Chapter 153 Fans

"This is the only way I can help at most. As for how to get to know Tirpitz, it depends on your abilities. Let me give you a hint. When chatting with Tirpitz, a book is more useful than Bismarck."

Tirpitz was still eating lunch in the bedroom, and Scharnhorst led Lu Yanshi and Yixian to sit on the sofa.

"The book is more useful than Bismarck?" Lu Yanzhi was surprised: "Isn't Tirpitz a sister-in-law? Why is Bismarck not as attractive as the book?"

"She said that the only Bismarck who accompanied her and took care of her was her sister. She didn't want to know those Bismarcks who joined the tutelary mansion. They might as well be as useful as the book."



"To be honest, at first I wanted to draw Tirpitz to the War Department of our Fleet Girl Alliance, but now I can see that Tirpitz's joining the War Department is definitely a moth-like existence. Let her be self-reliant, but it is obviously impossible, and now I feel like I have raised a useless person."

Speaking of this, Scharnhorst showed a frantic expression. She even suspected that she had brought Tirpitz back because of a twitch. At the beginning, she thought that everyone was from the German family and helped each other. Mutual aid, as a result, this guy doesn't treat himself as an outsider at all. From the first day, no, from the moment he moved in, he completely regarded this place as his own home, bought a notebook, asked himself for money, and served as the head of the war department , That small amount of money is really nothing to worry about, just give it to you, but in the end, buy figures, buy posters, buy drawing boards, buy paper and pens, please, even if you are not short of money, you are too casual.

"Tirpitz should be able to read or draw a book after eating. You can see for yourself if you come back tomorrow or just today. I still suggest that you get to know each other today, because Tirpitz basically sleeps during the day and only sleeps at night. Wake up." Scharnhorst advises very sincerely.

"Then won't she come out?" Sitting on the sofa, Lu Yanzhi asked.

"It shouldn't come out, it's usually like this."


Lu Yanzhi glanced at Yixian.

Yixian understood, smiled and asked Scharnhorst: "Old Sha, can we stay at your place first tonight?"

Scharnhorst had a dark face: "Please, Yixian, don't call me Lao Sha, and you can live here if you want. Anyway, there are three bedrooms, you and your admiral share one bedroom."

"Ahem, I'll just sleep on the sofa!" Lu Yanzhi was embarrassed, and slept in the same bedroom with Yixian, and he couldn't guarantee that he would sit still.

"Yo, Yixian, your admiral is quite pure, can you get Tirpitz?"

Before Yixian could open his mouth, Lu Yanzhi retorted: "It's not pure, it's just that they're not married, so a man and a woman can't get married after all."

"My God, you don't even give a ring to such a gentle wife like Yixian?" Scharnhorst asked in surprise.

"This, emotional matters, can't be casual."

Scharnhorst did not continue to ask, and he was not his admiral.

"Since we plan to live here today, why don't we come to Fight the Landlord?"


"Yes three!"

"Wang Bang!"

Scharnhorst glared at Lu Yanzhi.

"Three is king?"

"No way, the card is too good!"

"I'm sorry!" Yixian said helplessly holding his cards.



Lu Yanzhi happily threw down all the cards in his hand: "Haha, the landlord won two, give me the money!"

"How is it possible? It's just Wang Zha. How long is your plane, B-25?"

Scharnhorst clicked on the cards thrown by Lu Yanzhi. However, 10JQKA2 each had three cards, and there was no chance of losing. Playing cards, Lu Yanzhi exploded with luck that was extremely unequal to the one he built.

"Don't play, don't play anymore, how can I play this game, three hands in a row, and I didn't see a single flower." Scharnhorst threw away the poker, determined not to play any more.

In the dead of night, Yixian has advised Scharnhorst to take a rest first. As the head of the war department of the Ship Girl Alliance, she is also very busy all day, and Scharnhorst did not refuse, helping Yixian and Lu Yanzhi prepare the quilt Just get into your bedroom.

At this moment, only Yixian and Lu Yanzhi were left in the hall.

"Admiral, how do you plan to get to know Tirpitz?" Yixian asked with concern.

"Tell me, how about taking the notebook we bought and going to her to ask her for an autograph? Although I forgot to ask Scharnhorst Tirpitz if he was the Iron-Blooded Cat, but now it seems that it is probably nine out of ten. "

"If it doesn't work, I'll pretend to be very interested in the book, and then chat with her. In this way, we will definitely become friends quickly, and then... hiss, why are you pinching me, Yixian?"

Lu Yanzhi raised his head and looked at Yixian, but Yixian didn't speak, but kept winking backwards.

Lu Yanzhi's heart is not good, he can't be so weak, right?

Turning back stiffly, sure enough, Tirpitz was wearing pajamas that just covered his thighs, rubbing his fluffy hair and looking at himself. They looked at each other for three seconds, and then Tirpitz made an inexplicable sound and walked to the bathroom.

Watching Tirpitz walk into the bathroom, Lu Yanzhi said nervously: "Didn't she hear it just now?"

"I probably haven't heard much, but I'm not sure." Yixian wasn't sure either. She was listening to the admiral's strategy, but when she looked up, she saw Tirpitz standing there, wanting to say Tirpitz Tirpitz heard it, but he didn't see any emotion from her. If he didn't hear it, he didn't know how long Tirpitz stood there.

Seeing that Tirpitz ignored him and went back to the bedroom, Lu Yanzhi said to Yixian: "Yixian, you should go to bed quickly, I have to think carefully about how to get to know Tirpitz. "

"Admiral, come on!" Yixian smiled and gestured to Lu Yanzhi, then walked into the room prepared by Scharnhorst.


"Phew, you should knock on the door. It's not good to rush into the girl's room in the middle of the night."

With this in mind, Lu Yanzhi tapped on Tirpitz's bedroom.

"Old Sha, it's not like you don't know that the door is unlocked, why are you knocking on the door!" Tirpitz's impatient voice came from the bedroom.

Lu Yanzhi suppressed the tension in his heart and gently pushed open the door.

"Lao Sha, let me tell you, your two friends want to get you, but you can't go, otherwise, what should I do if you go to their tutelary mansion." Tirpitz twisted his whole body like a caterpillar. Rolled up in the quilt, he just exposed his two arms and held the book, without raising his head.

Lu Yanzhi's brows were already wrinkled into a well shape. After a long time, he said slowly, "Excuse me, are you Teacher Jagged Cat?"


The voice was wrong, Tirpitz raised his head, he saw Lu Yanzhi's stiff smile, holding a notebook in his hand.

Glancing at Lu Yanzhi, he didn't know whether he was sure that Lu Yanzhi was not in danger or the girl didn't care at all, then lowered his head and said, "Yes, I am the Iron-Blooded Cat."

"Teacher Jagged Cat, I'm your fan, can you sign me?" Lu Yanzhi picked up the notebook and handed it to Tirpitz.

"Fans, heck, I really still have fans, Lao Sha actually said that I have no future in drawing books."

Tirpitz rolled around on the bed with the quilt rolled up, and said happily.

 Unshakeable Chapter 1, it's raining heavily outside!
(End of this chapter)

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