Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 151 Incomparable

Chapter 151 Incomparable

Tirpitz actually recruited an assistant, which Lu Yanzhi did not expect. It can be seen from the situation of this booth. Compared with other people, it goes without saying that the results are dismal.

From this point of view, there must be someone taking care of Tirpitz's life, otherwise, it would be hard enough to support her if the book didn't sell well, and how could it be possible to pay her assistant.

It's a bit difficult to turn your mind, if it's just a Tirpitz, maybe it's a simple lazy house, play games together, read comic books together, maybe the friendship will reach [-] in minutes, and then invited to enter the tutelary mansion, it will be a matter of course , However, if someone helps to take care of it, then there will be uncertain factors, and then there must be a lot of inexplicable resistance.

"Who could it be? The Ship Girl Alliance?" Lu Yanzhi thought of the person who secretly took care of Tirpitz.

"That's not right, isn't the minister of the Bundle City Fleet Maiden Union very incomparable? A British ship girl will take extra care of a German ship girl?"

"Well, I can't say for sure. After all, Tirpitz's combat effectiveness is not weak. In order to recruit her into the Ship Girl Alliance, it is possible to let go of the past."

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhi turned his head and said to Yixian: "Yixian, it seems that we are going to visit the Ship Girl Alliance here."


The Ship Girl Alliance in Bundle City is next to the hotel where Lu Yanshi stayed.

Fortunately, Yixian had worked in the Ship Girl Alliance here before, and there was no obstacle on the way, and the two easily entered the Ship Girl Alliance. Of course, it is impossible for the Ship Girl Alliance to drive out the admiral who came to visit. Acquaintances, after all, it saves you the trouble of making an appointment.

"I'm not very familiar with the minister here. I only know that he is a very serious person. However, I have a good relationship with the chief of the war department here, Scharnhorst. I don't even know that guy. The battlecruiser is actually so curious about me, and I later found out that she just likes oriental culture."

Walking into the Ship Girl Alliance, Yixian couldn't hide the excitement in his heart. In the past, he had a good relationship with them, but in the end, he had to leave due to mental problems, which gave his admiral an opportunity.

"The light cruiser Brooklyn brought us here just now. Yes, it is Helena's sister. Unfortunately, she is indeed not as strong as Helena, but she is still stronger than me."

"Come on, Admiral, this is the incomparable office!"

Coming to a room on the fourth floor, Yixian turned his head and smiled at Lu Yanzhi.

"Well, what should I tell her when I go in? That Tirpitz should also be their target, won't I arouse their resentment by digging the wall like this?" At this point, Lu Yanzhi was timid again.

"Don't worry, admiral, I'll be there for you!"


As Yixian said, he knocked on the door regardless of Lu Yanzhi's reaction.

"Come in!"

A cold female voice came from the office.

Bite the bullet and push open the door and walk in. When I saw a pair of slender sexy legs wearing red stockings, I looked up. With a sexy back, I was standing by the window with a cup of black tea in my hand. When I heard the sound of the door opening, I turned around. Standing up, wearing the crown of the sun god, the sun shining through the window spreads on the woman's body, it really feels like the sun god.

"You are? Yixian?"

Although the two of them didn't have much contact, but as the mother-in-law, her memory is still good, so even if it's just a few encounters, she still remembers Yixian.

"Incomparable Minister!" Yixian greeted with a smile.

"I heard from Scharnhorst that you went to the East, why are you back? By the way, come and sit!" Bibi smiled and pulled away the chair next to him. Standing behind Yixian, Lu Yanzhi just made a transparent people.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you. This is my admiral, named Lu Yanshi!" Yixian said, forcibly dragging Lu Yanzhi to the front, and introduced him to Bibi.

"Heh, heh, hello, I am Lu Yanshi, the admiral of Yixian!"

"I didn't expect, Yixian, you actually joined the tutelary mansion!" Bi Bi said, beckoning the two to sit down.

"What's wrong with coming here this time?"

"This," Lu Yanzhi looked at Wu Wu and then at Yixian, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, needless to say, I know, it must be for Tirpitz, right?" Bi Bi waved his hand and said to Lu Yanzhi.

"Well, yes, this, our tutelary mansion is only average in strength. I came here this time to see if there is a chance to invite Tirpitz to join our tutelary mansion!"

"It's inexplicable that so many admirals care about such a lazy house."

With an extremely disdainful face, it is obvious that she doesn't like Tirpitz at all.

"You are looking for me in the wrong place. I haven't seen that Tirpitz yet. You should go to Scharnhorst about this matter."

"Looking for Scharnhorst?"

"Yes, they are all German, and when that Tirpitz first appeared, Scharnhorst wanted her to join the war department, but that guy didn't go, but he wanted to draw a book. I heard that he is still there. In Scharnhorst's apartment."

"In that case? Then I'll go to Scharnhorst first. I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know what happened."

After coming out of Wubi's office, Lu Yanzhi was very happy. It was like the mountain was full of doubts. Xian and Scharnhorst had a good relationship, and Lu Yanzhi could even see Tirpitz waving at him.

Think about it, in Zheng Fei's tutelary mansion back then, if his second construction was successful, it must be Tirpitz, that lazy guy, that cute guy, all of a sudden, I'm looking forward to it.

"Yixian, do you think Scharnhorst will help you, or help me?"

Yixian frowned and thought for a while: "Probably, I'm not sure whether Tirpitz is important to Yixian, but my relationship with Scharnhorst is still good, and I did it for her before. cheongsam."

"In this case, then Scharnhorst should help us. After all, Tirpitz belongs to the same country as her, not her sister. If you want to say that Tirpitz is most concerned about Bismarck I care about her most."

Lu Yanzhi guessed meaninglessly.

"However, maybe, after all, Tirpitz is a powerful battleship. If Scharnhorst is determined to let Tirpitz join the warhead here, he will probably be disappointed."

"Admiral, even if Scharnhorst will not take the initiative to help us salvage Tirpitz, at least he will introduce us to him, and salvage is originally the admiral's business. The greatest help that the ship's wife, including me, can give is Recommend, just help from the side!"

 The remaining two chapters can only be off work, because I was reprimanded by the store manager for ignoring two customers' calls to the network management!
(End of this chapter)

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