Chapter 194


Take a small boat and leisurely shuttle through the alleys of Suzhou and Hangzhou, and there are rows of white walls along the coast.

The only pity is that it’s not midsummer here, if it’s midsummer, then maybe you can still see the blooming lotus and lotus leaves, which is an absolute beauty.

When I came to Suzhou and Hangzhou City again, it was Yixian who wanted to come back and have a look. Lu Yanzhi naturally accompanied him. Moreover, because Lu Yanzhi always had an idea in his heart, he didn't call other people, especially the loudest one. double sea.

Letting the boat float by itself, Lu Yanzhi and Yixian knelt in the shed, making tea.

Just like changing clothes in the game, he is dressed in Hanfu and Tang suit, and his black hair is simply tied up.There can only be one sentence of emotion: Yixian is a real goddess.

"Well, I don't know why Yixian suddenly wanted to come and take a look?" Lu Yanzhi asked, when Yixian said he was coming to Suzhou-Hangzhou City, he ran over without saying a word, so why did Yixian want to come and see See, I really don't know.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little emotional, I'm afraid I won't come here again in the future!" Yixian smiled lightly and poured a cup of tea for Lu Yanzhi.

"The town guard's mansion in Suzhou and Hangzhou is not far away, as long as Yixian wants to come, he can come in the future!" Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

Yixian didn't speak, but knelt and sat quietly on the side, looking out of Wupeng.

"Hey, lotus leaf, lotus leaf, unfortunately, there are no lotus flowers!"

Lu Yanzhi pointed to one side and said regretfully, "When I was fishing for Yixian, I should have come to see the lotus. It's a pity that all of them have withered now!"

"If the admiral wants to see it, he can come again next time!" Yixian said with a smile.

"We can only wait for next year!"

Lu Yanzhi sighed, but he didn't feel much disappointment. There are many beautiful scenery, but the most important thing is the person who accompany you to see the scenery.

He did not come to Suzhou and Hangzhou with Yixian to see the scenery. Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhi squeezed the vow ring in his pocket.

Yixian, I really like it. From the moment I brought it back to the town guard's mansion, feelings are part of one aspect, but more importantly, I really have a feeling of sympathy with Yixian. This feeling has been recognized by Lu Yan several times. Resisting the urge in my heart, I just want to seriously put the ring on Yixian's hand at a relatively perfect time.

"Admiral, tell me, if I hadn't met you back then, would I really be sinking now?"

Sitting on the bow of the boat, Yixian said softly.

Lu Yanzhi put down the ring in his hand, walked over and sat next to Yixian: "This kind of thing may not happen, absolutely not, because my heart will tell me that there is a girl here who needs my help."

Yixian looked at Lu Yanzhi and smiled slightly, Lu Yanzhi's eyes were firm: "Even though we haven't met yet, we are already destined to be together."

"Meeting the admiral is indeed the greatest luck in Yixian's life!"

"Meeting Yixian is also the greatest luck in my life!"

"Ah, it's getting late, Admiral, go back!"


"Uh, Yixian, wait!"

Lu Yanzhi's expression was tangled, but he finally made up his mind, so he stopped Yixian.

"Well, how should I put it, it must have been four or five months since I got Yixian. The time is not too long, but getting along with Yixian is really pleasant!"

"Admiral!" Yixian might have a vague guess in his heart, and he called out softly, but he didn't interrupt Lu Yanzhi's continuation.

"In the beginning, everyone was an ancient fisherman, and they really cared about Yixian extra. However, as time went on, the longer we got along, the more we couldn't do without Yixian."

"When I was in Bondle City, Yixian asked me about my favorability. In fact, at that time, I thought about marrying Yixian impulsively, but in the end, I held back because I wanted all this to happen naturally, without any impulsiveness." , no mercy!"

Speaking of this, Lu Yanzhi suddenly knelt down on one knee, took out the oath ring he had prepared and said to Yixian, "Yixian, marry me! For the rest of my life, let me protect you!"

Yixian is still standing dignifiedly, but her undulating chest swears that the girl's heart is not at peace. How long have you been waiting, and when did you start liking the admiral? For four or five months, however, for her, Yixian, from the moment she decided to join the tutelary mansion, she had already identified a person, a person who would never change in her life.

It is common sense to slowly stretch out your right hand, male left and female right, but even at this moment, Yixian can barely maintain his rationality, and Yixian himself feels surprised.

Lu Yanzhi smiled softly. It was certain that Yixian would not reject him. However, seeing the ring slowly put on Yixian's ring finger, he really felt relieved.

Standing up, without any extra words, hugged Yixian tightly.


Now that they are married, the wedding dress and wedding photos must be indispensable, and the pair of rings must also be indispensable.

Two sets of wedding photos were specially taken, one was modern, Yixian was wearing a white wedding dress, Lu Yanzhi was wearing an admiral's uniform, Lu Yanzhi gently held Yixian's face, Yixian's pretty face was slightly red, a gentle The little wife is average.

The other set was Lu Yanzhi's whim. The two dressed in Hanfu, or pretended to be a ferry boat and played in the water, or smelled plum blossoms and admired snow. I took a lot of pictures of this set, and bought a photo album for storage.

After everything was dealt with in Suzhou and Hangzhou, the two returned to the guardian mansion in a low-key manner.

The first thing Lu Yanzhi did when he came back was to announce to everyone that Yixian had become a wedding ship.

Ning Hai and Ping Hai are naturally happy, their sister has become the second wedding ship of the guardian mansion.

San Juan's expression was puzzled, but nothing broke out. She actually wanted to understand that sooner or later the admiral would marry Yixian. Moreover, she was a small light cruiser, how could she monopolize the admiral.

Chicheng actually gave Yixian a small gift, a pair of festive little matryoshka dolls, the man and woman were no bigger than a palm, but they happened to stand in the middle of Double Happiness, and became the strokes of Double Happiness. It can be seen that Chicheng was very careful, but carefully Think about it, this gift must have been prepared by Chicheng a long time ago, with ulterior motives!
Lu Yanzhi understood Chicheng's thoughts, and he must have been conquered by Yixian's cooking skills.

Chicheng's gift made Yat-sen a little embarrassed, he had always been at odds with the Japanese, and the Japanese were not pleasing to the eye, and in the end, he ended up with a gift, and they gave him a gift.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to add more salt to Chicheng's meals in the future!"

This is the thought in Yixian's heart, and it can be regarded as a feedback to Chicheng.

The dinner at the tutelary mansion was a bit too rich, even richer than when San Juan became a wedding ship. There is no other reason. The sisters of the two chefs got married, so of course extra care was taken.

Especially in front of Lu Yanzhi, there were: oysters, scallops, and dishes fried with okra and leeks, which made Lu Yanzhi yell in his heart.

I don't know who Ning Hai and Ping Hai learned from, doing so many things, do you want to make up Lu Yanzhi until his nose bleeds?
 Chapter 3, eh!Yixian is finally married, next, hehe, it feels like it's almost Tirpitz's turn!

(End of this chapter)

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