Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 164 The culprit

Chapter 164 The culprit

Lu Yan came out of Fengxiang's room consciously. Although he knew that this kind of behavior was not good, but, man, how many people can face those things and deal with them calmly.

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhi still gave up the words of comforting Fengxiang, mainly because this is not consoling at all, should he tell Fengxiang that I didn't see it, really didn't see any pink straps or white silk bra?For something that is obvious at a glance, these words are probably not comforting Feng Xiang, but provoking him.

So, Lu Yanzhi walked downstairs awkwardly, forgetting that there was another Yixian.

Coming down from upstairs, Yixian's face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Admiral, come and sit down!"

Lu Yanzhi obediently walked over and sat down.

"Admiral, let me tell you, we have to leave here immediately. Look at that Fengxiang, she is so shameless. In order to make you pay attention to her, Admiral, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, can do such a thing!"

Yixian only felt that the operation of his boiler was about to reach its limit, and he was angry, and he was naturally angry.

After being silent for a long time, Lu Yanzhi realized that Yixian's anger was only aimed at Fengxiang, and that he himself became the victim of Fengxiang's abduction.Lu Yanzhi was a little dumbfounded for a while, how could a man suffer from such a thing?
"Well, after all, Akagi invited us here, at least let's go after eating."

While talking, Lu Yanzhi looked at Yixian's expression, saw that Lu Yanzhi did not refute, and continued: "Besides, I don't think Feng Xiang is such a frivolous person, there must be another hidden secret!"

"What other hidden secrets can there be? It has been stolen and captured. Such a guy, when he arrives at our tutelary mansion, he may make our tutelary mansion into something. Tirpitz is better than her." Until Lu Yanzhi said After finishing, Yixian said in a hurried tone.

"Hey, why are you two alone? Where's Fengxiang?" Akagi came out of the kitchen, dressed in a bright red kimono, with long black hair hanging behind him, even when he was eating and drinking, he looked dignified and elegant, let alone in normal times. .

Lu Yanzhi said awkwardly: "Oh, Fengxiang is upstairs."

"Hmph, Sao Hoof, use any means to achieve your goals!" Yixian sneered, Chicheng's dignity and elegance were dismissive to Yixian. Some other attributes were awakened under unknown circumstances.

Chicheng is puzzled, no one knows Fengxiang better than her, she is stable and reliable, even if she can't compare with herself, at least she is not much worse, what is the reason why Yixian has such a poor sense of Fengxiang?

Thinking of this, Chicheng bowed slightly to Lu Yanzhi and the two, and then said: Excuse me, and then went upstairs suspiciously.

"Yixian, after all, he is in someone else's house, so let's save some face for them. Besides, that incident must have been an accident. If Fengxiang is really such a casual person, why didn't he show it at all when he was on the boat." Watching Chicheng leave , Lu Yanzhi looked at Yixian with a wry smile.

Yixian sighed: "Admiral, don't worry, I understand!"

Here, Chi Cheng went upstairs and walked into Feng Xiang's room.

"Wuuuu, Miss Akagi, I've lost face this time!"

Feng Xiang sat on his knees on the bed, covering his face and weeping bitterly.

Looking at the surrounding situation like a battlefield, Chicheng had a headache, and he didn't need to think about it, he knew that this scene was all seen by Lu Yanzhi.

If he had recognized the other party as an admiral earlier, then all of this would be fine. However, the first impression he gave people was not good, and it was inevitable that they would think about it, especially that Yixian, who had always disliked them.

Although even so, joining Admiral Lu's tutelary mansion is definitely not a problem, but people will always look at it with colored eyes. After thinking about it, if you really join that tutelary mansion, you will directly spread the word: Chicheng Feng Xiang and the others actually seduced the admiral directly in order to join the tutelary mansion?Be darling, even if I have experienced strong winds and waves as a first flight battle, how could Feng Xiang bear such pressure at such a young age.

"It's probably that little guy Murasame again!" Chi Cheng muttered, and then said to Feng Xiang: "Okay, don't cry, clean up this place, and come down with me."

Feng Xiang was stunned, he was already so ashamed, sister Chicheng still let him go down?Go down and face the strange eyes of Admiral Lu and that Yixian?

"No, I won't go down, even if I'm killed!"

Thinking of what might happen, Feng Xiang shook his head and refused.

Chicheng comforted: "Don't worry, leave everything to me, just follow me, it's not a big deal!"

"It's still not a big deal? Then let me die!"

"Don't you believe me? Don't worry, I'll be fine if I say it's okay." Chicheng's words were plain, but people couldn't help but believe it.

"However, before that, I have to teach this little guy, Murasame, a lesson!"

As Chicheng said, he brought Fengxiang to Little Lolita's room.

The little lolis had their eyesight this time, and locked the door behind them. Chicheng called softly from outside the door: "Cunyu, open the door, Miss Chicheng needs to find you."

In the small bedroom, Fengfeng shivered for a while, even if the soundproofing of the villa was good, they could have heard Fengxiang's shrill cry just now, maybe they didn't take it seriously, but sister Chicheng came over in a blink of an eye, which made her feel helpless. I don't doubt that what I did was exposed.

Cun Yu smiled disdainfully and said, "Don't worry, it's not the first time we were caught. You see, Sister Chicheng really taught us a lesson that time? What's more, we took Sister Fengxiang's this time."

The self-righteous Cura Yu opened the door for Akagi without any hesitation, and it was the smiling Akagi and Fengxiang who was wronged and angry behind him.

Murraya probably realized that something was wrong, and decided to throw the pot away, among other things.

"I didn't do it, it was all Xili!" After finishing speaking, he was ready to run out the door.

Akagi easily grabbed Murasame's back skirt, and then lifted it up.

"Does Murura think I will believe it?"

"I'm sorry, Sister Akagi, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again!" Admitting your mistakes and showing cuteness, as long as you do this in the past, you will avoid being beaten, but this time, it's not like what Cunyu thought, Akagi continued to carry Cunyu, Then put it on the bed, Fengxiang just took out a ruler.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

As a ship's mother, she couldn't feel much pain when she was hit by an ordinary ruler a few times, but the thought of "Sister Akagi doesn't love me anymore?" still made Murasame burst into tears.

"Woo, woo, woo, sister Chicheng, you, don't you love me?"

The little guy was crying so sadly at the moment.

However, Chicheng slapped her hard again, and then said: "I made you disobedient, you ruined my sister's big event this time, do you know?"

"Feng Xiang, quietly see if that Admiral Lu has come up?"

 Chapter 3!Ask for a recommendation ticket,,, I feel like I am so flustered, others are asking for subscriptions and rewards, but I am still in the ancient times that have not been put on the shelves, please recommend a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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