Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 152 The first meeting with Beizhai

Chapter 152 The first meeting with Beizhai

"Even if you are Yixian's admiral, then it is impossible for me to take the initiative to help you get Tirpitz. After all, I am responsible for Tirpitz."

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as you help introduce it, it will be a great help!"

She was wearing a sexy maroon mid-length tight-fitting cheongsam with slits just below her knees, her blond hair was tied into a single ponytail, and Scharnhorst was dressed like a sexy imperial lady.

"Then you can hang out in the Ship Girl Alliance first, I won't be home until after get off work, and, at this time, I guess Tirpitz is still sleeping."

The afternoon meal was also eaten at the Ship Girl Alliance. Lu Yanzhi found that the restaurants of the Ship Girl Alliance seemed to be all good, and there were not many buffets, which fully satisfied the tastes of every ship girl.

"Huh, Scharnhorst? Do you still want to bring a midnight snack?" Yixian was puzzled.

Scharnhorst smiled bitterly: "No, this is for Tirpitz. This guy, if he doesn't eat for a day, he must be hungry!"

Yixian frowned, his impression of Tirpitz was about to drop to a freezing point, reading books and comics, he was obviously powerful but unwilling to attack, and he was also lazy.It's hard to imagine how the ship girl, who is the embodiment of beauty, has such a bad character.

Scharnhorst naturally saw Yixian's expression, but he didn't say anything. Anyone would feel helpless with Tirpitz's appearance.

Coming out of the Ship Girl Alliance, Scharnhorst’s residence is not far away, just at the corner of Bryan Street. This is a high-end residential area. It’s not difficult to climb ivy on the fence. There are many maple trees in the yard, and the greenery is very good. Near the beginning of autumn, many maple leaves are completely red, and occasionally two pieces fall. Since there is no rain, the maple leaves all over the ground look very beautiful.

Pass through the yard, enter a building, and then walk up the corridor to the second floor. There are some potted plants planted by the corridor on the second floor. Unfortunately, Lu Yanzhi only knows asparagus.

Then, when I walked to a resident, Scharnhorst stopped and took out the key. There was a security door welded with steel bars on the outside, and there was a wooden door inside. With a big lock.

Yixian asked suspiciously: "Tirpitz is inside, why do you lock the outside door?"

Scharnhorst didn't take it seriously and didn't think he had done anything wrong. He put the lunch box for Tirpitz on the railing next to him and said, "She won't come out anyway, so she locked it from the outside. Anti-theft!"

Lu Yanzhi couldn't complain anymore, since there are people in the room, why worry about theft?

Afterwards, Scharnhorst pushed open the door, and a sense of decadence greeted him.

First of all, as soon as you enter the door, there are posters of Bismarck on the wall in a mess, including cartoons, realism, and sketches.

Walking into the entrance, there are shoe racks and cabinets next to the wall, in addition to some bottles and cans, and a few bags of garbage.

Yixian opened his mouth and said in surprise: "Scharnhorst, what's your situation? Is this your home?"

Yixian had been to Scharnhorst's home before, but, as a capable woman, how could Scharnhorst make his home look like this.

Hearing this, Scharnhorst was helpless: "I can't help it. Since Tirpitz lived in my house, it has become like this. I am busy all day and have no time to clean up. I usually invite the housekeeping company to come over on weekends." .”

"All these are caused by Tirpitz?" Yixian felt unbelievable.

"Although it is unbelievable, it is true. Every time I want to criticize, she looks at me with piercing eyes: Didn't you let me do it casually? In fact, these are not bad. The study room is even more terrifying. Since When Tirpitz decided to draw a fanbook, I only went into the study once, it was too scary."

Saying so, Scharnhorst invited the two to visit at will.

There are three bedrooms and one living room, and there is also a study room attached. Although it looks a bit messy, in fact, if it is tidied up, it must be a luxurious room.

"By the way, do you two want to visit Tirpitz first? She should be sleeping in her bedroom." Scharnhorst looked at Lu Yanshi and Yixian and asked.

"Can you?" To be honest, of course I still want to see it. After all, I am still very curious about what the cute guy in the game will look like in the third dimension.

"There's nothing wrong with that, come here, it's right here!" Scharnhorst said, leading Lu Yanzhi and Yixian to the inner bedroom.

The girl's sleeping posture is extremely unsightly, with long pink hair scattered on the bed. Compared with the thinner faces of Yixian Scharnhorst, Tirpitz's face is rounder, with slightly bulging cheeks, shallow Breathing, frowning and pursing his lips in his sleep, he doesn't look too cute at all.

Hugging a pillow that was the same height as her, she put her hands on the side of her face tightly, and her legs were completely invisible between the pillow, exposing a pair of white and slender legs. However, although it is very imageless, as long as the girl Lovely, everything is no problem.

On the other side, Scharnhorst was completely helpless, stepped forward, and pushed Tirpitz's body.

"Tirpitz, get up and eat!"

Scharnhorst yelled twice in a row, Tirpitz turned on the bed, and then crawled up with an inexplicable sound in his mouth, rubbing his eyes while looking around.

The side face looked flushed due to covering the pillow, and then he looked at Scharnhorst: "Well, Lao Sha, you are back!"

Black lines appeared on Scharnhorst's forehead. Didn't this guy see that there were outsiders?Lao Sha, she heard the story of Journey to the West from Yixian. Isn’t it the elder brother, the master was captured by the monster; the elder brother, the second senior brother was captured by the monster; Groom.

"Is it dawn?" Tirpitz didn't care about that. At this moment, looking at the dark sky outside the window, he became excited again.

"Dawn?" Yixian looked out the window, then at Tirpitz, what the hell?

Scharnhorst explained: "Her biological clock is just the opposite of ours. For us it is dark, but for her it is just dawn."

Ignoring Yixian's enlightened and unbelievable expression, Lu Yanzhi secretly smiled inwardly, a weak girl is the cutest.

"Well, I'm a little hungry, Lao Sha, you have alms, right?" Tirpitz said to Scharnhorst, clutching his stomach.

Scharnhorst shook his head, handed over the prepared lunch, and then explained to Lu Yanzhi and the other two: "I told her the story of Journey to the West, and she has always compared herself to Tang Monk, so she doesn't have to do anything. , that’s why I’m called Lao Sha.”

Tirpitz took the boxed lunch, sat cross-legged on the bed, and ate without hesitation.

"Let's go out first, we'll talk about it later when she finishes eating and changes!"

Scharnhorst looked at Tirpitz still wearing the pajamas with his thighs exposed and said.

 Well, there is no Chapter 3 today. The reason is, hey, in the future, for full attendance or something, I can only stay on the third shift. On this last day, I want to taste the feeling of pigeons!hey-hey
(End of this chapter)

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