Chapter 150

Although Bondle City is considered one of the best big cities, the comic exhibitions held are still niche, and it is nothing compared to those food exhibitions and specialty exhibitions.

Of course, the comic exhibition is not the key to Lu Yanzhi. After all, his interest is not the latest comics, figures or books. Well, the book is still a little bit interesting. The reason why he came here is More still looking forward to meeting Tirpitz.

After all, according to the mechanism in the game, Tirpitz's ship outfit has a special compartment for notebooks, and, as a sister who only likes his sister Bismarck's notebooks, Lu Yanzhi even thought, Tirpitz said Maybe I can draw Bismarck's book.

Yixian still accompanied Lu Yanshi every step of the way. According to Lu Yanshi's idea, he didn't intend to let Yixian follow him. After all, Yixian still had a lot of opinions on this book, but on another thought, keep it Yixian was not good alone, so they had no choice but to go together. Although Yixian resisted, he didn't say anything to complain.

It was the first time to participate in the comic exhibition. Apart from the conflict, Yixian still looked around curiously, especially after seeing that the comic exhibition was not just a book, the only little conflict disappeared.

At this moment, Yixian was standing in front of a small booth. It was a comic that was being serialized. It told the story of an ordinary ship girl who could no longer be ordinary. Through her own efforts, she was appreciated by the admiral and finally became a married ship.

"Yixian, you are actually interested in this kind of comics. What do you think they are? Tsk tsk, it must be written by an ordinary person. In the real world, there is no ship girl who would be like that. Even if she is scolded by the admiral, she will not be angry. How is that possible?" !"

Lu Yanzhi's comment drew the author's glaring glances.

Yixian chuckled, then put down the manga, and followed Lu Yanzhi away.

"Admiral, what I'm looking at is the plot of the story, not the details. Even if it's unreasonable, you can still think of this as a story about an ordinary girl and a domineering president!"

"Hey, Yixian, are you serious? You actually like the domineering president?" Lu Yanzhi felt strange in his heart when he imagined Yixian, a classic lady, wearing a cheongsam and reading the domineering president's articles.

"It's not that I like it, it's just that it's quite interesting." Yixian explained.

"It's best not to find it interesting. Once you become interested, you won't be far from liking it. I don't want Yixian to become like that."

This is the manga area. I want to read the book, but I’m in another area. There are a lot of people. Because the space is small, there are more people.

The two were talking casually, and Lu Yanzhi suddenly grabbed Yixian's hand: "Don't squeeze over there, wait until you pass."

Lu Yanzhi led Yixian to avoid the crowds, so as to prevent Yixian from taking advantage of others in the bustling crowd. Then, he slowly browsed through the stalls. However, he did not break free from Lu Yanzhi's hand.

This is the notebook area, and Yixian is following Lu Yanzhi. The scale of many book covers is already unacceptable to Yixian, which is more than the confused Prince of Wales he saw yesterday.

Lu Yanzhi was in high spirits.

"Hey, there is still Yixian's notebook?"

"What? It's too much!"

Hearing this, Yixian snatched the manga from Lu Yanzhi's hand without being shy.

"Admiral, don't look!"

"It doesn't look like the painting at all, it's just another person, except for the ship suit, wearing a cheongsam, these authors are really irresponsible."

"Why doesn't it look like it?"

Seeing the gloomy face of the author, Lu Yanzhi was embarrassed. There was no way to do it, and he subconsciously wanted to comment.

Resolutely pulling Yixian back first, before leaving, Yixian repeatedly asked if there were any other books of Yixian, and he wanted to buy all of them. When the answer was no, Yixian heaved a sigh of relief, and then left with the only one.

"Yaxian, you can actually don't care about it at all. Let's not say that the painting doesn't look like it at all. In fact, many authors of the book are fake drivers, and the paintings are all based on imagination. They are all fake."

"Admiral, you know a lot, don't you often read this?"

"Hey, it's nothing. I haven't seen the Prince of Wales I bought yesterday."

Yixian sneered: "It's no wonder I believe you!"

"Really, in the past, the conditions were not good. I've heard about the so-called booklets, but I haven't read them." Lu Yanzhi swore.

Just like that, the two of them looked around and searched, but there was no trace of Tirpitz.

"Have you heard? Mr. Jagged Cat has published a new book!"

"What's there to see, the protagonist must still be Bismarck."

"That's right. I really don't know why Teacher Iron Blood Cat only draws Bismarck's books. I really want to see Teacher Iron Blood Cat draw Veneto. After all, with Teacher Iron Blood Cat's painting skills, it will definitely sell well."

"You pervert, you actually like Lolita. Besides, Iron-Blooded Cat's drawing skills are not very good, right? It's just because you have drawn more Bismarcks, so the Bismarcks you draw are more realistic."

The conversation between the two caught Lu Yanzhi's attention, and he only drew Bismarck's book, Jagged Cat?How does this sound like Tirpitz.

He winked at Yixian, then carefully followed behind those two people holding Yixian's hand.

Coming to the corner of the comic exhibition, Lu Yanzhi was a little stunned when he saw the poorly crafted advertisements. This is definitely Tirpitz's special book sale. After all, those authors who make a living selling books don't make one The perfect advertisement to attract other people's attention, only Tirpitz is so casual.

There were not many people in front of the booth. After all, not everyone likes Bismarck, and the people who come here may not be interested in these things, they may come to visit purely out of curiosity.

The author of this booth is still not Tirpitz. You can tell from the blond hair on that head that Tirpitz has medium-length pink hair. Moreover, Tirpitz should not take the initiative to dye her hair. It is not her character. .

"What do you want? Teacher Jagged Cat's latest masterpiece, the story that Bismarck and Hood have to tell, it's very cheap, and the whole package only costs [-] yuan!" Two people rarely came over, and the blonde woman actively promoted.

Lu Yanzhi was a little disappointed and ran over full of hope. In the end, it was still not Tirpitz, but he calmed down quickly in the next second: "Give me a set."

It probably hasn't opened all morning, so after hearing Lu Yanshi's words, the blond woman happily dressed Lu Yanshi, and at the end, she added: "As long as you buy the full set of works by Mr. Jagged Cat, You can get a copy of the autographed book of Mr. Jagged Cat!"

"Aren't you Mr. Jagged Cat?" Yixian heard the blonde woman's words from the side.

"Me? I'm not, I'm just working for Teacher Jagged Cat!" The blond woman shook her head in denial.

Lu Yanzhi also understood, and thought about it again. As Tirpitz, a lonely house girl in the north, if she went out just because of a small comic exhibition, wouldn't it be too disrespectful.

Thinking about it this way, the Jagged Cat is still very likely to be Tirpitz.

 Chapter 3, ah, the words of the author in the previous chapter have been harmonized, here is an addition, thank you Zitian Soul Dao for the [-] starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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