Chapter 165

As soon as Lu Yanzhi Wensheng and Yixian came upstairs, he saw the doors of the little girls' rooms wide open. Chicheng was teaching a few little guys, mainly the gray-haired little guy named Cunyu.

"Cun Yu! Fortunately, it's your sister Fengxiang who doesn't haggle over every detail with you, otherwise, I will definitely teach you guys a hard lesson this time!" Chi Cheng pointed at Cun Yu's forehead and said bitterly.

Cun Yu clutched her buttocks, looked at Feng Xiang with sobs, Xi Li behind her, Feng Feng, and Lan didn't dare to say anything, they still didn't know why Sister Chicheng had such a temper, even if they stole Sister Chicheng's own clothes before, they would be verbally abused at most. Just a lesson.

Standing in the corridor, Lu Yanshi felt that he was neither entering nor leaving. He was very embarrassed, and Chicheng seemed to see it suddenly: "Uh, Admiral Lu, why did you come up? I'm really sorry, I made you laugh, Cun Yu This guy is so naughty."

Lu Yanzhi smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, it's all right."

"Oh, sorry, my cooking is going to burn, Feng Xiang, you accompany Admiral Lu first, I'll go and see my cooking, keep an eye on these little guys, don't let them mess around again!" Chicheng said Lu Yanzhi hurriedly went downstairs.

Feng Xiang glanced at Lu Yanzhi and Lu Yanzhi, then ran down screaming: "Sister Chicheng, I'll help you!"

Leaving Lu Yanzhi and Yixian looking at each other in blank dismay, then staring at the four little ones with big eyes.

"it's all because of you!"

Cun Yu stared at Lu Yanzhi angrily. She was so kind to her on weekdays, but this time she hit her. It must be because of this guy. Cun Yu was very grateful to help them solve their difficulties yesterday. , all gone.

As Cun Yu spoke, he also explained to the other little guys, and when those little guys heard it, it was really like what Cun Yu said, so they all looked at Lu Yanzhi with unfriendly expressions.

Lu Yanzhi smiled helplessly, and then went downstairs with Yixian. Those little guys, the moment Lu Yanshi went out, closed the door heavily, as if to vent their dissatisfaction.

Coming down from upstairs, Feng Xiang has already started to serve dishes on the table. He knows tempura fu, udon noodles, sushi, curry... more seafood that cannot be named, and the table is full.

If it is a single-wheel foodie, Chicheng is definitely the top foodie. Let alone how to eat and drink elegantly, this cooking skill alone is enough to make many people who only know how to eat fall behind.

As the last dish was served, Chi Cheng took off the apron around his waist and said to Feng Xiang: "Go up and call those little fellows to come down for dinner."

"Admiral Lu, please sit down, I'm not good at craftsmanship, please forgive me!"

Lu Yanzhi looked at the dishes on the table, among other things, the color and aroma were already available, so no matter how unpalatable it was, it would not be much worse.

Feng Xiang called a few children to come down, and the restless little ones sat down next to Chicheng, even Fengxiang, sitting next to Chicheng, coyly, if it didn't happen today, then she would definitely sit enthusiastically Be next to Lu Yanshi and then help Chicheng sister to greet Lu Yanshi, but now, I dare not look straight in the face, and serve wool, Chicheng sister can handle it by herself, at worst, let Chicheng sister not just focus on eating.

As a result, a very strange phenomenon occurred on the dining table. Lu Yanzhi and Yixian occupied a large part of the table, and then, next to Chicheng on the left and right, the rest of them sat tightly.

But Chicheng can't control these things anymore, the food is already on the table, how can he not eat it: "Don't be restrained, just take it as me to thank Admiral Lu for his help yesterday!"

Then, pick up the chopsticks to pick up the food until the food is delivered to the mouth: "Then, I will start!"

Lu Yanshi always felt a little weird when he picked up the chopsticks, so he remained silent, didn't speak, just pick up and eat the food.It's probably like being speechless.

However, Chicheng didn't have so many worries, and asked Lu Yanzhi while eating: "I don't know, what does Admiral Lu think about the hatred between countries in the old world?" He said, and glanced at Yixian.

Lu Yanzhi also took a look at Yixian, and organized his words in his mind: "Is it the old world? The past has passed. At that time, battleships and cannons were just weapons without thinking. No matter how deep the hatred is, it must not be controlled by the present." The ship's wife will bear it."

Although Lu Yanzhi said this to answer Chicheng's question, Lu Yanzhi also said it for Yixian.

After listening, Chicheng nodded in satisfaction, and Lu Yanzhi looked at Yixian again. Yixian hadn't moved his chopsticks much, and at this moment, he was lowering his head, not knowing what to think.

Lu Yanshi stretched out his hand from under the table and grabbed Yixian's hand. Yixian raised his head suspiciously and looked at the admiral's worried look. Yixian smiled slightly and patted Lu Yanzhi's hand to indicate that nothing happened.

After eating almost, Lu Yanzhi put down his chopsticks, mainly for breakfast after ten o'clock, and now, it's only a little after noon, so he's really not very hungry.

Even though he was confident in his cooking skills, he was still worried that Lu Yanzhi would not be used to eating it. Therefore, Chicheng continued to stuff sushi into his mouth while asking, "What's wrong? Is the food not suitable for the taste?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly: "It's nothing, Chicheng's dishes are delicious, but I just eat after ten o'clock in the morning, and I'm not too hungry."

It turned out to be like this, Akagi ignored it, and continued to stuff saury, sushi, and tempura into his mouth, his movements were still graceful, but watching the plate become clean bit by bit, the instigator was the one sitting upright , a dignified woman, always makes people feel unbelievable.

"A stomach like a bottomless pit!" Lu Yanzhi called out in his heart, except for the big consortium and the admiral, who can afford such a Chicheng.

Probably feeling that Lu Yanzhi's gaze stayed on him for a long time, Chicheng swallowed the food in his mouth, causing his bulging cheeks like a hamster to deflate, and then asked shyly: "Admiral Lu looked at me like this, Is it because I eat a lot?"

Lu Yanzhi "..."

Do you eat too much, do you have no idea?
But there was a smile on his mouth: "Not much!"

Hearing this, Chicheng smiled happily, and continued to eat with chopsticks.

"So you haven't eaten yet?"

Lu Yanzhi sighed in his heart.

Feng Xiang was in a hurry, what was said at the dinner table, sister Chicheng would not forget, right?Thinking of this situation, Feng Xiang carefully pulled Akagi's kimono.

"Sister Chicheng, have you forgotten what you wanted to tell Admiral Lu?"

Chicheng turned his head, his cheeks twitched: "We'll talk about it after we finish eating!"

With Fengxiang holding his forehead, he actually imagined that Chicheng was talking about business at the dinner table?You must be out of your wits to think that way.

After a long time, when all the dishes on the table became clean, Chicheng put down his chopsticks with a satisfied face, then sat up on his knees, clasped his hands together: "Thank you for the hospitality!"

 emmm, Chapter 1, please recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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