Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 186 Brother, Do You Want This Book?

Chapter 186 Brother, Do You Want This Book?


After finally getting off the bumpy passenger ship, Lu Yanzhi was thankful that he didn't vomit.

Familiar buildings, familiar places, after more than a month, Lu Yanzhi finally returned to his own territory. The difference from leaving is that this time, there are seven more ship girls.

In the first battle against Chicheng, the training speed of 69 is only a little bit worse than that of Saratoga in the Haikou City Ship Girl Alliance.

The light aircraft carrier Fengxiang has a training level of 71, which is a bit higher than Chicheng. Although its combat effectiveness is average, it is definitely good at frying fish. With her joining and a few little girls, there is no need to worry about submarines.

In the end, the hero of Murasame and others, Tirpitz, is actually a parallel importer with only one skill level, even lower than a few little lolitas, who at least have an average skill level of ten.

Regarding Haikou City, Chicheng and Fengxiang are not too curious. After all, the architectural style of Haikou City is not much different from that of Hengbing City, but Tirpitz, who has never been out, is threatened by Lu Yanzhi with a notebook. Looking around curiously.

However, this state of excitement and curiosity didn't even last for 30 seconds before it returned to a lazy look.

Yixian looked at Tirpitz and asked curiously: "Tirpitz, what's the matter? Didn't you feel anything when you came to a new place for the first time?"

Tirpitz lazily said: "It's okay, it's about the same as Bundle City!"

Lu Yanzhi shook his head, smiled, and at the same time stopped Yixian from continuing to communicate with Tirpitz: "Don't worry about her, Yixian, this guy's only hobby is reading books. As for where, I'm sure Don't care at all!"

Faced with Lu Yanzhi's arrangement, Tirpitz didn't react angrily. This guy is really big-hearted and usually doesn't get angry at all. He feels that anyone can be bullied.

When you come to Haikou City, the first thing you need to do is to have a good meal. Chicheng is the most supportive of Lu Yanzhi's decision.

"Our tutelary mansion is more than 40 kilometers away from Haikou City, and we will borrow two cars from the Jianniang Alliance later."

Among the crowd, Tirpitz is indifferent to everything, Chicheng is more concerned about food, Fengxiang has not taken the initiative to talk to Lu Yanzhi since the last incident, and these little girls don't understand anything, helpless, Lu Yan Zhi had no choice but to introduce it to everyone while eating the dumplings.

As soon as Lu Yanzhi finished speaking, Tirpitz refused with his chopsticks: "It's so troublesome, do you still want to take a car?"

Yixian chuckled, she always liked to hear that Tirpitz could be deflated, this guy is too tired and lazy.

Lu Yanzhi continued to explain: "It's not bad, it will only take about 50 minutes to arrive, and it will be very fast."

"Oh! I don't want to move anymore~"

Tirpitz didn't even eat the rice, and lay down on the table, stirring the dumplings in the bowl with chopsticks.

"Hurry up and eat, let Yixian go to the Jianniang Alliance to borrow a car after eating, and I'll take you shopping!" Lu Yanzhi tempted.

He now clearly knows Tirpitz's weakness.

Sure enough, Tirpitz sat up immediately: "Admiral, you can't go back on what you said!"

Feng Xiang was still puzzled by this, what exactly could make Tirpitz refreshed instantly, but he and Tirpitz really didn't know each other very well, so he pulled La Yixian's sleeve beside him , asked in a low voice: "What are the two of them going to buy?"

"It's nothing, it should be something the admiral promised Tirpitz in private, I don't know either!"

buy what?What else can I buy, it must be a notebook, Yixian is bright in his heart, but how can he tell others about this kind of thing that may spoil the ethos of the tutelary mansion, especially when there are four destroyer girls beside him.

Feng Xiang nodded suspiciously, and didn't ask any more questions.

Chicheng didn't speak for a long time, and I think everyone can understand it. After all, there are three bowls and a plate next to him. Yes, three bowls of dumplings and a bowl of dry noodles. At the moment, his mouth is full, and he is eating a bowl of noodles. dry fight.


"Tirpitz, let me tell you that Haikou City is different from Bundle City. Even if there is a place selling books here, it doesn't appear blatantly. The atmosphere here is quite conservative."

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi led Tirpitz to a slightly remote street.

"But, in this case, how did the admiral know? Could it be?"

Tirpitz tilted her head, showing an expression that I understand. She is actually a very smart girl, but she just doesn't want to think about it a lot of the time.

"What are you thinking? It's just that a previous admiral told me!"

Lu Yanzhi ignored Tirpitz's aggrieved eyes, ruthlessly rubbed Tirpitz's hair and said, since Tirpitz decided to join the tutelary mansion, Tirpitz would not understand these innocuous little actions. reject.

"I didn't think about anything. It's you, Admiral, who didn't ask for it." Tirpitz put his hands on his head and said with a light frown.

Lu Yanzhi took a deep breath, Tirpitz is not easy to get along with, if he really treats this guy as a simple lazy house, then he must be the one who suffers.

"Hey buddy, want Ben?"

After walking forward for more than 200 meters, a man with a dazed expression grabbed Lu Yanzhi and asked in a low voice.

Lu Yanzhi praised secretly in his heart, Ai Jia is really reliable.

Casting a glance at Tirpitz behind him, Lu Yanzhi said to the peddler again, "What kind are there?"

"Teaching, pure love, tentacles, can have whatever you want!" the peddler Pie Pai said confidently.

Lu Yanzhi asked again: "Are there any ship girls?"

The peddler's eyes lit up: "Brother, you understand people, and you like the sister-in-law family? Then you've found the right person to find me!"

Lu Yanzhi asked again, "Are there any colleagues of Bismarck?"

"Yes, as much as you want, you are satisfied, but I will get it for you in my shop."

As the peddler said, he led Lu Yanshi and Tirpitz forward and stopped in front of a small bookstore.

"This is my shop, just wait, I'll get it for you!"

As the peddler said, he took out a large cardboard box from an inconspicuous corner.

"Come on, brother, here I am, all the books of the Ship Girl series are here, you can choose what you want!"

"Tirpitz, hurry up and choose, these are all notebooks!"

Tirpitz couldn't bear it anymore, and Tirpitz couldn't wait to choose without Lu Yanzhi saying.

"Yo, bro, do you need a girl to pick out the notebooks?" Tirpitz was picking out the notebooks, while the peddler stood aside and talked to Lu Yanzhi.

"I can't help it, it's not me who sees it!" Lu Yanshi said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"She sees?" The peddler was surprised.


Lu Yanzhi looked at the boss and replied.

"Hey, what are you doing Tirpitz? When you come back, can you finish reading so many books?"

It's no wonder that Lu Yanzhi has no self-restraint. It's really Tirpitz's behavior that makes people speechless. At this moment, Tirpitz is standing far away waving to Lu Yanzhi, smiling triumphantly.Under the feet, there is a box, which is exactly a box of notebooks that the peddler took out.

"Here, boss, look!"

"Ten yuan for a book, no discount for cover!"

"Fuck you, profiteer!"

 Hey, my mentality exploded, really, three chapters are suspended today, but if I don't post three chapters, my month will be wasted again!I really want to quit my job!well!

(End of this chapter)

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