Chapter 184

The time has quietly come to October. It has been more than a week since I left the port from Bondle City, and I have come to the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean. According to well-known attempts, this area is the most prone to deep-sea ships, and it is also the most prone to accidents to passing ships. place.

I communicated with other admirals on the ship earlier, and learned that the escort of this passenger ship is not weak. There are battleships Nevada, Oklahoma, heavy cruisers Quincy, Exeter, aircraft carrier Yorktown and light mother flying eagle.It is said that she is the powerful ship girl of the two tutelary mansions.

Therefore, Lu Yanzhi was not too worried about being in danger. Anyway, even if he was in danger, Lu Yanzhi would not let his mother-in-law go out immediately. There are not many admirals on board, but the European admiral Absolutely not much.

Bah, bah, bah, I'm thinking too much, how can I think about the appearance of the deep-sea ship girl?Hope it's good, then hope that the deep sea ship girl will never show up.


Sitting on the bed, Lu Yanzhi's expression turned awkward, as if he had set a flag for no reason.

"Admiral? What's wrong with you?" Yixian asked with concern. She was sitting opposite Lu Yanshi, and immediately noticed the strangeness of her admiral.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking, we've been out for more than a month now, I don't know what's going on in the town guard's mansion." Lu Yanzhi laughed dryly.

Simply, Yixian didn't ask, but asked concerned: "Admiral, do you want to eat an orange?"


Lu Yanzhi sighed again. When boarding the boat, Chicheng Fengxiang bought a lot of fruit, a lot, probably Chicheng himself knew that he ate a lot, so he bought a lot, but it has been out for a week, and he has already eaten It's almost there. According to the captain, it is estimated that it will take four or five days to reach Hengbing City. However, the remaining fruits are estimated to be enough for everyone to eat for another day at most.

Let's leave it to the little lolitas to eat. Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhi shook his head and signaled to Yixian that there is no need to peel it.

"Give it to me, give it to me if the admiral doesn't!" Tirpitz shouted at Yixian from the upper bunk.

The reason why Tirpitz slept on the upper bunk was after deep consideration. If he sleeps on the lower bunk, when everyone is together, he will definitely sit on his own bed. That way, he can’t sleep well by himself. Read a book Also avoid those destroyers, and if the admiral wants to pull himself out of the lower berth, it's easy, but it's different if he sleeps on the upper berth. The lolis found that no one was sitting in their place, and they could sleep as much as they wanted. Moreover, the most important point, even if they wanted to go out, no one would come up to pull people. In this regard, Tirpitz is very clever.

In the past few days, Tirpitz would get out of bed except for washing and going to the bathroom, and someone would bring her meals, especially, several little lolitas were scrambling to get a meal for Tirpitz, as the admiral said, remind her Sister Tirpitz was injured in a heroic battle against the deep sea. These little guys still hoped that Tirpitz would tell them the story of fighting against the deep sea. Anyone who dares to ask a question hopes to gain recognition through cooking, and then Tirpitz will take the initiative to speak.

Yixian threw the orange to Tirpitz, watched the orange stop on his bed, Tirpitz reached out to take it, yes, she was too lazy to take it!This was what she said when Yixian threw an apple to her for the first time, and she said it with confidence.

Chi Cheng and Feng Xiang came over, they were in another private room with four little girls, worried that there would be too many people, so Yixian booked three private rooms, but in the end, only two were used, and the third private room had to be used Let's put everyone's suitcases.

"Admiral~ how boring!"

Chicheng came over and sat next to Lu Yanzhi and said, she is now more and more fluent in the admiral's call, in the system, the favorability is already 55, but Fengxiang, the favorability has not increased since it reached 42 points, which makes Lu Yanzhi unavoidable It's a pity that the side mission to get Feng Xiang is still there. According to Lu Yanzhi's thinking, the reward is an opportunity, maybe it's another clue of the ship's mother.

"Bored? How about the four of us play cards?" Lu Yanzhi suggested.

"No, do you still want to play cards? You play cards every day, and if you win, it's all your own money." Feng Xiang vetoed.

"Fengxiang, are you sure it's not because you lost the most?" Yixian mercilessly exposed the reason why Fengxiang didn't want to play cards.

"how come!"

"Hey, what is Tirpitz looking at? He's been watching since he got on the boat?" Chicheng stood up and saw Tirpitz lying on the upper bunk, with a smile on his lips from time to time.

In fact, as early as when Chicheng stood up and looked at Tirpitz, Lu Yanzhi knew that he was going to suffer. Hearing Chicheng's question, Lu Yanzhi stood up, faced Chicheng, and said seriously: "She, except What else can you do with comics, this guy is only interested in comics!"

Tirpitz said quietly behind Lu Yanzhi: "No, it's not just comics!"

"It's comics, Tirpitz, you forgot, we agreed, we will buy you the latest ones as soon as we arrive in Haikou City, your sister's, figurines, dolls, comics!"

Lu Yanzhi deliberately emphasized the words "caricature", which Tirpitz could understand.

Sure enough, Tirpitz immediately changed his words: "It's not only comics, but also comics with kingly plots!"


Chicheng lost interest in an instant. With her influence, those inexplicable cartoon characters are really boring, but, I don’t know why, Tirpitz is so big, he would like that so much.

"Haha, if Chicheng feels bored, why don't we go out for a walk?"

Lu Yanzhi continued to suggest that the key is to keep Chicheng and Fengxiang away from Tirpitz first. Tirpitz is like a time bomb, which may be detonated by Chicheng's words.

"Hey, I can only go out for a walk!"

Chicheng sighed slightly. In the past week or so, the place on the passenger ship has been turned around, which is not very interesting, but at least there is an admiral accompanying him, so it is not too bad.

"Well, shall we go to the cafeteria on the top floor?"

Lu Yanzhi added that, indeed, the passenger ship has almost turned around, and the only thing that can arouse Chicheng's interest is probably the cafeteria.

Sure enough, Chicheng showed a hint of joy. On boring days, only by eating can you feel the passage of time.

"Well, Yixian Fengxiang, you guys also go with us?"

Feng Xiang refused, Chicheng sister obviously wanted to be alone with the admiral, so she wouldn't go and ask for trouble.

However, Yixian will not let Lu Yanzhi and Chicheng go out, what if Chicheng eats his admiral with his appetite?
(End of this chapter)

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