Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 185 Tempest

Chapter 185 Tempest


The storm raged for a whole day, Lu Yanzhi and others stayed in the cabin and did not go out.

According to experiments, the appearance of a deep-sea ship girl is usually accompanied by a storm. Therefore, Lu Yanzhi is still a little worried. Could it be that the flag he set up is about to take effect?
It was night, with thunder and lightning, Lu Yanzhi lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, Yixian was already asleep, and Tirpitz was probably still reading his notebook.

A figure suddenly appeared above Lu Yanzhi's head, and another bolt of lightning flashed across.

Lu Yanzhi sat up startled: "Cun Yu? Why are you here? Still not sleeping?"

"Admiral, I'm afraid!"

Cun Yu was wearing pure white pajamas, and his voice was faintly crying.

"Where are Sister Chicheng and Sister Fengxiang?" Lu Yanzhi asked.

"Sister Chicheng fell asleep with Lan in her arms, sister Fengxiang fell asleep with Fengfeng in her arms, and Xili fell asleep with her arms, and I was the only one." Cun Yu said, dropping a few golden beans aggrieved.

Lu Yanzhi smiled lightly, a mature little loli, that's just a little loli.

Holding him in his arms, Lu Yanzhi comforted him, "Okay, don't worry, Cun Yu, isn't it just thunder? Nothing to be afraid of!"

"Can I sleep with the admiral?" Murasame's big eyes were full of anticipation, making it hard to refuse.

"Of course!"

Lu Yanshi said something with a smile, and Hou Cunyu immediately climbed onto Lu Yanshi's bed happily.

"Admiral, put your arms around me!"

"it is good!"

The little loli has a slender waist and is soft, and it feels good to hug her.

"Heck, starting in three years, the maximum penalty is death!" Sure enough, Tirpitz was still awake on the upper bunk, and at this moment, the words came to Lu Yanzhi's ears lightly.

"Well, what does Sister Tirpitz mean?" Cun Yu nestled in Lu Yanshi's arms, writhing restlessly.

"It's okay, it's okay, what she means is that Murasame is cute!"

Lu Yanzhi first comforted the little girl, and then said to Tirpitz viciously: "Tirpitz, if you continue to spread your evil thoughts, there will be no books to read in the future."

Tirpitz muttered, and whispered, "That's right!"

"You still said?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk."

Tirpitz was speechless, and turned to look at the book, not knowing what she was reading in such a dark place.

Another flash of lightning flashed by, and Cun Yu hugged Lu Yanshi tightly, making Lu Yanzhi feel pity for a while, the little guy should be really afraid of thunder, it should be!
"Cunyu, sleep, don't move around!"


Afterwards, the whole private room fell into silence.

The next day, the storm stopped, the golden sun shone on the sea, the blue sky echoed the ocean, the white clouds were like soft cotton candy, the weather was perfect.

On the deck, people gathered in twos and threes, chatting loudly, all rejoicing that it was just a storm, and no deep-sea ship girl was coming.

On a rare fine day, Tirpitz was also pulled from the bed by Lu Yanshi and Yixian.

The storm lasted for a day and a night, and it didn't come out for a day and a night. It finally stopped. How could it not come out to get some air? Tirpitz couldn't let it go.

Pushing the wheelchair, several people came to the deck.

"Ah, no matter where it is, the air after the rain makes people feel happy!"

Akagi stood on the armrest, with his arms slightly spread out, squinting his eyes to feel the moist air after the rain.

The air on the sea was already humid, but there was a fishy smell, but after a heavy rain, the smell of the sea immediately became weak and inaudible.

Some seagulls were flying in the distance, and the storm stopped, and these guys were very happy.

"Hi, dear Lu, good morning!"

A handsome blond guy came to say hello. He is one of the admirals of the passenger ship. Nevada, Oklahoma, and the light aircraft carrier Flying Eagle are all his daughters. They are powerful. Since they are all admirals, Lu Yanzhi and He had communicated, and was, for the first time, communicated as a European.

However, it's no wonder that on this ship, Lu Yanzhi's wife put aside the four destroyers Little Lolita and the light cruiser Yixian. Akagi Fengxiang and Tirpitz alone are enough to make many admirals envious.

"Good morning, Bruce!" Lu Yanzhi greeted with a smile. This guy's name is Bruce Connor.

At this moment, next to Bruce is Nevada, with golden curly long hair and an extremely gentle personality, which makes Lu Yanzhi secretly amazed. After all, in the game, Nevada has definitely not a good personality compared to most ship girls. Maybe, but thinking of his own Lingbo, who is not as closed as in the game, Lu Yanzhi is relieved. After thinking about it, probably, the character of every ship girl built by the admiral is according to the admiral's idea. Come what you want.

"Is that your Tirpitz? Why are you sitting in a wheelchair?" Bruce approached Lu Yanshi, pointed at the wheelchair, and Tirpitz whispered helplessly.

Tirpitz has already joined his tutelary mansion, so there is nothing to hide. Therefore, the few admirals on this boat all know that the new Tirpitz from Bonder City was taken by Lu Yan The knowledge is gone, but because Tirpitz doesn't go out, few admirals have seen him.

"That guy, he's too lazy to go out, his body is almost rusted, I have no choice but to find a wheelchair and push it out to bask in the sun!" Lu Yanzhi explained with a smile.

"Sure enough, it's a house girl, but I'm still curious, how did you manage to get such a hard-to-reach guy in a month?" Bruce looked away and asked Lu Yanzhi, who is also an admiral, she Of course, I also tried to get Tirpitz, but I didn't see him.

"There are three good things in the house department (four voices), and I used those three treasures to get Tirpitz back!" Lu Yanzhi smiled triumphantly. After more than a month, he was very happy to get Tirpitz. pride.

"You mean? Book comics game console?"

"Of course!"

"Great, next time, I'll use this method to get Tirpitz!"

"The premise is that a new Tirpitz appears."

Bruce was instantly frustrated. This Tirpitz was the only one who had been released in the past few years, but Lu Yanzhi snatched him again.

"Lu, I have to admit, your luck is really good!"

After finishing the communication with Bruce, Lu Yanzhi pushed Tirpitz around the deck again, Chicheng Yixian and the others followed behind.

"How about it, Tirpitz, it's not bad to go out for a walk, right?" Lu Yanzhi said to Tirpitz.

"That's right, well, next time, admiral, you can push me out again!" Tirpitz thought while tilting his head.

"Slacker, I mean you get down and walk!"

"Walking is still very troublesome!"

"Then get rusty on the bed yourself!"

"I didn't intend to get out of bed at all, you guys insisted on pulling me down!"

Lu Yanzhi resolutely gave up continuing to communicate with Tirpitz, and sooner or later he was pissed to death.

 This is a manuscript deposit, I am so annoyed that my request for leave has not been approved!
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(End of this chapter)

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