Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 193 Continue Daily

Chapter 193 Continue Daily

Accompanied by Shengfu, or let Shengfu accompany them to the restaurant, Ninghai and Pinghai were glaring at each other, and Chicheng sat between them, very happy, because they decided to have a culinary competition, and she was the referee.

What is surprising is that the fishery administration ship and the Japanese ship are not at odds with each other inherently, but here in Chicheng, there is no such so-called disagreement. According to Shuanghai, foodies have no bad intentions.

Ignoring the few people, Lu Yanzhi went to the kitchen to make a pot of black tea himself.

In fact, Lu Yanzhi really didn't pay much attention to tea tasting, afternoon tea and other activities, but it was mainly for the sake of prestige.

"Speaking of which, we should set up a leisure place or something on the second floor, such as a milk tea shop. You can come and sit when you are free!"

Sitting by the window, took a sip of black tea, but didn't taste why, Lu Yanzhi said to Shengfu.

"If it's a milk tea shop, who will take care of it?"

"It's true, the key is that no one takes care of it. In fact, I can also make some simple cold milk tea drinks, but I can't do it if there are too many."

"Master, you can't stop at the milk tea shop to make drinks all day long!"

"Ha, let's look at it again. It's just an idea. There's no such thing as a milk tea shop, and there's nowhere to go if you want to sit."

"Master, compared to enjoying, many people in the tutelary mansion are idle now, why don't you think about taking them out to visit other tutelary mansions for practice."

"Nothing to do? That's right, I remembered. Isn't Fengxiang the job of teaching destroyers? San Juan can be asked to open a milk tea shop. She worked in a milk tea shop before joining the tutelary mansion, so she must be familiar with those workflows!"

Lu Yanzhi was very happy, and then, after drinking the black tea in one gulp, he said to Shengfu, "You sit down first, I will go to San Juan!"

Today is Wednesday, the little lolis don't have class, Ling Bo and Cun Yu lead the way, leading Xi Li, Fu Bo, Feng Feng and Lan Man to chase and fight.

Where would San Juan be without missions?

"Xili, Xili, do you know where Sister San Juan is?"

Little Lolita ran fast, and looked behind from time to time, but Lu Yanzhi didn't care, stopped the little guy and asked.

Xili didn't stop at all, and said without turning her head: "Sister San Juan is watching Sukhbaatar fishing by the sea!"

"Run slower, don't fall!"

The little girls didn't listen at all, and Lu Yanzhi didn't take it seriously, as expected.

Turn around and walk outside the tutelary mansion.


"Ah~ Sukhbaatar, can you catch fish?" Firefly sat on the table with Sukhbaatar, with two short legs hanging on the sea, swinging meaninglessly.

This is the third day she has been fishing with her good friend Sukhbaatar. On the first day, Sukhbaatar did not catch a single fish. She cast a surprise magic and caught an unknown small fish Unfortunately, in the end, the fish slipped away because of his slippery hand. The next day, Sukhbaatar did not catch another fish, which was due to his own magic. As a result, several small fish fell into the sea together with the bucket.

Today is the third day, Sukhbaatar took it seriously, and clearly told Firefly that magic is not allowed today, but after all this time, Sukhbaatar still has zero record.

San Juan is not so much to see Sukhbaatar fishing, it is better to say that he wants to try fishing himself. I tried it in Zheng Fei’s tutelary mansion before, and my fishing skills are very bad. Now I want to see if I have improved. .

Sukhbaatar had a serious face and sat in front of the fishing rod without saying a word. No one knew that she had already begun to doubt her ability in her heart.

"Impossible, I clearly remember it like this, why didn't any fish take the bait?"

"Fish, fish, take the bait quickly, otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing my invincible Master Su in front of the admiral?"

The bitter little face, especially seeing Lu Yanzhi approaching, made him even more nervous. He couldn't help pushing the firefly next to him, and whispered: "Firefly, quickly cast a spell on me."

The firefly smiled triumphantly. She knows magic. Sister San Juan still doesn’t believe it, so let her see it!
Firefly stood up from the table, and then took the magic wand to circle left and right, then raised the magic wand high, and shouted solemnly: "Fish, fish, come quickly, amazing magic!"

Lu Yanzhi saw from a distance that the firefly sitting on the table suddenly stood up, turned around a few times, and then held up the magic wand and said something. Then, San Juan stood behind the two and laughed.

He walked over and asked with a smile, "San Juan, what are you laughing at?"

"Haha, Sukhbaatar can't catch fish, let the firefly cast magic, admiral, why do you think these two little guys are so funny!" San Juan ignored the glaring Sukhbaatar and the stubborn firefly.

"Sister San Juan is so annoying!"

A thought appeared in the minds of the two little girls at the same time.

"The fish is hooked! Firefly, Admiral, Admiral, help me!"

Sukhbaatar stood up suddenly, and then pulled back the line vigorously. On the sea surface, the struggling buoys showed that Sukhbaatar had really caught a fish.

Lu Yanzhi looked at San Juan. The girl's face was stiff and incredulous at the moment, and then she walked over to help Sukhbaatar get the bucket.

A big fish with a body length of nearly fifty centimeters, but compared to the ocean, this can only be regarded as a small fish, but it was indeed suspended by Sukhbaatar. The young girl looked at San Juan with complacency, Blinking his big eyes, he seemed to be saying, "Did you see that? I caught a fish!"

The fireflies were even more joyful. The first day was an accident, and the second day might also be an accident. However, for three consecutive days, could it be all accidents?My own magic is really powerful, those adults are not good enough!

"what fish is this?"

Lu Yanzhi asked San Juan while holding a bucket.

San Juan shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

"Well, this is a bit troublesome, and I don't know if I can eat it, Sukhbaatar, why don't I release it?"

"do not want!"

The young girl said stubbornly, this fish means a lot to her, how could she throw it away so easily.

The young girl took the bucket from Lu Yanshi's hand, packed up the fishing tackle and fireflies, and went back to the town guard's mansion.

"Admiral, what are you doing here?"

As soon as San Juan asked, Lu Yanzhi remembered his purpose, smiled and said to San Juan: "San Juan, I remember you worked in a milk tea shop before, right?"


"Then you must make a lot of drinks, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

It will be good, Lu Yanzhi is very happy.

"It's like this. I plan to divide a compartment on the second floor of the restaurant and set up a milk tea shop. I can go there when I'm free. It's mainly for leisure and entertainment."

"So, admiral, do you want me to be the proprietress?"

"Uh, almost, the boss, the boss's wife, and the employees are all done by you!"

Lu Yanzhi said in embarrassment, seeing that San Juan's face was not looking good, he added: "The main reason is that no one in the town guard mansion can make things like milk tea now, only you can, so..."

 Please, recommend tickets, the younger brother is very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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