but Lu Yanzhi's reminder was still too late, Yixian had already opened it, and it didn't turn to the first page, but directly to the middle.


Yixian threw it on Lu Yanzhi's face, and two red clouds quickly climbed up his cheeks. He covered his face with his hands, unable to tell whether he was angry or shy, and said to Lu Yanzhi: "What is this? sell this?"

Lu Yanzhi spread his hands innocently: "I told you not to look at it!"

"This is, Ben... son?" Yixian said with difficulty.


"Tirpitz likes this?"


"Admiral, you can't get Tirpitz, isn't that ruining the ethos of the tutelary mansion!"

"Don't worry, I'll just stop him once I get into the tutelary mansion. Anyway, a guy like Tirpitz can live without a notebook and games."

Lu Yanzhi lied to Yixian. To put it seriously, Tirpitz's life is almost the same in the book, how could he give up the book for the game.However, at this time, if Yixian is not willing to take over the North Mansion by himself, it will be very troublesome. In short, let's settle down in Yixian first.

"Really?" Yixian asked suspiciously.

"Of course, I've heard an old senior say that a house girl like Tirpitz can make her forget her notebooks not just with her notebooks, games, and movies."

"Then, all right! Hey, Admiral, what are you doing with that book?" Yixian finally agreed and saw Lu Yanshi holding the confused Prince of Wales in his hand.

"Well, I want to study how the paintings in this book are. If I really meet Bei Zhai, we can have a common topic!"

"Is this so?" Yixian didn't believe Lu Yanzhi at all.

"Of course, otherwise, would I still like this thing? Would I still want to study how the Prince of Wales is painted? Do I still want to see how many poses and how much meat there is?"


"Alright, let's go, let's go back, it's getting dark, and the night in Bondle City is not safe." Lu Yanzhi pushed Yixian forward, and before leaving, he secretly glanced at the bottom of the bookshelf.

"There's only one book like this!"

"Admiral, what are you mumbling about?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I mean this bookstore is really unruly, it still keeps books."

At the end, Lu Yanzhi added a little in his heart, "It's a pity that there are few!"

When I returned to my room in the hotel, the sky had completely darkened, and the entire Bundle City was shrouded in darkness. On the street, the weak lights of the street lamps highlighted the darkness even more.

It's on Bryant Street, in a bungalow.

"Well, a new day is about to start again, what should I draw today? It's so troublesome, let's take a look at it for a while."

The girl scratched her head. It is said that at night, people who have worked hard all day are already exhausted. However, the girl's eyes are burning, like a hunter looking for food, without a trace of fatigue.

The pink mid-length hair is different from the sexy oval faces of many ship girls. Tirpitz's round face looks full of sensuality, which makes people want to pinch it, but the girl is definitely not fat. Compared with a white For a fat man with long hair and 1.5 meters three, Tirpitz’s height of 1.6 meters will only make people look plump and cute. It seems that the two words plump and cute don’t match at all. However, in Tirpitz On the body, that's it.

"Well, the editor wants me to participate in this comic exhibition?"

The girl saw the letter next to her drawing board and remembered that the editor had invited herself to the comic exhibition.

"Oh, it's so annoying! Why can't the comic exhibition be opened in front of my house, why can't it be opened at night."

He scratched his hair in distress, and suddenly, the hair that was not so elegant and smooth was covered in a mess on Tirpitz's head, only a dull strand of hair on his forehead stood stubbornly.

"Forget it, I don't want to, I won't go to the comic exhibition, I just want to see some comics, I just need someone to deliver it, if I want to eat, I can order takeaway, what are you doing out there!"

Thinking of this, the girl became happy again.

"Haha, I haven't finished reading the book with Tirpitz as the main character that I read that day!"

(End of this chapter)

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